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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

02-11-2021 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by mitsi
probably an exaggeration,

he just gave it a fist pump and a "YEAH". The kid was happy to win. It was cringe, but hardly acted like an ass.
I think he even said it was his biggest pot he had ever won, or something similar.

He definitely didn't scream out BULLLDOOOZER!!!
Shoot now you made me want to go watch that year of WSOP I loved that guy Hevad Khan to me that was the greatest year for WSOP so many characters!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
... 'Nothing stops the gamble' but I don't even think he played in this video. lol
Trooper is playing head games with us. The Title of the Vlog is "Nothing Stops the Gamble" and Trooper stops himself from gambling.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 07:30 AM
All hail the mighty Trooper. Dance with the Techno TROOPER97.
Nordic Viking Poker God.., Go Gamble for President !!!

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by badbeats
All hail the mighty Trooper. Dance with the Techno TROOPER97.
Nordic Viking Poker God.., Go Gamble for President !!!

Lool. wTf. Is this LVnightcrawler? My favorite Viking is Lagertha

Last edited by Stormtrooper97; 02-11-2021 at 10:01 AM.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by JackLVKing
Wait, what? Is he back? I was on Vacation for a week and i didn't see if he was back?
No, unfortunately not. I think the fun police old man coffees on this board took care of that permanently. It's just seems like that 3F would leap at the opportunity to life coach if given the chance.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by badbeats
Trooper is playing head games with us. The Title of the Vlog is "Nothing Stops the Gamble" and Trooper stops himself from gambling.
I found that quite ironic myself. Tim is figuring out his lifestyle isn't sustainable. I can't see how he plays poker daily, he is barely a break even player and with his tilt issues he can't afford many more $1000 losses after his aces get cracked with J high.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Playlive
LOL I know, sad thing watching him whine Covid has him in a bad way is if had a job when covid hit he would have been collecting UI with the fed bonus and made a nice bit of change for the last year. Well at least he gets to go to bed and get up when he wants.
Jokes on him. If he filed as self employed the prior year and listed his poker income he could have filed for UI as long as he met overall minimal income requirements. Oh wait scratch that he probably lost money playing poker so no UI for him....
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 02:11 PM
He was never self employed as a professional poker player, at least not in 2019. Possibly a few years before when he was trying to play for a living.

Just playing a lot of poker doesn't mean you are self employed as a poker pro, unless you are actually making a significant amount of your total income from it.

He was self employed as a Youtuber tho with ad rev and sales from merch. But wouldn't get any UI money unless he actually filed and paid taxes for 2019 for that business.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 02:15 PM
Trooper did not get a stimulus check, insinuated in one video, he was against government aid out of principle.

The reality is, Trooper doesn't file tax forms. Trooper missed out on a lot of government aid (stimulus, PPP, UI, food stamps etc) by not filing.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 02:25 PM
With an E.I.N. number in the right state, a few clicks got just about any "small business owner" a PPP Loan for 10k+ at the start of covid. On the other side of things, I know many people personally who were getting the max unemployment benefit in Vegas with the economic boost ($1040/week untaxed). Combine that with rent forebearance and the pandemic made for a nice government paid vacation for a few folks.

I went down a rabbit hole on Reddit and saw many posters giving the details on how easy it was to get these this help during the pandemic. Many people made more money than they ever have in their life due to the federal unemployment boost during 2020.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 02:58 PM
I'd stopped watching Trooper's videos for a couple of years. Watching them now I'm glad to see him doing well. Just like others have said, it's not a poker vlog any more, but that's his choice. He seems to be in a better place (literally and mentally) than he was a few years ago and I hope it continues. I'm hardly going to model my life choices on his, but I want to watch him succeed and hope he does.

I know it isn't a Vegas-based vlog but I miss Jaman Burton's content. I'm sure he'll get back to it when things get back to normal but he was smashing it.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 05:50 PM
Tough guy Trooper is going strong lately.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by badbeats
Trooper did not get a stimulus check, insinuated in one video, he was against government aid out of principle.

The reality is, Trooper doesn't file tax forms. Trooper missed out on a lot of government aid (stimulus, PPP, UI, food stamps etc) by not filing.
Wait how do you know that? I thought with an online business you have to report income and file taxes like everyone else? That makes no sense unless you're saying he doesn't file any of that reported income?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by badbeats
Tough guy Trooper is going strong lately.

Are you the guy that posted this on YouTube?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 09:05 PM
Ryan Depaulo still on top
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 09:08 PM
Haha I do enjoy his videos and take on Troop. Does seem a tad bit stalkerish?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Are you the guy that posted this on YouTube?

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by mitsi
Ryan Depaulo still on top
I watch his vlogs, that said, he is easily the most obnoxious of all poker vloggers. It's a struggle to get thru a video of his.

I did enjoy seeing a tournament vlog. Ryan Depaulo has been running above life ev for some time now.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-11-2021 , 10:00 PM
Ben Deach at the Peppermill in Reno.

Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-12-2021 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by badbeats
I watch his vlogs, that said, he is easily the most obnoxious of all poker vloggers. It's a struggle to get thru a video of his.

I did enjoy seeing a tournament vlog. Ryan Depaulo has been running above life ev for some time now.

oh wow, he is insane!
that was very entertaining
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-12-2021 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by JackLVKing
Wait how do you know that? I thought with an online business you have to report income and file taxes like everyone else? That makes no sense unless you're saying he doesn't file any of that reported income?
For all we know both Trooper and Lady Trooper could have gotten checks from the government. We don’t know.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-12-2021 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
For all we know both Trooper and Lady Trooper could have gotten checks from the government. We don’t know.
I thought that YouTube has video makers' social security numbers and issues them 1099's and everything is on the books and official. If he's been getting 1099's from YouTube for years and not filing tax returns, he's about to get into some serious trouble.

I bet you that he files his taxes on his YouTube income (but deducts everything under the sun including all his meals, part of his apartment, maybe his poker losses, and anything he can imagine) and for this reason he got a stimulus check.

I'm curious if he filled for the 1099'ers unemployment program and if he is eligible since he's still making YouTube money and merch money which might disqualify him from collecting. I wouldn't be surprised if he is trying to play both sides of it though, claiming the gig workers unemployment program and not reporting his current YouTube money coming in. Again, it might catch up to him although there seems to be widespread fraud in that program so who knows if they'll ever get to finding him.

I thought he was comfortable financially the last few years after getting a family inheritance. I wonder if something happened with that or if he's just complaining to get more merch sales and donations to his cashapp/paypal while everything is actually the same as it was pre-covid. He does seem like a pretty big complainer.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-12-2021 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks

I'm curious if he filled for the 1099'ers unemployment program and if he is eligible since he's still making YouTube money and merch money which might disqualify him from collecting.
IF he filed taxes and then applied for PUA, his weekly benefit amount would be based on how much he made for the year(2019), actually the highest quarter divided by 26 to get weekly amount up to $469 max, he would likely be below that.

Whatever the max weekly is, as long as he made less than that amount each week when he claims then he still gets some money plus all of the bonus, either $300 or $600. 75% of money claimed each weeks goes away. So weekly benefit of $300 and made $200 on claim would equal $150 payment for week plus any bonus.

If claim is over weekly max then you get nothing.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2021 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by foatie
With an E.I.N. number in the right state, a few clicks got just about any "small business owner" a PPP Loan for 10k+ at the start of covid. On the other side of things, I know many people personally who were getting the max unemployment benefit in Vegas with the economic boost ($1040/week untaxed). Combine that with rent forebearance and the pandemic made for a nice government paid vacation for a few folks.

I went down a rabbit hole on Reddit and saw many posters giving the details on how easy it was to get these this help during the pandemic. Many people made more money than they ever have in their life due to the federal unemployment boost during 2020.
You arent eligible for PPP loans if your business is gambling. It is one of the questions on the application. However, he could have gotten it with his hat business.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2021 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by badbeats
Trooper did not get a stimulus check, insinuated in one video, he was against government aid out of principle.

The reality is, Trooper doesn't file tax forms. Trooper missed out on a lot of government aid (stimulus, PPP, UI, food stamps etc) by not filing.
So he believes he shouldnt get any return or benefit on his tax dollars he's paid? That is about the dumbest thing ever. On what principle would someone not want a safety net in a situation that was no fault of their own ie a pandemic? It boggles the mind.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
