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Pokercast Episode 90 - British Invasion with Annette Obrestad, Joe Sebok & Jeffrey Pollack Pokercast Episode 90 - British Invasion with Annette Obrestad, Joe Sebok & Jeffrey Pollack

10-01-2009 , 05:55 PM
I play the pokercast invitational almost every week. I dont use twitter. I hope that the way the password is given out stays the same.
10-01-2009 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
UB stuff is getting boring. Especially the double whammy this week; you hit us with a bunch before Can't you maybe just work it into the end of the show, before commercials or subliminally. Just say UB still sucks a couple times an episode or something. If the Pokercast was 2+2 UB talk would be the Politics forum imo. I don't play there anymore fwiw.
Agreed. We're done with it for a long while now imo
10-01-2009 , 08:33 PM
was that song at the th Wizard?
10-01-2009 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
UB stuff is getting boring. Can't you maybe just work it into the end of the show.
It was at the end of the show.
10-01-2009 , 09:40 PM
lol @ MJ's new avy with old location
10-01-2009 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by RobTheDuck
lol @ MJ's new avy with old location
Well, I'll ask him but I don't think he'll be very keen, he's already got one, you see.
10-01-2009 , 09:54 PM

10-01-2009 , 10:52 PM

10-01-2009 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Bunner


EDIT: oh the moving the gear all around. ICWYDT.

Last edited by Bunner; 10-02-2009 at 05:08 PM.
10-02-2009 , 12:16 AM
annette was awesome. totally sweet, very good personality. im a fan.
10-02-2009 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by au_maverick
**** u joe sebok.

he has no vested interest in uncovering anything about the UB scandal. He prob has never played a hand of online poker in his life. He just wants to be loved by the online guys
well if that were true i'd say he's going about it the wrong way. you think this is automatically going to make people like him? its the exact opposite. I feel that he does want to help and he actually thinks that he can. However i, like most, am skeptical to say the least. but id say i feel his intentions are probably there.

but regardless, fk ub
10-02-2009 , 12:43 AM
Joe Seebok seems in over his head ,I think however much UB is paying him cannot be worth the aggravation and ill will.
10-02-2009 , 02:16 AM
Nice pics. Hope you enjoy London!
10-02-2009 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by rockforlight
well if that were true i'd say he's going about it the wrong way. you think this is automatically going to make people like him? its the exact opposite. I feel that he does want to help and he actually thinks that he can. However i, like most, am skeptical to say the least. but id say i feel his intentions are probably there.

but regardless, fk ub
Yeah i assume he has the right intentions in terms of wanting to uncover it, but he is obviously trying to paint a picture of him being our knight in shining armour.

And I guess he got sick of travelling the circuit as a losing player so the $$$ is obv the driving force
10-02-2009 , 05:03 AM
Does Pollack realize that they haven't revealed who the November 9 are on ESPN yet and won't for another 3 weeks?
10-02-2009 , 11:03 AM
Another excellent podcast! It makes living without cable t.v. so much easier!

The sebok hate is crzy round here. Yeah, the whole "I want to bring wholeness" to the poker community is quite naive, but I felt his intentions came across as they truly are, genuine. You guys did a great job being civil and getting to the tough questions out there. Keep up the great work.
10-02-2009 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Douglas

EDIT: oh the moving the gear all around. ICWYDT.

Won draw for a mac book at stars party. (I run good)
10-02-2009 , 05:45 PM
As I was listening to Annette's interview, I couldn't help but imagine (rather sophomoric, I know):

"How great would it be if you occasionally dropped the 'When you gonna let me tap that?' line on a female guest?"

Their response would definitely give us a better look into what kind of person they really are.
10-02-2009 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Bunner
Won draw for a mac book at stars party. (I run good)
Nice! An air?
10-02-2009 , 09:02 PM
I wonder how much of what they are paying Helmuth, Duke and now Sebok is stolen money? I would demand to know what they are being paid. It has to be way more than Tilt or PokerStars. Where are they getting the money? What kind of volume does UB do? Stinks to high hell of corruption.
10-02-2009 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by LeopoldTheThird
I wonder how much of what they are paying Helmuth, Duke and now Sebok is stolen money? I would demand to know what they are being paid. It has to be way more than Tilt or PokerStars. Where are they getting the money? What kind of volume does UB do? Stinks to high hell of corruption.
I'd wager a lot. Wasn't there rumours during WSOP about UB offering roughly 10 times what other sites were for patches? Those may be just that, rumours.
10-03-2009 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by rockforlight
annette was awesome. totally sweet, very good personality. im a fan.
i hope she experiences life outside of poker and the circuit - it's great she's close with helmuth and mizzi, i guess, but what else do they really have in common other than poker?

find some friends your own age, Annette, and go get a mani and pedi from time to time. sitting in your room locked up playing poker 18 hours a day is not much of a life. hopefully she has enough cash now where she can play selectively, although she sounds pretty degenerate to me "it was a sunday and i was bored so i played a 20,000 player tourney.." - what happened to pizza and a movie on a sunday? yawnnnnn.
10-03-2009 , 08:23 AM
Joe said something very interesting AND honest during the pokercast, which I think really shows his desire to tell things like he sees it - "professional tournament poker players will be extinct" - he didnt give a time frame but with everything he knows is going down, it's obvious that within 5 years, the WPTs and EPTs, and majority of online poker sites, will fade into oblivion.

Here's my reasoning why:

1. UB/AP aren't the only sites where cheating has occurred - cheating occurs on EACH AND EVERY SITE. Note recent news about bots on FTP
2. There is no way to regulate people chatting via IM, or in the same physical location, and telling each other their hands
3. There is no way to prevent multiple people playing the same account at once, therefore giving them a "two heads are better than one" advantage
4. Most players are losing players - eventually they will get fed up with pouring money into a losing endeavor and will find something more productive to do, or they'll run out of cash
5. The players that do win are sick of the long waiting times to cash out (3 weeks for a check??) when you get your money back instantly playing live, if you actually make money with the high rakes charged by BnM casinos
6. Most markets are saturated in terms of new sign ups - if the poker sites can't keep growing, they will eventually go out of business, bar the top two.
7. The top two will eventually have the law catch up to them and go out of business, or not be able to accept US players - a large chunk of their business, as the feds will keep finding their bank accounts and freezing their funds.
8. The large $10K events already are and will continue to dwindle - it's too expensive to keep traveling round and plonking down $10K (not tax deductible I don't think?) with a 1-300 at best shot of making it into the top 5 payouts. Variance is a bitch no matter how good or lucky you think you are. Fine if you have a company sponsoring you, but even they will expect a result or two now and again, even though we all know how small the odds of winning multiple major tournaments are.
9. The sites will stop pouring money onto players just to wear patches on TV and make stupid TV ads. This is the most costly form of advertising and the LEAST trackable. In any event, the market is already saturated, if you play poker you probably found software through google and downloaded the first couple of rooms, and stuck with those.
10. The government will clamp down on underage gambling, as it did with underage drinking. People will need to send in IDs to prove they are 18 or older in order to get paid. Annette 15s will be a thing of the past.

Just my 2c.

Joe signed with UB so he can get as much money now out of a dying trade as possible, perhaps that shows what a shrewd business man he really is.

Anyone who believes there is NO cheating in any shape or form on other sites, is stupid. Don't play online poker ANYWHERE unless you want to be cheated, or perhaps you are a cheater yourself. Then good luck to you, i hope you can sleep well at night.

Last edited by mandymoore; 10-03-2009 at 08:32 AM.
10-03-2009 , 01:03 PM
Someone a bit paranoid maybe? Your like the guy on FT who tells me the software is rigged to put aces against kings constantly.
10-03-2009 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by mandymoore
4. Most players are losing players - eventually they will get fed up with pouring money into a losing endeavor and will find something more productive to do, or they'll run out of cash
That's why Roulette, Baccarat and Craps are extinct now ... lol
