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Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26

12-30-2013 , 12:24 PM
I think the point is it was vacuously true and OP was having fun with us intentionally. Nothing wrong with that. It's his TR. He can tease it if he wants to.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 03:54 PM
Of course some of you guys guessed correctly almost right away. When the story is called - Don't ask me about the secret compartment - the reveal seems to be pretty straight forward.

The reason why I answered the way I did before was simply that am giving the TR day by day and when you asked me, I was still writing day 2/3, so I simply hadn't gotten to the point where I (The Vegas Me from back then) knew anything about the compartment.

I didn't try to deceive, just to tell the story at my own pace
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
You are talented. I can't tell colors by feel.

But lost your camera charger?
Must have been a heat-of-the-moment thing, I usually have a tough time telling dark shades apart...
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 04:02 PM
pretty much unreadable~ worst trip report ever though
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
pretty much unreadable~ worst trip report ever though
Why didn't you say so two days ago? You would have saved me a lot of work
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 04:15 PM
Ignore the haters OP.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 06:59 PM
Due to popular demand, here is

Part VII

I hadn't even woken up fully by the time I was asking for a seat at the V, my feet must have taken me there on autopilot. Impressive, given the fact that I am a first time visitor.

After half an hour of playing, I had gotten used to the slightly bigger pots and bets and I started to get into the rhythm of things. Here, I wasn't the only one raising before the flop and I quickly learned that there are some older ladies around that knew their stuff. One in particular, fierce old headphone lady(fohl), continued to give me a good amount of trouble. Not only did she like many of her hands enough to raise it up, she also played a pretty mean post-flop game.
I once inadvertently took back my small-blind while playing around with some chips, waiting for the new hand – instead of letting me know about my mistake, all I heard was a squeaky voice yelling DEALER.
I found it therefore deeply unsatisfying that despite of my dislike of the fohl, she was a good player and I had to be careful with her.

I played my usual game but initially had to surrender a few pots that I had entered with good cards before.

When I got dealt AA a few orbits later, I had already raised it up enough to not illicit any suspicion with yet another raise. Being in early position and having 3 people take two to the face certainly did not feel ideal. Things started to look up when one of the callers and one of the blinds looked for the exit on the K high flop, leaving me with 4 parties still nurturing hope for the increasing pile of chips.
The J on the turn was exactly the kind of card that might have hit one of my opponents, and betting out once more, I was about to find out momentarily. The raise from middle position confirmed what I had secretly been afraid of. Damn it, KJ just got there, or any goofy two pair for that matter.
I looked around, the other blind had been stubborn enough to wager another $16, a fact that I mostly ignored since he could be in here with anything.
Three of us left in the hand.
I was about to call him down when I started to wonder, what has this guy seen me do so far? I had raised it pre a good number of times in the 40 minutes since I sat down and had either given up on most of these hands or lost them at showdown.
Could he be in here with any other slow-played king than KJ and have just waited to raise his flopped top-pair on the turn?
I don't hollywood at the table, but the few seconds that I usually take to make a decision in a hand were slightly longer this time.
My 3bet was no source of joy for Mr King, that much was clear right away and he called with a disgusted look on his face.
To the look of the blind I can not attest however, I assumed it was hopeful, since he was now in for 24 dollars for the turn and I was starring at Mr. King to see how he would like the River.
The blank something made my last bet of the hand easy and Mr King was nice enough to show me the accompanying Q that I had correctly ventured he must certainly hold.

It's always nice to see AA hold up

I played for a few more hours and traded blows with the fohl a number of times, not sure who came out ahead on that score. Amazingly, people kept telling me that they wont play in the low-stakes limit games in the Bellagio and so far, I had taken their word for it. Unfriendly and pompous – they told me. Well fair enough. Then I wondered – If all the regs don’t like it there, that must make for a good game!

So I got up, took my $90 in profit and made my (rather long) way to the B.
Here things started promising right away.
I asked for a seat right away. This was acknowledged with a nod by the person responsible for this.
Then I stood there for 4 minutes while she searched her desk, left and came back.
Since I found this silent approach a little too zen, I cleared my throat and asked again if there were any spots open.
“You are on the waiting list, it won't be long” Satisfied with a little human interaction, I waited and finally got seated at a great table. The mood was happy and a lot of players had no real connection to their chips, distributing them around freely. This was gonna be good!

games were great at the B, unfortunately...

Long story short, I left disgusted after about 90 minutes.
During all those days in Vegas, the game got to me once and I tilted once.
The latter was a courtesy of the floor manager at the Bellagio.

I don't remember what the first two things were he said. I overheard him complaining about something involving a player to the waiting list desk and a little bit later he passed by my table and made a comment about something or other. Both times he spoke in a manner and with an aura of disgust that made me take notice, though I don't remember the words.
The last time I had heard someone talk like this in front of customers was in formerly communist countries.
Already slightly upset, I changed to another great table and 15 minutes later, a nice older gentleman sits down next to me. After another 5 minutes, I suddenly have the floor standing next to me. In a non-committal but menacing and very unfriendly tone of voice he went on to say to the old gentleman:

Ohh, I see you just sat down here, huh?
Ok, fair enough. And I guess you didn't see the yellow note on the chair, did you?
Hmm OK, So you probably didn't notice that it doesn't say your name on it, did you?

Then he turned and left.
I almost exploded right there. Here I was at a great table, chips are flying, people are having a good time and then this a##h#### comes by and ruins the mood something mean?! What the hell is this?
(who cares about little yellow post-it-notes? I didn' see one...)

I barely managed to stay seated for the few minutes it took for hte blinds to come around.
I made it clear to the table why I was getting up and left for the cashier, there they were honestly surprised when I asked them who I can complain to about this clown and told me that he has a quirky sense of humor.
Ohh really, quirky huh?
Well if it is true that - it takes one to know one - then this guy will forever be out of my league and I bow to him!

I pocketed my $70 profit and I would have loved to stay but I am on tilt something mean right now and I need to get out!

Before I did, I stopped in front of the floor manager and kindly asked him to step aside, as I didn't want to embarrass him in front of the customer he was talking to.
He seemed genuinely taken aback when I told him that I was leaving because of him and that the last time that I witnessed customer relations like this has been in Soviet Russia.

This guy managed what no player did on this trip. He put me on tilt and I didn't like it one bit!
So instead of going back to the Venetian, I decided to take the rest of the night easy and play in the Mirage.

Here, disaster loomed ...

Last edited by Fergastra; 12-30-2013 at 07:19 PM.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
In a Rick James voice, "Cocaine is a helluva drug".
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-01-2014 , 02:34 AM
Fergastra, now you know why so many people hate the Bellagio poker room.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-03-2014 , 09:03 AM
Dude you're funny, would love to play some limit with you sometime...did you try treasure island, or has anyone reading this post played there? Heard they pay 10/hr when you hit 60 hours/wk. Would love to get a good, steady 2-6, 3-6 or 4-8 game going there.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-04-2014 , 12:25 AM
They have not had LHE for a long time, afaik.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-04-2014 , 09:25 AM
Thanks...after my last session i might quit sshe hold em anyway, and just play nl...the players are so bad at the low stakes it's really like poker keno imo. Tough to beat the house (rake) and that many opponents that cant fold ("schooling"). I think it's close to a break even proposition, maybe small profits if played right. Thoughts? All that said, sshe is a great place to learn the game and get an understanding of how to read the board, and it can be a fun social event, despite getting constantly sucked out on, lol.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-04-2014 , 10:22 AM
Has OP disappeared?
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-04-2014 , 06:17 PM
New years kept me busy and too tired to post (not making that mistake again )

I didn't get to play at the treasure island but I heard on here that not enough games run to take full (if any) advantage of this promo.
Sure sounds interesting though, if I was a Vegas regular, I would surely try to get some 2+2ers and get a permanent game going there!

There should be two parts of the TR left, at least one will be posted tonight
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-04-2014 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeyvegas888
Thanks...after my last session i might quit sshe hold em anyway, and just play nl...the players are so bad at the low stakes it's really like poker keno imo. Tough to beat the house (rake) and that many opponents that cant fold ("schooling"). I think it's close to a break even proposition, maybe small profits if played right. Thoughts? All that said, sshe is a great place to learn the game and get an understanding of how to read the board, and it can be a fun social event, despite getting constantly sucked out on, lol.
I didn't feel like this was the case tbh. Yes half the table will limp in most of the times. If you adjust your preflop game accordingly, even while you will get sucked out a lot, you will also win many nice pots.
The big problem is rake, 3/6 with a total rake of $5 or more is unbeatable for most of us in the long run (those that can beat it play higher soon..)

If possible, look for 4/8 games. The BR requirements are virtually the same and I believe that with most rake structures, 4/8 is beatable with a solid basic strategy.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-05-2014 , 10:18 AM
Thanks...have had moderate success at 4-8, and open to getting a regular 4-8 game going...think it could be worthwhile with a nice rakeback promo like ti...but like you said sounds like it's tough getting a limit game going's ok, i like no limit
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-05-2014 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Fergastra
I didn't get to play at the treasure island but I heard on here that not enough games run to take full (if any) advantage of this promo.
Sure sounds interesting though, if I was a Vegas regular, I would surely try to get some 2+2ers and get a permanent game going there!
That's essentially what has happeed. It's an awful game to play in if you want to win money. It doesn't even run all the time. I think what happens is the regs are just passing chips around to each other and eventually figure out the ten bucks an hour isn't worth the rake, and move on to something else. Then new regs come in and the cycle starts over...
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-05-2014 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeyvegas888
Dude you're funny, would love to play some limit with you sometime...did you try treasure island, or has anyone reading this post played there? Heard they pay 10/hr when you hit 60 hours/wk. Would love to get a good, steady 2-6, 3-6 or 4-8 game going there.
They used to have some 2/6 when they brought the promotion back, but I think that game doesn't run anymore. I'd be open to getting limit going there as well. The only thing I ever see running is a 1/3 NL game that I've heard mostly bad things about.

They also give out $2 an hour comps which is better than what most places offer.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-05-2014 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
They used to have some 2/6 when they brought the promotion back, but I think that game doesn't run anymore. I'd be open to getting limit going there as well. The only thing I ever see running is a 1/3 NL game that I've heard mostly bad things about.

They also give out $2 an hour comps which is better than what most places offer., so far we'd have me, steve (and fergestra when he rolls into town)... any other takers? I'm talking about getting a good, fun, social 4-8 game going in which tourists would also feel very comfortable playing...steve - what are some things you've heard about the nl game that runs there? What about like a 2-10 spread limit game?
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-06-2014 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by Mikeyvegas888, so far we'd have me, steve (and fergestra when he rolls into town)... any other takers? I'm talking about getting a good, fun, social 4-8 game going in which tourists would also feel very comfortable playing...steve - what are some things you've heard about the nl game that runs there? What about like a 2-10 spread limit game?
Here's an example of what I've heard. This post (and the one it quotes) were posted recently in the Planet Hollywood thread in this forum:

I've actually never bothered to play the NL game there, so I don't have my own opinion about the game. Also, not every comment I've read about the game has been that pessimistic, but I haven't heard much recently besides the posts I just linked to (I've heard nothing else in the last few months besides what pig4bill just posted).

I'm not sure I have a strong preference whether it's 3/6, 4/8, or some low spread limit type of game. I would actually prefer something like 6/12 or a little higher but the smaller games probably have a better chance.

Most of the other comments I've heard about the NL game are pretty similar, that it's mostly a bunch of the same regulars playing for the promotion, and whenever a bad tourist sits in they really stand out. But again, I'm just going by what I've seen other people say on forums like this one.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-06-2014 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
Here's an example of what I've heard. This post (and the one it quotes) were posted recently in the Planet Hollywood thread in this forum:

I've actually never bothered to play the NL game there, so I don't have my own opinion about the game. Also, not every comment I've read about the game has been that pessimistic, but I haven't heard much recently besides the posts I just linked to (I've heard nothing else in the last few months besides what pig4bill just posted).

I'm not sure I have a strong preference whether it's 3/6, 4/8, or some low spread limit type of game. I would actually prefer something like 6/12 or a little higher but the smaller games probably have a better chance.

Most of the other comments I've heard about the NL game are pretty similar, that it's mostly a bunch of the same regulars playing for the promotion, and whenever a bad tourist sits in they really stand out. But again, I'm just going by what I've seen other people say on forums like this one.
Thanks for the input. Sounds like the limit game has a bad rep/ doesn't run. It's up to the players (us) to get it going, so the game is talked about in a more positive light. The rakeback promo is a great concept if it's not abused, and players are willing to mix it up, not auto fold their way to 10/hr. I'm thinking if we build it, they will come. The game could get a bit swingy, but sometimes you have to give in order to get. Within reason.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-06-2014 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Fergastra
New years kept me busy and too tired to post (not making that mistake again )

I didn't get to play at the treasure island but I heard on here that not enough games run to take full (if any) advantage of this promo.
Sure sounds interesting though, if I was a Vegas regular, I would surely try to get some 2+2ers and get a permanent game going there!

There should be two parts of the TR left, at least one will be posted tonight
C'mon, Ferga...
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-06-2014 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by TwoMoos
C'mon, Ferga...
Yeah ferga, you're slacking lol
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-07-2014 , 08:14 PM
Wow is this the time???
For everybody who said I was slacking - you were right.
So without further ado:


It must have been around 9 in the evening when I stepped out of the Bellagio and into the crowded street.
I made my way through the mass of people when I smelled – as it would turn out – religion!
As I was walking, still fuming about what had transpired earlier, I noticed the distinct smell of burning incense. Intrigued I followed it and came upon a small (Buddhist?) shrine, with candles and everything, just a few hundred feet from the B.
Here I was, in the packed streets of Vegas and in the midst of all that commotion, there was this Asian lady who serenely lit some incense, knelt and prayed at the shrine. All the while, people upon people rushed past. The whole scene had an alien feel to it and I stood there, watching mesmerized until she had finished her prayer. I will never know what she prayed for but whatever it was, watching her pray helped me to get into a better mood.

Now that I felt a bit better about things in general, I decided to skip the mirage for now and go back to the Venetian.

Back at the 4/8 table there, I was surprised by the lack of the same from the regs at my table (since the limit action on the strip is tiny, you will know the regs in the game by your second day in town...), when I told them about my experience at the B.
To be honest, I noticed that I was still upset in my mind and therefore was prone to make mistakes. But I also figured that I am still good to play. I adjusted to my unsettled mind by narrowing my starting hand selection a little bit, thus avoiding the more delicate spots I would otherwise get into.
The Fohl was also at my table for most of the session and while I can't recall any specific hands that we played, this time I was sure that I got the better of her. It must have been two hours after my untimely exit from the Bellagio that I finally got into my A-game once again. (Looking back, I am amazed Mr. Russia at the B managed to tilt me for this long).
The two Grey-Hounds that I ordered, certainly helped with giving me my composure back.
(btw, I kept drinking Grey-Hounds during the trip because I learned on 2+2 that this is apparently what we order in Casinos and while the drink is alright, I still ask myself – Why???)

In total I stayed at the V until after 1am and when I left, my profit for the day was around $240.
I felt very content with the days work and decided to end the evening in the Mirage, maybe have another beer or two and play some 3/6 while I unwind.
Another good plan...

I sat down at the table, ordered a drink and surveyed my new friends. Certainly not a tough table – I thought. Mostly tourists that want to gamble it up a little it seemed.
By now, the incident at the B was a distant past and I once again enjoyed my time to the fullest.
Well, briefly at least.
I thought about this part of the session quite a bit later and I can't decide whether I played bad or the cards just didn't go my way. I am leaning towards the latter, since I had to see pot after pot being awarded to anyone but me. It pretty much didn't matter what cards I held for two hours and even the token pots that I won didn't keep my morale from faltering
When I had almost gone through the two racks that I bought in for, I was at an interesting spot, mentally - another moment that I will keep going back to in my mind for quite some time.
I sat there and had to face the unwelcome truth that I had managed to lose my entire profit in the last two hours and even though I felt that this was mainly due to variance and not bad decisions on my part, I had to decide between calling it a night or trying to get even.
Now, as most of you know, trying to get even is a strategy that most good players ditch from their arsenal, for good reasons. Sometimes, when I have a losing day, I have to admit that it wasn’t the cards but rather bad play that made me lose. Trying to get even when your head is not right is a fool's errand.
But on the other hand, stepping away from the table and seizing the next day instead can be very hard for poker players, especially when we feel that we got cheated by the deck.

I looked at the meager $45 I had left in chips and decided to play a few more hands and to get up and leave if I lose. (This was a 3/6 game, so I was sitting short on chips – something that I NEVER do but then again, I didn’t feel like losing another $200 that day, so I made a rare exception)

I was spared the moment of defeat when the deck warmed up to me and I quickly won a few pots that provided a decent boost to my chip-stack and, more importantly, my state of mind.
When my table broke about half an hour later, I was sitting much more comfortably with around $160.
I decided that I was still good to play and joined one of the last two remaining tables.
That's when I met Mr. Bonkers...

He was very quiet – as I noticed right away. It must have been at least 2am and most of the remaining players had clearly been drinking for a while but he barely said a word over the following hours, smiled when it was appropriate and otherwise exuded an aura of calmness and concentration.
There was nothing calm about his play however.
In one of the first hands that I witnessed, he had capped it pre-flop between him and two other players.
The flop of xx9 was not coordinated and rainbow, also it was 9high. A player had led out and Mr. Bonkers kept raising until the flop, too, was capped.
The turn brought a Q and there was more betting, raising and capping and for some reason I suddenly had the weird thought in my head that Mr. B has JT.
I was therefore not surprised to see a K roll of on the river and when Mr. B was raising the lead once more, I knew I had guessed right. Strangely, there was not much yelling when the cards were revealed so I figured those guys had been playing each other for some time already.
The next two hours or so were nerve-wracking. We had huge pots pre-flop because even the K9s was capping material for Mr. B and I have to admit that his game got to me a little bit. I know how to handle the crazies online (or at least I would like to think I do) but he was playing such an aggressive game with any two cards that he saved himself some money with it. I was in a number of river-spots were I was sure I had the best hand but I couldn't pull the trigger and bet, because he had shown me earlier that he was willing to raise any holding, even on the river.
A most peculiar opponent, he wasn’t completely nuts, folded when he figured to be beaten and otherwise playing an almost sane game at time. In those 6 days in Vegas, his play style stood out the most and he was the only opponent who made me have second thoughts in - more or less - standard spots.
During that session, we also had parts of the cast of Breaking Bad visit our table. I have since decided that it was either that or some surreal performance artist which I didn't get.
The baggy pants, reversed base-cap and oversized T-shirt all told their own story about their wearer but the stories didn't stop there. The tattoos and general behavior spoke of an upbringing different than mine and whatever business that young kid was into, he must have been doing good. This fact was supported by the older Russian gentleman that must have been his friend or bodyguard (both seemed likely). It was further cemented by the constant cries for reassurance from Mr. BreakingBad to Mr. Russian - “Tell them how much money is in my pocket right now! Go on – Tell them”

Well, we never did find out just how much that was, but as my math teacher would have said – Just imagine the amount as X.
Subsequently, imagine the amount Mr. White left the Casino with as X minus $120.
What a day, my first foray into the 4/8 game, then tilted by the floor manager of all people, then god and then a taste of hell, though with redemption at the end (finished the day with $190 in profit)
If this is a normal day around here, I reckon I know how they came to the slogan:
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!

Last edited by Fergastra; 01-07-2014 at 08:25 PM.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
01-07-2014 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Mikeyvegas888
Thanks for the input. Sounds like the limit game has a bad rep/ doesn't run. It's up to the players (us) to get it going, so the game is talked about in a more positive light. The rakeback promo is a great concept if it's not abused, and players are willing to mix it up, not auto fold their way to 10/hr. I'm thinking if we build it, they will come. The game could get a bit swingy, but sometimes you have to give in order to get. Within reason.
I want to agree. Personally, I wouldn't take an Aces cracked promo as an incentive to slow-play my aces, but rather as an insurance if they do get cracked. So it wouldn't alter my style of play and neither would this promotion. So in theory I would agree and think that with a few like-minded people, it should be possible to establish a good game. However, this might change when a horde of retired folks show up to pass around the blinds...

Edit: I read that you are looking for a good 4/8 game?!
I am no Vegas reg by any means, but check out the Venetian. The max rake is $4 and the increments at which it is take are actually pretty sweet
(Not sure, but something like the 3rd dollar at $40 pot and the 4th at $80), also always make sure to ask for reduced rake if the game should get short-handed. The dealers are not allowed to offer this, so you have to ask!)
Although the V has no promos other than $2/hr in comps, I would take this structure over higher rake + better promos any day!
Edit2: I also have absolutely no knowledge about off-strip games, maybe there are better games with a decent rake running.
Fwiw, the game at the V was very sweet and I am positive that I could make a constant profit there.

Last edited by Fergastra; 01-07-2014 at 08:58 PM.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
