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Taking My Shot Going to Vegas! (long) Taking My Shot Going to Vegas! (long)

12-15-2009 , 10:18 AM
If you really won $102k playing live poker in 5 weeks take and post a photo of the cash with a "Las Vegas Lifestyle" will crush all non believers here and become a 2pl2 legend.......
12-15-2009 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by mofliedlice
Why/How do you get invited to this home game? Why/How did you feel comfortable going to it after being in town for weeks? Why did the person who invited you think you'd even want to or were worthy of an invite? I just don't get it.
These are all excellent questions. Even more so when you examine OP's earlier posts. In those posts his biggest reason for moving to Vegas was because the games in his hometown were infrequent and lacked action, yet when he returns home he sits in a home game with a quarter of a million dollars on the table....does not compute..
12-15-2009 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by bobby777
These are all excellent questions. Even more so when you examine OP's earlier posts. In those posts his biggest reason for moving to Vegas was because the games in his hometown were infrequent and lacked action, yet when he returns home he sits in a home game with a quarter of a million dollars on the table....does not compute..
iirc, the home game was in vegas, not in his home town
12-15-2009 , 11:25 AM
he should take all that cash and go to the rhino and **** some strippers and then post a decent trip report.
12-15-2009 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by $kill Game
think it was legit at first but guy went broke and now is making up ****

his 1-2 scores and 10-20 scores are just completely unrealistic
I think this too.
Originally Posted by bobby777
Why would you think that? ...OP starts playing 1/2NL with a $4k BR and runs it up to $102K in 5 weeks......the only thing funnier than OP's posts are the posts from people congratulating him like it really happened...LMAO.....

Next week I predict OP will reluctantly sit in a 200/400 NL game in Bobby's room and stack Doyle 10 times in a row and win a that point Andy Beal will appear and challenge OP to a heads up match ....Op will stack Beal 10x ....and after playing Beal heads up for 3 days straight OP will say ..."Mr Beal I have to let you go..." ......and stagger out the B with $10m...
12-15-2009 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
iirc, the home game was in vegas, not in his home town
yea your right ...which makes even less sense....why would anyone take the risks of spreading such a big game in an unsecured location like their home when the players could all meet at V or W and play there?.......

Maybe because if OP claims the game happened in a Casino it is easily proven it never occurred...hence the home game scenario...
12-15-2009 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Vision of Shiva
he should take all that cash and go to the rhino and **** some strippers and then post a decent trip report.
you can do that with $3 grand...
12-15-2009 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by bobby777
Maybe because if OP claims the game happened in a Casino it is easily proven it never occurred...hence the home game scenario...
ding! ding! ding!
12-15-2009 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by bobby777
These are all excellent questions. Even more so when you examine OP's earlier posts. In those posts his biggest reason for moving to Vegas was because the games in his hometown were infrequent and lacked action, yet when he returns home he sits in a home game with a quarter of a million dollars on the table....does not compute..
I don't doubt the 1/2 score at all. I just don't get the whole...I don't carry more than a $100 cause I've been held up once and always get checks. Suddenly I'm in a strangers place/home?!? With $5k and others who are capable of losing $120k!?! No clue.....maybe I gotta do something different so I get the invite this week and scoop up the $80k.
12-15-2009 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by bobby777
yea your right ...which makes even less sense....why would anyone take the risks of spreading such a big game in an unsecured location like their home when the players could all meet at V or W and play there?.......

Maybe because if OP claims the game happened in a Casino it is easily proven it never occurred...hence the home game scenario...
tbh, this is what i thought and what made me start to wonder whats up. I've been out here around two years, and i dont know of any big, regular homegames. Not that im mr. plugged in. But i knew of several by the time i had lived in phoenix for a couple of years. I think if there were games like this running with any kind of regularity, they would at least be on my radar.

+ they asked him never to come back. A) this is highly atypical for home games unless you behave like a total ass. B) it makes it a good way not to have to verify the existence or ones presence there.

FTR, btw. Im not a hater, and ive never posted once in BBV4l... anyone who looks at my posting history knows that i usually try to be pretty positive about people coming to vegas and trying to make their way.
12-15-2009 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by OoBillyoO
I was fully aware that disbelief would ensue and It seems the trolls from BBV have shown up in full force and proven me right. It would be nice if they stuck to that forum, but I digress. I was hesitant to post the score because of the "public outrage" of running white hot. So, I'm only going to address this once and not engage in banter concerning whats real or whats not. Its up to each reader to decide what he or she does or does not believe. For all you know I'm just some nut case on the street. If you do not believe, cool, I understand where you are coming from.

What I don't understand is, if you do not believe, why waste time reading and posting in a thread with such lunacy, fairy tales, and (my personal favorite) "Easter bunnies"? It would seem as if your too old for those stories, or as I suspect maybe not.

If many of you are expecting me to "prove" something you are seriously misguided and delusional. Just as you think I am. I have no desire to waste my time with debunking all the flames. So all of you who are going to post negative comments please get it out your system and leave the "Easter bunny's" thread alone. To all those who believe, I thank you and encourage you to not respond to the trolls.
when i posted my original comment wondering if your thread was a level my initial thought was you would react with hostility if it was, and pretty much not react at all if it wasnt.

Your post answered my question.
12-15-2009 , 02:24 PM
I don't care to hassle people, and the story was plausible enough up until the home game thing. I think this pushes the whole story solidly into 'unlikely at best.'

Good story telling though.
12-15-2009 , 02:39 PM
Meh. Does it really matter? Sławomir Rawicz's The Long Walk is a great book whether you think it's an actual accounting of what really happened or a work of implausible fiction posing as fact.
12-15-2009 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by ErikTheDread
Meh. Does it really matter? Sławomir Rawicz's The Long Walk is a great book whether you think it's an actual accounting of what really happened or a work of implausible fiction posing as fact.
I also enjoyed John Frey's "A Million Little Pieces".

But it can be fun and challenging debunking BS with logic....
12-15-2009 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by dietDrThunder

Good story telling though.
Not really, that's what makes it so implausible. If he had incorporated any detail whatsoever it would have been more believable. IE locations, hours played, hand histories of huge pots, descriptions of other players, amusing anecdotes ...anything! some of the better Vegas trip reports, the ones that ring true have excellent detail and descriptions....

Instead, OP's posts follow this format....."played 1/2 ....crushed won $3k"....."played 2/5 crushed it ...won $10k......"....."played huge home game...crushed it won $80k!!!!!....."
12-15-2009 , 04:15 PM
sigh. all of billy's #s are well within the realm of possibility. it's easy enough to run white-hot for several thousand hands (which despite his long hours, he probably has not played more than a few thousand).

winning 80k playing uncapped is obviously possible.

senjitsu's point about vegas home games, they absolutely exist. why people play in them, i have no idea. i guess some people just don't like to gamble in public. plus you can play shorthanded with your friends and not worry about the game filling up w/ people you don't really want to play with.
12-15-2009 , 04:30 PM

12-15-2009 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by OoBillyoO
The buy-in was uncapped. This one person kept buying in for the maximum. I
also, just ftr, this is self-contradictory.
12-15-2009 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
also, just ftr, this is self-contradictory.
I'm sure you get my point.
12-15-2009 , 06:18 PM
Does anyone else find it curious that an uncapped No Limit game took place in Vegas with hundreds of thousands of dollars changing hands and no other 2pl2er has posted he was present at the game, or even a post from someone in Vegas who at least heard about this very bloody game?

I would tend to believe that this type of home game in Vegas would attract the type of people who read the poker forums.
12-15-2009 , 07:05 PM
occasionally, people gamble without posting about it on the internet
12-15-2009 , 07:08 PM
Mods, please close/lock this thread.

Anyone interested in my progress can PM me and I will happily share my experiences. While I really should not let the criticism effect me, it has and consequently not worth my time anymore in order to discuss with the few people who are interested.

Unfortunately, there are more people on this forum who rather spend time discrediting, flaming or otherwise making negative comments, which is really sad. Look at the most active posters in this thread and review their post history you will find proof of this. You all can go back to BBV now and rag on some other poor soul.

12-15-2009 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by OoBillyoO
Huge Update:

Shutting down for the holidays. Invited to a home game last night. Rather large stakes for my BR (10/20NL, 5/10PLO) and really contemplated turning down the offer. Security, bankroll, and emotional impact of a huge loss obliviously being the concern.

I decided that I way ahead of my goal and why not take a shot as I was pretty much done for the holidays. Any emotional effects of a loss would be able to heal over a two and half week break.

Game started horrible for me. I brought 5K with me and got stack quickly of 2K. Bought in for the remaining 3K and absolutely crushed. Not one single player was of great skill. In fact I would not rate any of the better than marginal. I screwed up though. I won too much and am no longer invited to the game. While I was a consummate professional, one person was not happy this morning when game broke.

The buy-in was uncapped. This one person kept buying in for the maximum. I kept stacking him. In my head, I was stuck between a rock and hard place. One I could leave not giving the man a chance to get even, or keep stacking him. I think there is a such as thing as being too greedy. I repeatedly asked him if he was alright to keep playing. I guess he took this as insult. I literately felt bad for him as I don't think he could afford what he lost. This guy blew 120K in a 10/20 game. I got 80K of it. I RULEZ!

**** yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

I was screaming the whole way home. What a freaking high....dangerous high, still high. 80 freaking dimes.

So I go home for Christmas on a high note which is good since this could have just as equally as bad effect as losing. Gives me time to come down from a huge score.

I will not divulge any further information about this game. While I was banned from the game, I do hope to return someday.

I'm not putting the entire 80K in the BR. 30K will go BR the rest added to savings. By no means do I intend to jump levels due to this one score. However, I may start taking sots at 5/10. Will think about it over Christmas.

With that I would like to wish everyone happy holidays and thanks for the encouraging thoughts and to the trolls the motivation to once again prove wrong idiots.

BR 53K

Savings 75K

Cash on hand: 5K

Rock on with my bad self!

12-15-2009 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by OoBillyoO
Mods, please close/lock this thread because I made it up and now I feel stupid......

12-15-2009 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by bobby777
Why don't you respond with intelligent or logical stuff instead of insults and flames?

Oh, wait, your incapable. Your lack of ingenuity in your insults and flames are rather boring, wish you could come up with your own stuff. Maybe it would be funny.

GG buddy and have fun with your "20 years of experience".

Last edited by OoBillyoO; 12-15-2009 at 07:36 PM.
