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05-29-2018 , 12:46 PM
As I sit in the airport reading trip reports waiting for my flight to take off, the idea strikes me: why don’t you try this yourself? So here I am, with an hour until I board, starting my journey.

I was lucky enough to be hired as a poker dealer for the summer. I plan to spend a month, maybe more, in Vegas living the dream. Work during the day, enjoy the city at night. This is not my first trip, I make the pilgrimage multiple times each year, but this will be my first time documenting it. My number one goal is to go home with a nice chunk of change, but will also be enjoying myself. Please do not expect any epic benders or massive degen moments. This activity is both for you and for me. I am going to use this kind of like a blog so I can look back and remember my summer. I can also refer the numerous people who will ask me how my summer was to this thread and not have to tell the same story for months. The goal is to update this frequently, but I can’t promise anything. (I am using the app on my phone so I have no idea how the formatting is going to look). I welcome all comments and critiques. Suggestions always appreciated, not always acted upon.

A list of activities that are planned (in no particular order):

-Not get fired
-Uncountable number of meals at Roberto’s Taco Shop (which will from here on out be referred to as Bobby’s)
-Stanley Cup Final (long shot)
-USL soccer games
-FreeBet BJ at The D (probably craps too)
-Video BJ at TI
-O8 at The Orleans
-Seafood buffets
-PLO at Flamingo
-Catch a few nightclub appearances
-AYCE sushi

Shoe pic?

Reading for the flight
05-29-2018 , 01:20 PM
Cool I’m in.
05-29-2018 , 01:55 PM
Solid! I'll be keeping up with this.
I was hoping to be laid off this year and take a month or two to try temp dealing for the WSOP. Not to worry, I have another job lined up, so I'm not a complete dip****. But the timing would have been spectacular to go to Vegas for a month between companies.
05-29-2018 , 02:06 PM
Sounds interesting, hopefully lots of pics.
05-29-2018 , 09:54 PM
Subbed! Good luck this summer OP!
05-29-2018 , 10:37 PM
Landed safely. My mom picked me up at the airport. She’s living out here temporarily, so it will be nice spending some time with her. I will be staying with a friend here so we met up with him at Ellis Island to grab his house key. Played some $5 BJ to pass the time. Ended up -$20. Heard good things about the BBQ spot in Ellis, so we grabbed something to eat.

Ribs were ok. Nothing too special. Wouldn’t necessarily go back.

Got to my friend’s place and set up my PS4.

I suck, luckily my friends are good. The plan for the rest of the night is to relax for a little bit then head to Target to pick up some odds and ends. Tomorrow I need to get fingerprinted then we’ll hit the tables.
05-29-2018 , 11:07 PM
Ha so that plate of ribs and knew it was EI, it’s not bad if you sign up for there players card it’s like $5 and hard to beat for that price.
05-29-2018 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Ha so that plate of ribs and knew it was EI, it’s not bad if you sign up for there players card it’s like $5 and hard to beat for that price.

They’re running a scam. Advertise $19 regular price, but $16 with player’s card. Then give you a $3 off coupon. But they try to say that coupon IS the player’s card discount. I wasn’t having it. Complained and got the ribs for $13. I do not mind spending money when something is worth it, but those ribs were not. I will go back for the $8 steak on cream of chicken soup night.
05-29-2018 , 11:39 PM
Which part of the country are you coming from? have fun and glgl
05-30-2018 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by JoeSlim
Which part of the country are you coming from? have fun and glgl

05-30-2018 , 01:19 AM
Sounds like a plan! GL!
05-30-2018 , 06:34 AM
O8 at Orleans is gold. Fun atmosphere with some oldschool Vegas oldies
05-30-2018 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by nickjehz
O8 at Orleans is gold. Fun atmosphere with some oldschool Vegas oldies
Can't wait to give this a try when in Vegas next month.
Does 4/8 run regularly?

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05-30-2018 , 08:05 AM
if you play PLO at flamingo say hello... i am night supervisor there. following your thread.
05-30-2018 , 10:20 AM
Solid start. Good luck this summer.
05-30-2018 , 02:59 PM
Good luck! Will be out there in mid-June. Toying with the idea of playing a few WSOP events vs just grinding cash. Hopefully we run into each other!
05-30-2018 , 06:12 PM
Woke up too early today thanks to the time zone change. Picked up some odds and ends from Target. Then I found myself at

Finally got a seat in the 4/8 O8 game. Average age could be my grandparents, but that’s what I expected. Currently down $50. I’ve never really played this game outside of messing around micro stakes online, so I feel I am folding too many hands on turn and river. Hopefully turn it around before figuring out what to do for this hockey game. I have a bet on the Caps and will be keeping that to myself tonight.
05-30-2018 , 07:45 PM
I get into town tonight. I’m so damn excited. WSOP18 is here
05-31-2018 , 03:23 AM
I ended up playing at The Orleans for about 10 hours, which is way too long. This was around my peak

Ended up a $70 loser on the day. A couple of interesting spots, but I spewed way too many chips with poor starting hands that I had to continue on the turn and river. On the bright side, I did earn about $12 in food comps and had probably 10 drinks, so I feel like I got my money’s worth. The Caps also put a couple units into my betting account. The highlight of the day occurred about 30 minutes ago with my first stop at Bobby’s of the summer. Wednesday is chicken tacos for $1.29, which is straight robbery. There is a lot more buried under the cheese

If you get one thing out of this trip report, PLEASE, make a stop at least once on your next trip out here. You will not be disappointed.

Tomorrow I have a 10am appointment then it’s probably back to The O. I enjoyed watching the hockey game while playing today, so I’ll give the basketball game a try tomorrow. I’m always up for arguing somebody’s awful sports opinion at the table.
05-31-2018 , 03:32 AM
Also, can anybody tell me why they play with $1 chips instead of the $2 chips in the 4-8 game? Is it really to make the pots look bigger?
05-31-2018 , 12:03 PM
In for the TR, Gl and keep us informed!!

Are you dealing the WSOP?
05-31-2018 , 12:39 PM
Looks like there are more than 15 locations for robertos - which do you use? Thanks for doing the trip report. I arrive Monday myself. Last year at the Orleans I was seated in the O8 next to the unhappiest person that ever lived - who also plays at my
home" room. Flew 5 hours to experience the exact same thing I could have had if I stayed home.
06-01-2018 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by gilmore38
In for the TR, Gl and keep us informed!!

Are you dealing the WSOP?

For professional reasons I would rather not disclose where I will be working, sorry.
06-01-2018 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Anytwo72
Looks like there are more than 15 locations for robertos - which do you use? Thanks for doing the trip report. I arrive Monday myself. Last year at the Orleans I was seated in the O8 next to the unhappiest person that ever lived - who also plays at my
home" room. Flew 5 hours to experience the exact same thing I could have had if I stayed home.

I highly recommend any of the numerous locations. They are all the same, high quality, cheap food. I have been to probably 10 different ones over the years and they are all the same.
06-01-2018 , 11:15 AM
Where you live in Georgia? Like the shoes - good luck bro.
