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Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26

12-29-2013 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by TheMuffinMan
Kinda seems like OP fake-lost his wallet and is really a super-degen who came all the way to Vegas on a whim w/ only $400....
Lol I guess that might be possible as well.
Aside from what you suspect, I can only tell you that the story how I have told it so far, is exactly how my Vegas trip went

The only parts where I might stray from the truth in the strictest sense is when I talk about specific hands, because I did not take notes at the tables and I sometimes might mix in hands at some point that in fact happened later in the session (but still as described!).

Going to bed now, still have not had enough sleep...
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 11:43 AM
OK. I'll bite.... What about the secret compartment?

My guess is there is a secret compartment in your backpack and you put your wallet in there so you wouldn't lose it. But since you are a scatter brain, you forgot and didn't find it until the last day of your trip.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Fergastra
Part IV

I am very tilt resistant at the table and can take a bad run, luckily that doesn’t come up often when I play online ...
By that I mean a bad run of cards - a bad run in general happens as often to me as to anyone else - but being card dead for hours just doesn't come up a lot at a 1000 hds/h
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by KingBBinLV
Since when is the Mirage poker room dimly lit?
Did you notice the glasses OP is wearing? He must have had to feel his way to the table with those Ray Charles shades on.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 11:51 AM
Lol I would never wear those inside
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
OK. I'll bite.... What about the secret compartment?

My guess is there is a secret compartment in your backpack and you put your wallet in there so you wouldn't lose it. But since you are a scatter brain, you forgot and didn't find it until the last day of your trip.
To the best of my knowledge, there are no compartments on my backpack that I don't know about, but good try

Also, how do I get a mod to help me fix my thread?
It bugs me that part II is in here twice, and the outdated version comes up first :/
I have sent several message to them but so far I have not gotten a reply

Last edited by Fergastra; 12-29-2013 at 11:57 AM. Reason: forgot *don't...
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 12:16 PM
this guy can fill up a page with text... that's for sure.

you should have just stayed nestled comfortably in Americas hat and played online Poker.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 02:50 PM
Enjoying this. Gogogo
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 04:25 PM
Was the secret compartment in your luggage or was it in the cabinetry in the room?
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 04:28 PM
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 04:29 PM
Ill post the next parts in a few ours, it will become clearer then (dun dun dun)
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Fergastra
Fergastra will post the next Fergastra parts in a few ours, it will become clearer then (dun dun dun)

remember OP, referring to oneself in the third person is +EV
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Fergastra

we aim to please...
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 06:31 PM
To answer a question, the reason why the thought of calling up the airline never occurred to me was that I was quite sure I still had my wallet after I got off from the plane...

Part V
One funny thing I completely forgot to mention, just when I realized that I had lost my wallet 2 minutes into my stay, the phone rang and the front desk asked me to please come to the entrance because of something something. All I head was front desk calling – they must have found my wallet!
This was the first question I fired, a little out of breath, at the security guard that was right in my door frame when I tried to sprint downstairs.
He shrugged of the fact that I almost tackled him (OK, it wasn’t that bad, but I still almost ran him over) and seemingly knew nothing about any wallets whatsoever.
He did however inquire about my person and my reasons for being in this very room though. Apparently I had left the front door open and he was checking to see if everything was alright.
A gesture, while appreciated, that I didn't really had time for right now. As he explained his reasons for being there, I turned around and walked back into the room and started to go through the clothes in the open drawer, the backpack and I don’t know what else again.
Just what I needed right now! I was looking for my wallet and now I have a reason to look for my passport too?
Well splendid.
The location of my passport and with it my identity was confirmed quickly enough and it was only later that it occurred to me that continuing to rifle through the room while the security guard was at the door, checking for burglars might not have been my smartest move...
Oh well, he didn't seem to mind and left quickly, though not without apologizing for my loss.
Yeah thanks man, I know how you feel!

Ahh life is rarely easy.
Back to the now.

After another stop at the Mcdonalds for the sake of convenience and because I felt I shouldn’t sustain myself on liquids alone for 16 hours (I did have a something for lunch at least), I walked back to the Quads once more. Despite the fact that I had just lost 2 racks and was therefore exactly back to even, I was not in a foul mood at all and only moderately tipsy when I went through the motions again.
Crap! Where the hell did this damn wallet go??
I had it on the plane, didn't I?

After falling asleep almost immediately 90 minutes later, I woke to the unpleasant realization that, while I certainly felt I didn't overdo the drinking last night, I now had a mild hangover.
Hey that wasn't the plan, hangovers keep me from playing my best.
This time with breakfast in hand again, I step into the Mirage for, as it turns out, one of the last times.
It is a little after 2 pm and after some coffee I feel that I am as ready as can be under the circumstances.

The table I sat down at is very nice. There were only a few faces that I recognized from the last two days in the room and the few at my table I was happy to see indeed. Even better, they were happy to see me, too.
No hard feelings, ey?
Well, after I lost my profits back yesterday, I understood why they would be. We were talking and joking around almost right away and I was slowly but steadily adding on to my chip stack.
I caught a good run and took down some pots with JJ, AQ and the likes.
My order of a Grey-Hound soon after I sat down blended right in. It was Vegas, after all, so drinks were already flowing copiously, though hindered by the only occasional waitress sighting.
I stopped drinking for most of the day after wards, but this one I knew would be needed in pure self defense.

As I was shaking of my hangover, I noticed that there was some liberal re-raising going on for a change and it wasn't long until I joined in.
I started making it three bets with my better hands and took down some nice pots against K9s and the likes, I didn't complain. Two or three hours in, I was sitting at my second table with about $400 in front of me but when I took my lunch-break a few hours later, I left with a profit of $40 as the deck had other plans in those last hours.
I took that at face value and left the Mirage in the early evening to get some food. I had played well and made a profit, I was happy!

random chip stack pic from the mirage

Last edited by Fergastra; 12-29-2013 at 06:43 PM.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 08:00 PM
Did you not pat down the entire empty backpack to make sure the wallet wasn't hidden in a secret compartment? Cuz that's what I would do.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
Well played sir...well played.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 08:50 PM
OP got in a cab from airport to hotel and arm rest was down with a "secret compartment" in it. Screwed around and put his wallet in it just as he pulled up to the hotel. Got distracted and forgot his wallet. But it worked out great when he later went to yellow cab and said "I am a poker player and left some money in your cab" and they handed him a bag of chocolates.

Seriously OP, who paid for the cab fare from the airport? Or did you rent a car? (Eye roll)
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by p566
OP got in a cab from airport to hotel and arm rest was down with a "secret compartment" in it. Screwed around and put his wallet in it just as he pulled up to the hotel. Got distracted and forgot his wallet. But it worked out great when he later went to yellow cab and said "I am a poker player and left some money in your cab" and they handed him a bag of chocolates.

Seriously OP, who paid for the cab fare from the airport? Or did you rent a car? (Eye roll)
I took out some spending cash and put it in my pocket at some point in the plane.

We will post part VI later tonight..
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 09:55 PM
Part VI

After the short 5 minute walk back to the room, I had the brilliant idea of finally charging my camera, since this was my 3rd day in Vegas and all. I quickly uncovered my camera and I was silently amazed how cluttered the hotel room had become.
Finding the charger for the camera proved therefore to be a little harder, after I exhausted the obvious spots like the one drawer I had been using and the bed, I figured I might as well check my backpack for it. Something felt different when I reached inside and instead of the shape of the camera-charger that I was vaguely expecting to find, I couldn’t quite process the tactile information my brain was receiving at first.
The square edges, the material, the black color I felt.

Wow I just found my wallet...

I just found my wallet!!!

I have since come to the conclusion that I must have rummaged around in my backpack when I checked-in and somehow I must have put my wallet into a compartment at the very back of my backpack. Until then, I had absolutely no idea whatsoever that this compartment even existed.
I easily could have gone many years without ever discovering it...

In a mix of joy and certain amount of d'oh I went on to tell this new development to my friends and they commended me instantly on my excellent strategic approach to make my opponents believe, I am almost out of money for 3 days.
Of course, they had also sent off my western union transfer just a few hours prior.

Not for the first time on this trip, I had the feeling that my timing has been perfect so far.
I decided to walk to few minutes to the Flamingo. Western Union transfers up to $500 can be picked up there. At least that is what I had been told. When I get there, it turns out that this is only possible for mega-reward card holder or some such thing.
After another 25 minute walk down paradise road, I reach check-city but here the problem laid in the details. Yes, they could certainly help me. Unfortunately, they couldn't do so just right now. I was told that their incoming money transfer line was down. Perfection.
Hungry and slightly annoyed, I finally got to the next store that offered Western Union 20 minutes further away and there everything works out.

When I stepped out of the building, I suddenly ran into issues communicating with the natives.
I had to repeat my question – Is this a regular taxi? - an amazing 3 times before she started to use her words. The last time I wanted to make sure and actually said – Is this a regular taxi cab - .
What did I know, I mean I strongly suspected that it was in fact a cab, but all I saw was a colorful car with some sort of advertisement on top, I am used to cabs having a sign on top indicating their nature.
Well, the confusion was short lived when I finally indicated that what I had in money I lacked in transportation and then we came to an agreement almost right away.

The rest of the evening. I took it easy at the Mirage. I had one or two beers, ate something and had a great time at the tables. No real interesting hands stick out from that day but I steadily built a profit and finished the day up with +$90 in total. Now that I had my credit card back, I had no intention of playing in the 3/6 game a lot anymore and while the games itself were pretty great at the Mirage, I can explain this in one word – rake!
As I sat there over the last 3 days, I started to notice just what a huge effect the extra dollar has that they take in order to fund various promotions. I figured that with 30 to 35 hands an hour, that is close to 30 dollars extra that are taken off the table, compared to the rake of the 4/8 game next door.
Since I played 15-16 hours everyday, that means close to $500 won't end up in anyone’s stack at the end of the day. Food for thought indeed...

Anyway, I didn’t mind too much, I had an amazing time at the tables in my first 3 days and now I was ready to seek out the 4/8 game that I had come to play all along

I knew I had it on the plane!!
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-29-2013 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Fergastra
The square edges, the material, the black color I felt.
You are talented. I can't tell colors by feel.

Wow I just found my wallet...

I just found my wallet!!!
But lost your camera charger?
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
OK. I'll bite.... What about the secret compartment?

My guess is there is a secret compartment in your backpack and you put your wallet in there so you wouldn't lose it. But since you are a scatter brain, you forgot and didn't find it until the last day of your trip.
Originally Posted by Fergastra
To the best of my knowledge, there are no compartments on my backpack that I don't know about, but good try

Also, how do I get a mod to help me fix my thread?
It bugs me that part II is in here twice, and the outdated version comes up first :/
I have sent several message to them but so far I have not gotten a reply
Originally Posted by TheCanoe
Did you not pat down the entire empty backpack to make sure the wallet wasn't hidden in a secret compartment? Cuz that's what I would do.
Originally Posted by Fergastra
Part VI

After the short 5 minute walk back to the room, I had the brilliant idea of finally charging my camera, since this was my 3rd day in Vegas and all. I quickly uncovered my camera and I was silently amazed how cluttered the hotel room had become.
Finding the charger for the camera proved therefore to be a little harder, after I exhausted the obvious spots like the one drawer I had been using and the bed, I figured I might as well check my backpack for it. Something felt different when I reached inside and instead of the shape of the camera-charger that I was vaguely expecting to find, I couldn’t quite process the tactile information my brain was receiving at first.
The square edges, the material, the black color I felt.

Wow I just found my wallet...

I just found my wallet!!!

I have since come to the conclusion that I must have rummaged around in my backpack when I checked-in and somehow I must have put my wallet into a compartment at the very back of my backpack. Until then, I had absolutely no idea whatsoever that this compartment even existed.

I easily could have gone many years without ever discovering it...
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by Fergastra
To the best of my knowledge, there are no compartments on my backpack that I don't know about, but good try
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
You realize the first quote is a meaningless tautology, right?
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by CowboyCold
LOL- You beat me to the multi-quote Cowboy.
Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
12-30-2013 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Turyia
You realize the first quote is a meaningless tautology, right?
Cut the (Ger)man some slack, for ****s sake

And kindliest share: What is a meaningful tautology?

Dont ask me about the secret compartment - a 3/6 and 4/8 Holdem trip report - 12/20 - 12/26 Quote
