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09-11-2017 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
The discussion of living situations is backward. If you are successfully pursuing your goals you should have the resources to make choices. Nice home, and/or, nice car, and/or experiences, and/or a family - or live under a bridge if that is your preference.

You live in a car or desert manor because you have no choice.
Playing devil's advocate here but maybe someone lives at desert manor or a car on purpose (when they can afford better) to force themselves to focus on work and not get distracted with the comfort of home. I know several people who have weak will power and often end up spending a bunch of time at home doing nothing simply because it is easy and convenient.

If someone like that was living in a place that isn't the most comfortable, they would have added motivation to get out of the house and do something.

Just saying.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla
If he is collecting money he is soliciting.

I'm no lawyer and obv the room could ask him to leave for any reason but "Solicitation" typically implies a request or an approach. A "no solicitation" policy would certainly be violated if Trooper walked up to patrons and asked them if they wanted to buy a hat. But meeting someone there because it's convenient to deliver a hat they previously ordered is not really solicitation given their prior consent and invitation. I'm referring to that latest video btw.

Now sitting at the table with a "go gamble" hat on and continuously yammering to anyone who will listen that you sell the hats then going to the car and getting one, bringing it back and exchanging it with someone who finally bought one is another matter. I think Trooper was perhaps a bit closer to that line a few videos ago. But even that seems pretty nit picky at best. But hey go ahead and call the Wynn and report him if you're into that kind of thing. Might get your very own vlog episode dedicated to you

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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Must be an end game crusher. No other explanation possible

The kid in the vlog below went from playing 2/5 to playing 25/50 in less than a year. Although he did lose $30k in his lone session at 25/50 but he has been able to move up in level quickly by grinding up a bankroll at the poker tables.

Nice find, this is a pretty cool vlog
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by BDHarrison
If calling a particular casino would cause problems for Trooper, would it have more entertainment value to call or not to call?
Couldnt tell you. Cant tell you what direction the production team wants to go.

EDIT: Havent watched a vid in 4ever, you peeps know this.

Originally Posted by cAmmAndo
But hey go ahead and call the Wynn and report him if you're into that kind of thing. Might get your very own vlog episode dedicated to you
...hmmm, directions, directions. That would fire up the thread a little, amirite??
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 08:05 AM
I thought it was pretty clear that some hats were not sold prior to entering the casino.

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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 08:53 AM
Can we move away from trooper itt?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by shanaVegas
Can we move away from trooper itt?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Turdzilla01
I thought it was pretty clear that some hats were not sold prior to entering the casino.

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Can you just change your sn to Eddie Haskell and call it a day? Turdzilla doesn't quite capture the tattling twerpiness exactly enough.

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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 10:09 AM
How is Trooper delivering hats to customers at a casino any different from a pizza delivery place delivering a pizza to a customer at casino? Some of you guys are really reaching for things to get on Trooper's case about. If you want a legitimate gripe just listen to his hand histories lately. They really explain why he has a such a hard time consistently beating low stakes poker. Knows some basic poker concepts but just has no idea how to correctly apply them.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by dingusmcphee
Can you just change your sn to Eddie Haskell and call it a day? Turdzilla doesn't quite capture the tattling twerpiness exactly enough.

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I agree I am confused. Next time I see a hat I will ask the floor where I can order one.

Tell Troop you send me.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by undef1
Nice find, this is a pretty cool vlog

That does seem cool. Think these guys are rolled for their games?

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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by wilson1560
How is Trooper delivering hats to customers at a casino any different from a pizza delivery place delivering a pizza to a customer at casino? Some of you guys are really reaching for things to get on Trooper's case about. If you want a legitimate gripe just listen to his hand histories lately. They really explain why he has a such a hard time consistently beating low stakes poker. Knows some basic poker concepts but just has no idea how to correctly apply them.
Your example seems bad since a person isn't supposed to bring in food from unauthorized vendors when playing at a casino. Like you really think the Wynn is going to be happy that you had Pizza Hut deliver to you while playing?

I don't really see an issue with delivering hats. However, I think there is an issue if payment is being made at the casino. Furthermore there is a big issue if the entire transaction takes place at the poker table which we know for a fact has happened. He's bringing hats with him in his car just in case he runs into someone that wants to buy one.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by wilson1560
How is Trooper delivering hats to customers at a casino any different from a pizza delivery place delivering a pizza to a customer at casino? Some of you guys are really reaching for things to get on Trooper's case about. If you want a legitimate gripe just listen to his hand histories lately. They really explain why he has a such a hard time consistently beating low stakes poker. Knows some basic poker concepts but just has no idea how to correctly apply them.

Suppose you own a business and people meet in your lobby to buy/sell other products and then leave. You are happy about that and do nothing to stop it?

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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by cAmmAndo
That does seem cool. Think these guys are rolled for their games?
I'd say they are rolled for their main games and shot take at bigger games. It would be hard for them not to be rolled considering the size of some of their wins. For instance, Jack, who mostly plays 2/5 won $15k in a session a month ago and has had multiple big wins since then. That $15k win was in a 5/T game with a $20 straddle. That's not his main game though,but perhaps it will be soon.

Evan took a shot at a big 25/50 game a few days ago and lost $30k in the session. I'm sure he's not rolled for those type of swings but that was just a shot and he can lose $30k in a single session and his bankroll is still fine to play 5/T and T/20.

BTW, I'm sure Evan is not being staked but he may stake members of his crew (there's like 4 or 5 of them?) which would allow them to play bigger than they otherwise would be able to.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by PokerTravel
Suppose you own a business and people meet in your lobby to buy/sell other products and then leave. You are happy about that and do nothing to stop it?

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I have ordered food from places outside the hotel/casino where I was staying on multiple occasions and picked it up in the lobby in full view of hotel and casino staff and have never had a problem. Its not like an amusement park where they forbid outside food and drinks. Heck most "pros" bring backpacks full of snacks and drinks with them when they play and nobody bats an eyelash. And a lot of hotels even have helpful cards they put in your room listing delivery options in the area so no, I don't think they have a problem with people ordering stuff and having it delivered on site.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 01:15 PM
That vlog is a good find. I subscribed.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by wilson1560
I have ordered food from places outside the hotel/casino where I was staying on multiple occasions and picked it up in the lobby in full view of hotel and casino staff and have never had a problem. Its not like an amusement park where they forbid outside food and drinks. Heck most "pros" bring backpacks full of snacks and drinks with them when they play and nobody bats an eyelash. And a lot of hotels even have helpful cards they put in your room listing delivery options in the area so no, I don't think they have a problem with people ordering stuff and having it delivered on site.
Just because people break the rules doesn't mean there aren't rules. For instance, the suite policy at ARIA states:

"All food and beverage must be ordered through ARIA In-Room Dining Department."

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by PokerTravel
Suppose you own a business and people meet in your lobby to buy/sell other products and then leave. You are happy about that and do nothing to stop it?
Thanks. This thread needed more moronic analogies.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 03:42 PM
Being dead serious- there needs to be a Vlogger Thread and a Hate on Trooper Thread. Generally interested in Neeme/Owens and potentially a few others, but not worth opening this thread to wade through a million posts about how bad Trooper sucks at poker/life.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Blackballed
Thanks. This thread needed more moronic analogies.

Your welcome.

Morons like yourself need these simple analogies to comprehend what is common sense to the rest of us.

Anytime I can help you out.

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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by PokerTravel
Your welcome.

Morons like yourself ne.....
Always amusing
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 04:51 PM
there's basically nothing to talk about when it comes to Neeme, and less than zero things to talk about Brad Owen.

"Hey, that was a nice win."
"Cool drone shot."
"Brad has a cat, did you know that?"
"Vlogger games seem chill and fun."

Trooper is the lifeblood of this thread. love or (mostly) hate, deal with it.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 05:08 PM
Yea Brad is cool but boring.

Neeme is on the level.

Troop the most interesting of the bunch. Always combustible.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 05:23 PM
Even trooper is starting to get boring I used to watch his vlogs just to see when he was going to go broke. Now that he hasn't had a job in over a year and hasn't had a winning month since like April and still not broke it's obvious he's getting money from somewhere else. the suspense of his vlogs is completely gone now there is literally zero reason to watch his vlogs anymore.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
09-11-2017 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Hellmuth was right
Even trooper is starting to get boring I used to watch his vlogs just to see when he was going to go broke. Now that he hasn't had a job in over a year and hasn't had a winning month since like April and still not broke it's obvious he's getting money from somewhere else. the suspense of his vlogs is completely gone now there is literally zero reason to watch his vlogs anymore.
If his go gambooool action juice goes large it could bring out a whole new side to him. Imagine the arrogance. It would be beautiful

He already thinks he is better then 99.9% of the world, imagine if this in his mind confirmed it
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
