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Taking My Shot Going to Vegas! (long) Taking My Shot Going to Vegas! (long)

12-14-2009 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by JamesAt15
Holy crap, 80 grand?! Nice job, sir, very nice job! Enjoy your Christmas break. Very glad to hear it.

It sucks that you're not invited back to that game, but I guess I can understand them being a little irritated at some guy coming in to the game and taking 80 grand home the first night. Hopefully after the sting wears off they'll decide you were just in the right place at the right time and let you return to try to win some of it back.

Treat yourself to something nice, you deserve it. I'm a little hesitant to hear you consider trying out the 5-10 games when just a few days ago you were feeling like you were playing like crap and just running well in the 1-2 and 2-5 games. Still, you can afford to try them out, and I'm sure you'll continue to evaluate the games and your own game to determine where and how you should be playing.

Again, well done.
You're definitely rolled enough to take a shot at 5/10. I always look at stakes as levels in poker, and each level teaches you something to prepare you for the next. In this case from your posts I don't feel like you've truly mastered the 2/5 level yet. It's definitely not a knock on you at all, but I'd say compare your confidence at a 1/2 vs. a 2/5. It's visible just through the few posts you write here. When you do move up to 5/10, the 2/5 game should feel as the 1/2 does now. If anything it's just as much so that should you run through some negative variance at 5/10, you can have the confidence of falling back to a 2/5 game and knowing you're capable of succeeding long term.

Even with the big win, with uncapped buyins at 5/10 you're still not necessarily rolled properly. If you see a juicy 5/10 game, then by all means take the shot, but I just feel like it's not the right decision to do it "just because" you can afford to now. Enjoy the win and treat yourself, but also don't let the euphoria of it cloud your judgment.
12-14-2009 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by shinka
You're definitely rolled enough to take a shot at 5/10. I always look at stakes as levels in poker, and each level teaches you something to prepare you for the next. In this case from your posts I don't feel like you've truly mastered the 2/5 level yet. It's definitely not a knock on you at all, but I'd say compare your confidence at a 1/2 vs. a 2/5. It's visible just through the few posts you write here. When you do move up to 5/10, the 2/5 game should feel as the 1/2 does now. If anything it's just as much so that should you run through some negative variance at 5/10, you can have the confidence of falling back to a 2/5 game and knowing you're capable of succeeding long term.

Even with the big win, with uncapped buyins at 5/10 you're still not necessarily rolled properly. If you see a juicy 5/10 game, then by all means take the shot, but I just feel like it's not the right decision to do it "just because" you can afford to now. Enjoy the win and treat yourself, but also don't let the euphoria of it cloud your judgment.
Thanks for the advice. The 5/10 shot will be few and far between in theory. Will be better to judge once the big score excitement wears off.
12-14-2009 , 11:32 AM
gl mate, how's progress ?
12-14-2009 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by bhoen
gl mate, how's progress ?
[ ] Reads thread.
12-14-2009 , 02:00 PM
i hate to be a wet blanket here, but is anyone else wondering if this whole thread is some kind of complicated level?
12-14-2009 , 02:29 PM
think it was legit at first but guy went broke and now is making up ****

his 1-2 scores and 10-20 scores are just completely unrealistic
12-14-2009 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by OoBillyoO
Thanks for the advice. The 5/10 shot will be few and far between in theory. Will be better to judge once the big score excitement wears off.
Wow $80K at 10/20 (how often was PLO mixed in?)

What was the average buy in? Im too used to capped games of $5K max, but obviously there was no cap for you too take this much off of the table

Your $50K bankroll (plus great savings) is sufficient to take SHOTS only at 5/10. And I would not recomend taking shots in uncapped strip games. Only in capped 5/10 games where there is a built in Stop-Loss

But congrats on the score, make sure you spend some of it, treat yourself to a little something for the holidays. And go home for a couple weeks and see family/friends, and be super re-charged for when the games get better in January/New Years
12-14-2009 , 03:01 PM
[ ] proof
12-14-2009 , 03:22 PM
[x] op is easter bunny too
12-14-2009 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
i hate to be a wet blanket here, but is anyone else wondering if this whole thread is some kind of complicated level?

I'm starting to agree with you. It ain't adding up.
12-14-2009 , 05:54 PM
Cant win online, and has largest live sessions on earth? Does anyone buy it?
12-14-2009 , 06:19 PM
Maybe it was that isidlor1 guy that lost 80000 in that cash game??? Sounds really good to be true, but what do I know. Anything is possible I guess.
12-14-2009 , 07:45 PM
Quick newbie question what exactly is a level? I kind of understand the use of the word in its context, but what would be the definition of a level?
12-14-2009 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by pflwardog
Quick newbie question what exactly is a level? I kind of understand the use of the word in its context, but what would be the definition of a level?
a level is a joke or someone trying to fool people.

its a slang term indigenous to 2p2, thats derived from skalansky's "levels of thinking" (but the derivation is somewhat loose and circuitous )
12-14-2009 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
a level is a joke or someone trying to fool people.

its a slang term indigenous to 2p2, thats derived from skalansky's "levels of thinking".
Cool thanks for the quick response brother, kind of what i figured. Now the purpose of conjuring up a story this eleborate doesn't quite click yet.
Doesn't mean that this is truth either.
12-14-2009 , 08:02 PM
pics or it didn't happen
12-14-2009 , 09:24 PM
I can't imagine playing a game 2000BBs deep much less 4000BBs deep.
12-14-2009 , 11:04 PM
Nice score Billy. Enjoy the holidays.
12-15-2009 , 12:39 AM
meh screw the haters. Anyhoo, IMO if you are feeling bored with grinding, you should try a shot at the next level. That gets the juices flowing.

Nice score with the PLO/HE mix game but try not to play games which you are underolled for. 2p2ers can do it since its a hobby for most of us but its your actual job so please becareful.

Anyhoo, there are trolls but there are plenty of folks like myself who like to read and support threads like this.

Crush the games!
12-15-2009 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
i hate to be a wet blanket here, but is anyone else wondering if this whole thread is some kind of complicated level?
Why would you think that? ...OP starts playing 1/2NL with a $4k BR and runs it up to $102K in 5 weeks......the only thing funnier than OP's posts are the posts from people congratulating him like it really happened...LMAO.....

Next week I predict OP will reluctantly sit in a 200/400 NL game in Bobby's room and stack Doyle 10 times in a row and win a that point Andy Beal will appear and challenge OP to a heads up match ....Op will stack Beal 10x ....and after playing Beal heads up for 3 days straight OP will say ..."Mr Beal I have to let you go..." ......and stagger out the B with $10m...

Last edited by bobby777; 12-15-2009 at 02:14 AM.
12-15-2009 , 05:28 AM
I was fully aware that disbelief would ensue and It seems the trolls from BBV have shown up in full force and proven me right. It would be nice if they stuck to that forum, but I digress. I was hesitant to post the score because of the "public outrage" of running white hot. So, I'm only going to address this once and not engage in banter concerning whats real or whats not. Its up to each reader to decide what he or she does or does not believe. For all you know I'm just some nut case on the street. If you do not believe, cool, I understand where you are coming from.

What I don't understand is, if you do not believe, why waste time reading and posting in a thread with such lunacy, fairy tales, and (my personal favorite) "Easter bunnies"? It would seem as if your too old for those stories, or as I suspect maybe not.

If many of you are expecting me to "prove" something you are seriously misguided and delusional. Just as you think I am. I have no desire to waste my time with debunking all the flames. So all of you who are going to post negative comments please get it out your system and leave the "Easter bunny's" thread alone. To all those who believe, I thank you and encourage you to not respond to the trolls.

Happy Holidays!
12-15-2009 , 05:45 AM
OP, all I ask in this thread is that you be honest if you lose and keep updates. You creating an honest, long term log here would be a really awesome thing that would transcend any ego or ego bruising you might incur.
12-15-2009 , 06:19 AM
Up to the most recent score, everything was very believable. A +3200 session certainly isn't the norm, but I've played a 1/2 game, bought in for 150 once and cashed out 2200 so I know first hand that's possible. The 80k score...well, I don't not believe it because you find a game full of dirty money (not saying that game was), it's easy to rack up a huge score with solid playing and a little luck from the cards.

The OP already bit his own ego saying he's winning but it's much due to his running hot. He's negging his own playing skills. Doesn't really make sense for someone that wants to make up a story.
12-15-2009 , 06:46 AM
I swear do god I did not look up anyone before my post previous post.

But this is too funny:


[x] troll
[x] Over uses [ ]
[x] Fails at life

Seriously, how does some one have that many post in BBV and expect their comments to be valid? Not going to mention the over use of [ ].
12-15-2009 , 10:10 AM
Why/How do you get invited to this home game? Why/How did you feel comfortable going to it after being in town for weeks? Why did the person who invited you think you'd even want to or were worthy of an invite? I just don't get it.
