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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

03-31-2021 , 02:15 AM
Michigan missed 6 wide open shots to win game. They were on the right side. *exit Bike King impersonation*
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03-31-2021 , 03:18 AM
"Numbers are numbers"

Finally something myself and bikeking can agree on
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03-31-2021 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
If someone is a losing player and constantly exaggerates, that just makes them look worse. A losing player that shows humility is going to be liked a lot more IMO.
I completely agree. I think that is a big element to explaining how differently people react to guys like Brad and Neeme versus guys like BK and Trooper.

Nobody likes an arrogant douche but if that person is really good at what they do, people will put up with it because they have to.

On the other hand, you can have someone who is subpar but if they are pleasant to be around, people will overlook their flaws.

The problem comes when the arrogant douche doesn't bring enough value and then people have the option to either ignore them or if they are extremely arrogant/douchey, to retaliate in kind.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
I think that is a big element to explaining how differently people react to guys like Brad and Neeme versus guys like BK and Trooper.
I think most poker vlogs would do just fine if they exist between these two extremes.

You don't need to be crushing the game. You don't need to exaggerate your results for sensationalism.

It's also pretty obvious that where you are in poker would give you differing perspective on each of these players.

For me personally, I would always start on Rampage's vlog but I can never seem to finish it before he says something tilting that makes me want to turn it off.

Nevertheless, I think he's a great poker vlogger.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 02:12 PM
Hey now! Bikeking only loses due to variance. Every gambling decision he makes, whether it's poker or sports betting or whatever, it's always the correct decision. Just have to ride the variance wave.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Outoftime44444
Michigan missed 6 wide open shots to win game. They were on the right side. *exit Bike King impersonation*
If they hit either one of the 3 pointers at the end, my numbers in the March Madness Squares Pool hit for $900. Bastards. Just variance I guess.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tanqueray
I think most poker vlogs would do just fine if they exist between these two extremes.

You don't need to be crushing the game. You don't need to exaggerate your results for sensationalism.

It's also pretty obvious that where you are in poker would give you differing perspective on each of these players.

For me personally, I would always start on Rampage's vlog but I can never seem to finish it before he says something tilting that makes me want to turn it off.

Nevertheless, I think he's a great poker vlogger.
I think Rampage has had a sun run and plays many spots poorly, but so do most people. I watched the most recent Poker Out Loud and he basically commented that after sitting next to Landon and the thought processes that he has he realizes how little he actually knows. So he may still punt off and do some dumb stuff, but it appears that he is aware of where he is with his game more than some other vloggers playing similar stakes. I have never heard Trooper, BikeKing, etc... say that they have a lot to learn. They just complain about "bad beats" and talk about how bad everyone else is.
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03-31-2021 , 02:19 PM
Kind of interesting that Rampage outsources his editing though.

I wonder how much he pays for it and if anyone else does that.
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03-31-2021 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by arcdog
No I sit back and laugh at him as he says “f you” to the likes of Johnny Vibes and claims victimhood. Im not mad at plikity for being a snowflake. I can see how if you are a little slow it could be confusing.
Sick false narrative bro. What does it feel like to be obsessed with me?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 04:23 PM
Finally checked out Mariano after sleeping on him for way too long. Really well made vlogs, clearly modeled after Brad's template. He takes some lines that are sort of unorthodox/interesting as well. I enjoy his laid back approach, his vlogs are extremely watchable and very chill, great for having on in the background while working etc.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Koshka
Hey now! Bikeking only loses due to variance. Every gambling decision he makes, whether it's poker or sports betting or whatever, it's always the correct decision. Just have to ride the variance wave.
I think a lot of players list variance as the reason for losing. By doing this, It doesn’t force the player to self reflect not only himself but also other factors in play. Essentially a “sweep under the rug” angle.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by -ThePimp-
I think a lot of players list variance as the reason for losing. By doing this, It doesn’t force the player to self reflect not only himself but also other factors in play. Essentially a “sweep under the rug” angle.
Exactly. Bikeking used that reason as to why he had to quit poker and get a job this last time. "Was just tourney variance. Ran bad. Kept getting it in good."

Now it's hockey bet where he gets it in good but loses due to variance.

I've said this before. You can only blame variance for losing until you have a sample size big enough where you can't use it as an excuse anymore.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by YoungManCoffee
Finally checked out Mariano after sleeping on him for way too long. Really well made vlogs, clearly modeled after Brad's template. He takes some lines that are sort of unorthodox/interesting as well. I enjoy his laid back approach, his vlogs are extremely watchable and very chill, great for having on in the background while working etc.
Andre Neeme for me is the GOAT pokervlogger, but Mariano is probably the second nutz for me on the vloggerscene now. Very impressive.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Koshka
Exactly. Bikeking used that reason as to why he had to quit poker and get a job this last time. "Was just tourney variance. Ran bad. Kept getting it in good."

Now it's hockey bet where he gets it in good but loses due to variance.

I've said this before. You can only blame variance for losing until you have a sample size big enough where you can't use it as an excuse anymore.
Variance IS the reason that bad players like to play poker. Periodically, they feel like the king of the world.

They have this in common with many gamblers.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 05:23 PM
Much quicker episode than usual.

Been grinding slightly more this week, so haven't had time to learn and implement the previous changes I wanted. Hoping to close this final day of the month strong! My best month for the year so far!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 05:31 PM
"Variance" or "running bad" is just the classic excuses losing players uses to justify why they are losing money in the game.

Its just complete BS 95 percent of the time.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 06:21 PM
Let's just compare the new guy Pman vs Trooper/Bikeking for a second.

Pman seems humble, takes criticism well and listens to all advice while hopefully following the good ones. He loves poker and wants to get better.

Trooper/Bikeking just blame bad luck or variance. They don't take criticism well and do not listen to advice "from the haters".

I guess this is really a microcosm of the player pool and honestly, I've just come to accept some people will never learn. Honestly, I hope Bikeking starts vlogging again so there's a blueprint on how not to attempt to play poker for a living.

The freeroll craze is quite entertaining. From Flamingo to Westgate, gotta play them freerolls. Too much EV! Overlay alert! Neither Trooper nor Bikeking understand that they are costing themselves EV by earning the entry and/or playing the freerolls themselves vs the better games elsewhere. Even with the overlays in these dailies, can the massive rake be overcome enough to even make them worth playing? I'm not saying whether they are beatable which imo is also debatable.

Most people know that the bar is quite low to beat low stakes NL in Vegas for any amount. It's not much higher to beat it for 10 big blinds an hour either. But the level of misinformation is vast and clouds the judgement of aspiring pros. I watched one vlog recently where the guy justified a light open utg to "balance my range". Lol comedy. Trooper opened JT off utg recently at Flamingo. It's no wonder he got buried $600 which is actually 3 buy ins since he only buys in for $200.

There really is a void in the poker vlogger market at the lowest stakes and what it actually takes to beat it for a livable income.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Koshka
Let's just compare the new guy Pman vs Trooper/Bikeking for a second.

Pman seems humble, takes criticism well and listens to all advice while hopefully following the good ones. He loves poker and wants to get better.

Trooper/Bikeking just blame bad luck or variance. They don't take criticism well and do not listen to advice "from the haters".

I guess this is really a microcosm of the player pool and honestly, I've just come to accept some people will never learn. Honestly, I hope Bikeking starts vlogging again so there's a blueprint on how not to attempt to play poker for a living.

The freeroll craze is quite entertaining. From Flamingo to Westgate, gotta play them freerolls. Too much EV! Overlay alert! Neither Trooper nor Bikeking understand that they are costing themselves EV by earning the entry and/or playing the freerolls themselves vs the better games elsewhere. Even with the overlays in these dailies, can the massive rake be overcome enough to even make them worth playing? I'm not saying whether they are beatable which imo is also debatable.

Most people know that the bar is quite low to beat low stakes NL in Vegas for any amount. It's not much higher to beat it for 10 big blinds an hour either. But the level of misinformation is vast and clouds the judgement of aspiring pros. I watched one vlog recently where the guy justified a light open utg to "balance my range". Lol comedy. Trooper opened JT off utg recently at Flamingo. It's no wonder he got buried $600 which is actually 3 buy ins since he only buys in for $200.

There really is a void in the poker vlogger market at the lowest stakes and what it actually takes to beat it for a livable income.
It's probably because most good players move out of playing the lowest levels pretty quick. The ones that are still at the lowest levels a year and especially 5+ years later are the ones that are there because they are not good enough to move up. They are the fish. Being a breakeven player at the lowest levels is a fish. The opportunity cost of the time lost makes them fish.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Tanqueray
Kind of interesting that Rampage outsources his editing though.

I wonder how much he pays for it and if anyone else does that.
He apparently has side channel that deals with the stock market and finances under his real name. According to the video, he made some good money last year. I guess that's how he can afford an editor.
I can't stand watching his poker vlog anymore, but he's definitely no dummie.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Koshka
You can only blame variance for losing until you have a sample size big enough where you can't use it as an excuse anymore.
Paisting still uses it as the reason why he loses at 1c/2c though.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
03-31-2021 , 11:28 PM
Rampage seems to have good intuition and come to good conclusions often exploitively (conclusions that usually result in aggression paying off), and then rationalize it based on some made up fancy range talk in 'Solve for Why' style.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-01-2021 , 02:57 AM
What is good intuition though?

Isn’t it basically unexplainable action with positive result?

Take away positive result and it’s left with just unexplainable action.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-01-2021 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by Koshka
Exactly. Bikeking used that reason as to why he had to quit poker and get a job this last time. "Was just tourney variance. Ran bad. Kept getting it in good."

Now it's hockey bet where he gets it in good but loses due to variance.

I've said this before. You can only blame variance for losing until you have a sample size big enough where you can't use it as an excuse anymore.
What’s amazing is some people will see those numbers as proof that they run worse than anyone on the planet.

Do the losing vloggers even bother tracking their results over more than one session? I think a lot of people won’t even bother to keep track.

Others will keep track, but will put down false numbers and even delude themselves into thinking it’s okay.

Another thing I’ve seen is saying the sample size still isn’t big enough no matter how big it gets.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-01-2021 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
What’s amazing is some people will see those numbers as proof that they run worse than anyone on the planet.

Do the losing vloggers even bother tracking their results over more than one session? I think a lot of people won’t even bother to keep track.

Others will keep track, but will put down false numbers and even delude themselves into thinking it’s okay.

Another thing I’ve seen is saying the sample size still isn’t big enough no matter how big it gets.

Yeah, i mean losing players want to fool themselfes. Its just the way it goes. Much easier to blame variance, running worse than anyone else or whatever than accept for yourself that you are indeed a losing player because you simply arent good enough.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
04-01-2021 , 11:13 AM
Damn must of been a rough couple days on NHL betting and at the tables for our hero BikeKing. Nothing in his IG storyline on his sports bets for the last couple day or poker table action.

Also assuming if this was a parlay looks like a lost.

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