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Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs

02-13-2017 , 07:46 AM
The parody LV Vlog was awesome.

btw has anyone else noticed Trooper's very obv tell? I'm not going to blast it itt but after 2 years of seeing his vlogs I've noticed he has a really bad tell.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
Troop you know that new thing you seem to be doing where after you take down a hand you take a dollar chip and your cards at the same time and then you helicopter them at the dealer and the chip goes bouncing all around the ****ing table?

Yah don't that.
Exactly... the "helicopter" in any way shape or form has no business at the poker table, specially when folding during a live hand. I hate that shyte.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by CzechosChuck
So I'm a bit curious about this thread. It's labeled Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs but about 95% of the posts pertain to the trooper. Given that Andrew has nearly twice as many subscribers I would think there would be a bit more discussion regarding his Vlog. Is this because there isn't much to discuss regarding his life as it's assumed he's got his **** together and it's just way more fun to discuss a train wreck? I'm not trolling but it feels like the thread should be labeled trooper discussion and there should be a separate thread on poker Vlogging.
Andrew videos mostly just show him discussing hand after hand. Not really much to discuss unless you want to talk about how he played a hand. And he doesn't really do stuff that causes controversy. To be fair, there is some stuff to talk about if you want to discuss hands, but I'm not sure if this thread is where I'd do it.

As for Trooper, people seem to either love him or hate him and that gets people talking about him.

I find it really fascinating to hear Trooper talk about how he plays his hands because he has a way of thinking about the game that's much different from most people.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by Natamus
He's stabbed at Bellagio 2/5 s couple times before but his report back didn't sound like he was comfortable at all
The first time he did it he said he was super comfortable in the game and won over $500. But I was there and heard El Diesel giving him a hard time about leaving so early. I could be wrong because it's been a while but I think he only played in that game for over an hour. He clearly did a hit and run.

But maybe he meant he was comfortable with the lineup and not as comfortable with the money being bigger. He wasn't making nearly as much back then and didn't even have the Patreon account, so hitting and running made a lot of sense.

Then he gave 2/5 a second try, complained about the game not being good and went back to 1/2 and 1/3.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by CzechosChuck
So I'm a bit curious about this thread. It's labeled Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs but about 95% of the posts pertain to the trooper. Given that Andrew has nearly twice as many subscribers I would think there would be a bit more discussion regarding his Vlog. Is this because there isn't much to discuss regarding his life as it's assumed he's got his **** together and it's just way more fun to discuss a train wreck? I'm not trolling but it feels like the thread should be labeled trooper discussion and there should be a separate thread on poker Vlogging.
1) Andrew is a winning player.*
2) Andrew's thought process is pretty straight forward and easy to follow=really not that much to debate.
3) TheTroop is stubborn af. Unlike 95% of other guys moving to LV to grind, he doesn't listen to advice. This drives people crazy.
4) Trooper constantly interact with trolls, even tho he says "it's below him". The trolls always get his goat in the end.
5) Andrew's vlog is very chill and mellow.

Still I find myself rooting for the Trooper. Have been a fan ever since I saw the first vid and I want him to win. Andrew doesn't need my support or karma vibes because he has his **** together.

*don't know the status of the Troops win/loss atm.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 10:46 AM
no matter what anyone says, this is a Trooper thread first and foremost, it's just labeled differently in an attempt to deter the "trolls," which it has done to a degree... considering what the last thread was like.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
Exactly... the "helicopter" in any way shape or form has no business at the poker table, specially when folding during a live hand. I hate that shyte.

I'd have to imagine a lot of dealers know him as he's a reg especially places like Ballys. The must also know he use to deal, wonder how they feel about that?

It seems like type of thing he'd complain about if he was still dealing.

Also Steve, who's El Diesel?
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by iFreeSki420
"They kicked me out because my stack was too big... it was too tall"

"MY NOTEZ" lmfao
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 11:39 AM
Its sounds like Chuck wants the attention Trooper gets. Everyone can over-analyze every move you make and expose all your personal information if you like.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by CzechosChuck
So I'm a bit curious about this thread. It's labeled Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs but about 95% of the posts pertain to the trooper. Given that Andrew has nearly twice as many subscribers I would think there would be a bit more discussion regarding his Vlog. Is this because there isn't much to discuss regarding his life as it's assumed he's got his **** together and it's just way more fun to discuss a train wreck? I'm not trolling but it feels like the thread should be labeled trooper discussion and there should be a separate thread on poker Vlogging.
What happened was their was a seperate trooper thread that most of us got to know him..that's where you really get to see the trooper at his finest,but someone here decided to delete the thread..this thread is just the remnants of that one
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 12:29 PM
not to mention Trooper posts crap daily. these other dudes put videos out once in a blue moon. Boski does it in spurts, Andrew is good for about 2 weekly, but the daily coffee adventures of Trooper come out like clockwork, of course there's gonna be more talk about his vlog.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
But maybe he meant he was comfortable with the lineup and not as comfortable with the money being bigger. He wasn't making nearly as much back then and didn't even have the Patreon account, so hitting and running made a lot of sense.

Then he gave 2/5 a second try, complained about the game not being good and went back to 1/2 and 1/3.
Trooper to me seems a bit like this other guy ( but much earlier in his career. I'm not doing the in-line video because this guy is not in LV, but click if you're interested.

Other guy talks in other segments about game selection and that he has selected the game he wants to play based on the type of people he consistently plays against. To me it seems Trooper is doing the same type of thing - choosing to play against a certain type of poker population. Most of the vloggers here have mentioned avoiding games with lots of regs and OMCs and it seems Trooper is doing that too.

Specifically in the link I noted above, this other guy talks to an question from a successful online player who is looking to transition to live play and how that might translate and work out. He mentions the rake difference between other cities and LV. I know from my experience here in the Casino Desert of Texas, the underground games tend to be between $5-10 per hand with rake plus jackpot or high hand bonus drops at the 1-2, 1-3, 1-2-5 level. I hear rumors of $20 per hand in 5-10 games, but have not been myself.

The fact that many places in LV take 10% tiered up to a max of $4 or $5 is generally a plus for lower limit grinders being able to escape with an extra dollar or two *per hand*. It doesn't sound like much but quick math, assume (yes I know its just an example) 3 hands won per hour is $3/hour more than you would get in another city and you can multiply that yourself by 2080 if you think the player is running a full 40 hour week.

So, if I were to guess, I would guess that Trooper probably doesn't move up to 2/5 because he hasn't found a 2/5 game with enough non-reg players that he feels comfortable winning consistently. I think in other areas of this esteemed messaging community someone might have called that Game Selection, but I could be totally off my rocker.
Meds please!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by sucio44
Its sounds like Chuck wants the attention Trooper gets. Everyone can over-analyze every move you make and expose all your personal information if you like.
More like I'm surprised that in my opinion the better vlogger gets little to no attention in the LV Poker Vlog thread. Seeing what many of you have said it's what I assumed to be the case. It does make sense that a guy who posts daily would have more discussion around him though.

Originally I found thetroopers stuff to be very repetitive without much substance...and yet I find myself tuning in nearly every day so clearly he's doing something right. I really appreciate his drive to create content daily as I've quickly realized just how difficult that is. It almost seems impossible to me that he can play poker, record B-roll, and find time to edit and put out an episode without skipping a beat. I don't think you understand just how much work it is until you'be tried.

Anyway thanks for the replies guys, guess I sort of knew the answer before I asked the question.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Stormtrooper97
LMAOF! I like this dude
I usually avoid "like button" threads but I just had to for this one. This guy really cracked me up. He was trolling the Excalibur so hard. I love the sloshed guy that kept insisting on being part of the production. Not sure if it was scripted or spontaneous, but it was hilarious either way. The chip stack jenga bit (the lady that says all the money that hits the floor is mine), the single dollar bills behind the chip stack bit, the decorative 100s, 20s, 50s splayed like origami napkins in a fancy restaurant bit (isn't that a limit game wtf?), the my notez bit, the over-the-top accent, and just being balla from Excalibur bit. Kudos to the poker room staff at Excalibur for putting up with it and the other players at the table for not insisting he quit filming. Anyway, thanks for posting Stormtrooper, I might not have otherwise seen that gem.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by ibelieveyouoweme$80k
Perhaps because A) He has been around much longer. B) He posts way more videos. C) His videos don't contain a lot of poker content.

I watch as many Vloggers as I possibly can, including you and your buddy Brad.

I wish the two of you would Vlog more often.
Thanks ibelieveyouweme$80k! Brad and I have both been hit by the editing learning curve. Hopefully with time it's possible to get them out more often once we get more comfortable with the process. Not to mention my wife and son have been really sick this last week so not much time for anything else. I only wish I had started when I first moved to Vegas nearly 10 years ago. I always thought about doing something like this but never knew how to go about it. Little did I know how easy it could be with youtube. I recall being excited when a friend of mine thought she might have an IN with MTV to getting a reality poker show based around her life that we could all be in. Unfortunately nothing ever came of it

Thanks for the response, hopefully you continue to enjoy the vlog!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by CzechosChuck
More like I'm surprised that in my opinion the better vlogger gets little to no attention in the LV Poker Vlog thread. Seeing what many of you have said it's what I assumed to be the case. It does make sense that a guy who posts daily would have more discussion around him though.

Originally I found thetroopers stuff to be very repetitive without much substance...and yet I find myself tuning in nearly every day so clearly he's doing something right. I really appreciate his drive to create content daily as I've quickly realized just how difficult that is. It almost seems impossible to me that he can play poker, record B-roll, and find time to edit and put out an episode without skipping a beat. I don't think you understand just how much work it is until you'be tried.

Anyway thanks for the replies guys, guess I sort of knew the answer before I asked the question.
People watch troop videos like people watch NASCAR they know the car's going to turn left but you never know it might crash and burn into the wall at any second. So almost all the vlogs are the left turns but a few have had something entertaining.

btw I hate NASCAR...
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by CzechosChuck
It almost seems impossible to me that he can play poker, record B-roll, and find time to edit and put out an episode without skipping a beat. I don't think you understand just how much work it is until you'be tried. .
I think that is the key part -- original b-roll for a near-daily vlog. This sets him apart more than anything. If you look closely at the more regular vloggers, several of them re-use b-roll footage or have settled on a standard intro segment. This is fine, IMO, and certainly takes less time and allows the vlogger to focus on his or her main content more than the extras. For whatever reason, Trooper has never opted to do that. He may be repetitive, but it is original video each day, original b-roll and original editing for each vlog. His spiel for intro and close are the same of course, but he doesn't just re-use what he shot yesterday, he always just does it all again. I will attribute that to artistic choice, though it could be an interesting question to ask.

Oh and since I haven't seen it yet, here's Andrew's latest entry:

He's in SoCal again -- road trip woot woot!!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 01:49 PM
I'm doubtful that trooper would even be able to beat 2/5. He was been grinding 1/2 and 1/3 for years and it still feels like a roller coaster. I think there is more discussion about trooper because he is more controversial. For example if Andrew wins or loses 1k, people do not even shrug because its standard (even though he plays higher stakes). Where as if trooper wins or loses 1k it actually feels significant to his life at this point.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
meh in fairness commercials and half time shows are terrible.
And Trooper may say football is terrible. However, you seem to have missed the point he was making as well as the significance of Trooper not watching the Super Bowl with Molly.

Originally Posted by DavisM98
Trooper to me seems a bit like this other guy ( but much earlier in his career. I'm not doing the in-line video because this guy is not in LV, but click if you're interested.
Trooper is like Limon? Trooper is nothing like Limon. "Earlier in his career" is an interesting word choice. I suppose he's earlier in his career than Limon but the avg career of a poker pro is less than 5 years and Trooper has been at this on and off for over a decade.

BTW, Trooper is pretty terrible at game selection. He rarely changes from a game when he considers it's bad. Perhaps he has settled to playing in some of the softer casinos but fact is he mostly just chooses based on where he feels like going that day and rarely deviates. PokerKraut is the player that has mastered game selection.

Oh, btw the reason Trooper shouldn't be playing 2/5 is because he has never been anywhere close to rolled for it. Most of the time he isn't rolled for 1/2.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 02:11 PM
I enjoy Troop's vlogs but i think I'd hate playing at his table.

-Helicopters cards
-Drinking giant coffee
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by DavisM98
Trooper to me seems a bit like this other guy ( but much earlier in his career.
I don't see any similarity between the two. Other than playing poker, they are at completely different points in their careers and have completely different personalities and approaches to poker and life from what I've seen.

Maybe you're suggesting that both game select but a lot of players do that.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by DavisM98
I think that is the key part -- original b-roll for a near-daily vlog. This sets him apart more than anything. If you look closely at the more regular vloggers, several of them re-use b-roll footage or have settled on a standard intro segment. This is fine, IMO, and certainly takes less time and allows the vlogger to focus on his or her main content more than the extras. For whatever reason, Trooper has never opted to do that. He may be repetitive, but it is original video each day, original b-roll and original editing for each vlog. His spiel for intro and close are the same of course, but he doesn't just re-use what he shot yesterday, he always just does it all again. I will attribute that to artistic choice, though it could be an interesting question to ask.

Oh and since I haven't seen it yet, here's Andrew's latest entry:

He's in SoCal again -- road trip woot woot!!
It's interesting to watch the Neeme vlog and see him losing so much recently. I really puts a more rounded-ness to his vlogging character because he's no longer that superhero who flies around the country crushing games. You get a feel for the other side of the game. I honestly prefer him winning every time but you can't always have it perfect.

He seems to have some holes (maybe) as you can see that he has an underlying gambling tendency to him with how he explains some hands (maybe he's just talking), his VP in prior vlogs, and his history of gambling when he first got to Vegas. But I hope he's able to control it and has that behind him.

The one thing I am curious about are his finances when he travels to play poker. I understand a tournament player HAVING to go to different cities to follow the events because there aren't major buy in tournaments in one locations every week. But as a cash game player, he goes to LA, Chicago, and NOLA just to play $5/10nl and $2/5nl. I get mixing up the player pool or going because the games are better but are the margins between the winrates enough to offset his flight plus hotel room?

It seemed like he stayed at a nice place in NOLA which would be $200+ a night so that has to come out of his expenses ("rake") before he even sits down in the game. With LA, it's just $20-$30 for gas each way but then a motel has to run you $100+ in California. (Or am I wrong with that price point?)

Just seems like in a profession where you calculate your hourly based on BB, an extra 13 BB's ($130 for a motel room) at $5/10nl for a motel room will make a difference in your salary.

On the other hand, I COMPLETELY understand needing to get out of Vegas and play in a room other than Aria, Bellagio, or Wynn to keep your focus, sanity, and just keep yourself from hating the game and life. A change of pace is huge especially in a physiologically demanding career like poker.

I get when those 2 factors cancel out, the deciding vote is that it makes the vlog a lot more fun so travel, travel, travel and hit up a bunch of different poker rooms for the entertainment of your audience.

Thanks Andrew!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by NoQuarter
1) Rides atop The Strat
2) Pawn Stars
3) Counts Customs car collection/garage tour
4) Trip to Lake Mead for boobies on spring break
5) Hash House
6) HeartAttack Grill boobies
7) Wahlburger
8) Tour of the gang infested ghettos of LV
9) TopGolf
10) Los Angeles Trip (Commerce..Eff the Bicycle)
11) Arizona casino trip
12) NorthEast Coast casino trip scheduled around the bigger events (Parx, Borgata,Foxwoods, MGM Balt, Maryland Live)

Also also, please keep effing w Andy... The hippie hat was Supurb!!

Would reeely reeeely like to see a wigger outfit and threats of PocketRips as well!!
Thanks for the great suggestions. I will be able to do most of the non out of town trip ones in the coming months. I have been busy playing the DSE most days. The Wynn classic and WSOP circuit is coming up. Stay tuned!
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by player1
Foot massage pro tips please. Asking for a friend
The one I go to is $20 for an hour. I tip $20 because the girls are well trained and work hard.
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
02-13-2017 , 03:09 PM
Las Vegas Poker Player Vlogs Quote
