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07-09-2023 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Besides El Diesel, how many people are legitimately paying their way playing 1-3 ?
It can't be more than a couple of hand fulls ?
a lot more than that if you're talking for a year or 2. doing it full time for 5+ years not many I hope.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Nbuc84
Anybody have an overall +/- estimate the entire time he’s been in Vegas just for cash games?
Legendary poster Luvdavlogs have tracked his results,and if i recall it correctly he have Trooper relatively close to the breakeven mark in cashgames.

Personally i think its likely even worse, i suspect Trooper may have some big losing sessions that he isnt reporting to the vlog. He has demonstrated an ability to do shady stuff,so not reporting accurately on all cash sessions he plays would not surprise me.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by DividedWeFall
One. Rice is showing us what it takes to live off of 1-3. Don’t try this at home.
Actually, I've played many 1/3 home games that were quite profitable. 500 buy in, match the stack , unlimited straddles. Plo double board bomb pots. Diesel would simply love those games. Only try 1/3 at home. Casino 1/3 is the nut low.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by Old Man Coffee
What if someone follows the El Diesel Meal Plan?
We also have to note that El Diesel uses Caesar’s rewards credits to pay for rooms.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 10:48 PM
When Trooper was talking about the main event day 2 in his latest vlog, he says "I will never give up, I will never give in". What does he actually mean by that?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by mitsi
When Trooper was talking about the main event day 2 in his latest vlog, he says "I will never give up, I will never give in". What does he actually mean by that?
You can look back 8 years at troopers vlogs and he basically says the same thing concerning his poker. His whole strategy for making it was deluding himself he was better than everyone else and saying idiotic mantras and rationalizing any setback. He basically always said nothing and had no true meaning or substance to any of his poker related videos.

Same ol, same ol for the trooper. He doesn't talk in meaningless circles, he talks in whirlpools.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by mitsi
When Trooper was talking about the main event day 2 in his latest vlog, he says "I will never give up, I will never give in". What does he actually mean by that?
Its classic Trooper war talk lingo. He isnt just talking about "fighting" in the tournament,but also in regards to his vlogs, keep doing his thing in life aka not working for the man,representing "the troops" and he will keep going to the end to "prove the haters wrong".

Trooper feeds off this narrative of being the outsider,its him and the troops against the rest of the world in his mind.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 11:23 PM
Another example of someone who quickly passed Trooper and left him in the dust, Will Jaffe, I posted some of his dry humor short videos from twitter from time to time, he got popular in about 1 year from that and now he hosts his own show called High Noon that has been starting at WSOP at noon each day and broadcast on Pokergo's Youtube page, and even picked up an announcing gig, he has been joining Maria Ho and Lon in the booth on these live streams.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by mitsi
When Trooper was talking about the main event day 2 in his latest vlog, he says "I will never give up, I will never give in". What does he actually mean by that?
he's trying to sound tough but he sounds like a clown.
Like yea we didn't think you'd just abandon your chips to go to costco and get ingredients for sparkly pops until you blind off.

His suckers I mean investors would even point out he lasted longer than Hellmuth as though that means anything.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 11:24 PM
He’s also the commentator on the new live at the bike at the trop
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by DizzyG
Actually, I've played many 1/3 home games that were quite profitable. 500 buy in, match the stack , unlimited straddles. Plo double board bomb pots. Diesel would simply love those games. Only try 1/3 at home. Casino 1/3 is the nut low.
yea but those games are 1/3 in name only where the blinds are false advertising. obviously what you mention can be very profitable.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-09-2023 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
yea but those games are 1/3 in name only where the blinds are false advertising. obviously what you mention can be very profitable.
Oh, 100% . Profitable and sketchy . Most are 5/10 games in disguise. Gotta be wary and know operators and players cause they obviously want those chips flying for a reason.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
Besides El Diesel, how many people are legitimately paying their way playing 1-3 ?
It can't be more than a couple of hand fulls ?
A decade ago there was a guy playing 4-8 limit for a living at Venetian when the rake was still $4. He would be in there all day. That sounds a lot worse than 1-3 NL.

But I did see him eventually take shots at Bellagio 10-20 and 20-40 and he did improve his game a lot. I haven’t played limit in a few years so I don’t know if he is still around, or moved, or is doing something else.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by fakekidpoker
He is like a real life version of Ryan Depaulo
Originally Posted by Steve00007
A decade ago there was a guy playing 4-8 limit for a living at Venetian when the rake was still $4. He would be in there all day. That sounds a lot worse than 1-3 NL.

But I did see him eventually take shots at Bellagio 10-20 and 20-40 and he did improve his game a lot. I haven’t played limit in a few years so I don’t know if he is still around, or moved, or is doing something else.
Sounds awful how long did he grind 4/8 for?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 02:03 AM
I just posted this not too long ago but at 1-2 trooper is +21,809, at 2-5 he is +2,839 and at 5-10 is -1,988.

So overall in cash games is +22,660

However you also have to consider this is from 6/6/2014 until now, so that is 9 full years?

Also almost all of his 1-2 winnings came in the first couple years, i suspect before he had the other income coming in, so since 3/26/17 until now at 1-2 he is +1,777. He was +20,032 then, doing fine, now he is +21,809 and has basically never been up more +25k at 1-2 and has been as low as +11k from 2017 to now.

Hardly the resume for someone charging 1.25 for a main event, and hardly the resume of someone who needs to charge that much to make it worth his time to play a main event
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 02:05 AM
Also hes up roughly 10k on his own action since 2021 on mtts, now these mtts are the one circuit series where he got the 3rd place for 7k or whatever it was, and the freerolls at westgate he was playing for playing enough hours at westgate to qualify, so when he lost the freerolls it counted for nothing but he wouldve been up pretty good on those regardless i think. If you count WSOP events hes down prolly like 15k or something during that time idk
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by LuvDaVlogs
If you count WSOP events hes down prolly like 15k or something during that time idk
That figure seems really low, unless thats what you are saying he is down himself after accounting for staking.

How many times has he played the main event? His Hendon Mob shows he's only cashed for 19k lifetime. He bought in for close to that amount of WSOP events just this year.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
A decade ago there was a guy playing 4-8 limit for a living at Venetian when the rake was still $4. He would be in there all day. That sounds a lot worse than 1-3 NL.
Disagree. LHE is a lot more fun than NL imo.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 04:57 AM
Hes personally up more than that in tournaments, because of the freerolls and the bink he wasnt staked for

This is what i have:

-3,740 in mtts but he was staked for these i think without looking too hard, just looking at quick notes i think he lost 750 from these mtts because he was staked for half in a couple of them, not sure if thats right or not but have written down "think he had half?" or "i believe staked for half?" so counting that hes -750 personally this year

-360 for various mtts, also played freerolls but put them into his cash total because they were from playing cash

-795 various one off mtts, i think he had all of himself in these

+50 big 50
+323 in millionaire maker
-200 in random 1k wsop event
-1k from main because he had markup
Total: -817 for him personally
For all mtts he played he was -9,137

Freeroll mtt from trooper thursdays + various other mtts, 2 aria ones and some online tournys
he was +2090 in freerolls but lost both aria tournys
also lost 641 online from what i could tell
so +1,449

March circuit mtts:
April MTTs:
Then wsop events:
He says from SNGs he won 375
WSOP 500 - 250
WSOP milly maker -1500, -500 for him
WSOP 1500, -1500, -500 for him
WSOP main -10k, -2k for him
so he was personally +6,942 but overall from mtt playing he wouldve been -3,308

-400 mystery millions (-1000)
-200 from 300 event fired two bullets (-600)
-300 milly maker (-1500)
-300 monster stack (-1500)
-o main event (-10,000)
So this year he lost 1,200 but overall is down 14,600
Also this doesnt include the bomb pot tourny, which i think hes probably up something on but he doesnt really say what the deal is so i dont count it

So all in all if these numbers are right hes down 30,491 but hes actually up 4,469 in his own dollars. Which is kindve a glimpse into how guys like maurice hawkins and live mtt pros in general make a living from gambling as well tbh.

Not sure if these numbers are all right, think they are though from watching and keeping notes, playing fortnite right now and did all these while i was dead so couldve made some errors but i think its right. Not really sure what to do with that 2014-2017 era, counted freerolls with his cash total then, counted freerolls not with cash total later so that is not counting things the same, could go back and fix that and make it the same but its mostly right anyway, if anything it helps his cash total counting freerolls

Looks like in 2014 he was staked in some stuff too but was like 100 dailies i think so didnt mention them. Really all of the big ones hes played last couple years + someone put him in some stuff in 2015
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 05:14 AM
also noticed hes played 2-5 at least once every year except 2021 the year after his -8800 year, and this year, which gives some credence to the idea times might be tough for him, but i doubt it still

also just realized in 2014-2018 i didnt keep track of those sngs i just put them in the cash total, will go back and look at those at some point, so 1-2 total i had could be off one way or another
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by LuvDaVlogs
So all in all if these numbers are right hes down 30,491
Yup that's more like it. This is the number which shows how unprofitable he is as an MTT player. And that's with factoring in scores from freerolls!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by LuvDaVlogs
Hes personally up more than that in tournaments, because of the freerolls and the bink he wasnt staked for

This is what i have:

-3,740 in mtts but he was staked for these i think without looking too hard, just looking at quick notes i think he lost 750 from these mtts because he was staked for half in a couple of them, not sure if thats right or not but have written down "think he had half?" or "i believe staked for half?" so counting that hes -750 personally this year

-360 for various mtts, also played freerolls but put them into his cash total because they were from playing cash

-795 various one off mtts, i think he had all of himself in these

+50 big 50
+323 in millionaire maker
-200 in random 1k wsop event
-1k from main because he had markup
Total: -817 for him personally
For all mtts he played he was -9,137

Freeroll mtt from trooper thursdays + various other mtts, 2 aria ones and some online tournys
he was +2090 in freerolls but lost both aria tournys
also lost 641 online from what i could tell
so +1,449

March circuit mtts:
April MTTs:
Then wsop events:
He says from SNGs he won 375
WSOP 500 - 250
WSOP milly maker -1500, -500 for him
WSOP 1500, -1500, -500 for him
WSOP main -10k, -2k for him
so he was personally +6,942 but overall from mtt playing he wouldve been -3,308

-400 mystery millions (-1000)
-200 from 300 event fired two bullets (-600)
-300 milly maker (-1500)
-300 monster stack (-1500)
-o main event (-10,000)
So this year he lost 1,200 but overall is down 14,600
Also this doesnt include the bomb pot tourny, which i think hes probably up something on but he doesnt really say what the deal is so i dont count it

So all in all if these numbers are right hes down 30,491 but hes actually up 4,469 in his own dollars. Which is kindve a glimpse into how guys like maurice hawkins and live mtt pros in general make a living from gambling as well tbh.

Not sure if these numbers are all right, think they are though from watching and keeping notes, playing fortnite right now and did all these while i was dead so couldve made some errors but i think its right. Not really sure what to do with that 2014-2017 era, counted freerolls with his cash total then, counted freerolls not with cash total later so that is not counting things the same, could go back and fix that and make it the same but its mostly right anyway, if anything it helps his cash total counting freerolls

Looks like in 2014 he was staked in some stuff too but was like 100 dailies i think so didnt mention them. Really all of the big ones hes played last couple years + someone put him in some stuff in 2015
Love your work

And while u say it might not be exact accurate, it is more then enough to paint a picture of troopers poker skills.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 06:51 AM
Brettski still in 167k, Ben lamb to his direct left w 154

I love you guys

Last edited by brianr; 07-10-2023 at 07:06 AM. Reason: I love you guys
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 07:29 AM
The sngs from 2014-2018 could skew things but I highly doubt he was winning an amount that matters maybe it’s off by 2-3k and wouldn’t really effect the 2017-now he’s up 2k or whatever it is at 1-2.

I will go back and clean that up tho just cuz I’ve come this far, I was just whipping through eps during Covid shutdown trying to get a tally going when I watched those
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
07-10-2023 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by brianr
Brettski still in 167k, Ben lamb to his direct left w 154

I love you guys
neeme has 206k, polk has 610k

1517 left so im guessing they stopped play right after bubble burst last night
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
