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Pokercast Episode 334 - Mirza "Zaza" Muhovic and 2014 WCOOP wrapup Pokercast Episode 334 - Mirza "Zaza" Muhovic and 2014 WCOOP wrapup

10-03-2014 , 03:52 PM
Longer show > short show
10-03-2014 , 11:58 PM
Strat talk with Steve D gets more time than stars pulling out of markets. Pokertainment at its finest.
10-04-2014 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by ZenX
+10 on the audio issues. I listen with an earbud in, and had to crank up the audio to hear zaza talk, then would nearly blow an eardrum when Adam or T-Chan would chime in.
I mean I'm biased but this is just categorically wrong. You have something wrong with your earbuds if the volume difference was that huge. The difference was noticeable, but you make out like it was a whisper versus a jet engine. You're either exaggerating or you need to buy some new headphones
10-04-2014 , 01:29 AM
I'm also in favor of slightly less drops, and less post drop commentary on the drops.
10-04-2014 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Christ, De 'Berg!
you seem like a fun guy lets hang out some time
Hey, I am a fun guy. Very busy. Listen to a lot of podcasts. Being able to listen to them at 1.5 x speed is really great. Only notice it when there is music, hence my comment. So ef off.
10-04-2014 , 02:35 AM
Another great show! Thanks guys.
10-04-2014 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by milky159
Longer show > short show
Well, yeah. When the show isn't long enough, I ask for a refund of my free.
10-04-2014 , 06:37 AM
I know it's not your favourite thing Adam but any chance of talking a little about the WSOP?

The TV coverage has started and when you were doing the show the WSOP Australia-Pacific was just around the corner. Maybe just throw things over to Ross and ask him what he thought of the coverage if you don't watch it and maybe get a guest on from Australia/Going to Australia.

I would also like to say that I prefer a longer show, but I would prefer a 2 hour show than no show, so that's obviously up to you guys and what you're comfortable with
10-04-2014 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Christ, De 'Berg!
I mean I'm biased but this is just categorically wrong. You have something wrong with your earbuds if the volume difference was that huge. The difference was noticeable, but you make out like it was a whisper versus a jet engine. You're either exaggerating or you need to buy some new headphones
Fair enough, it was an exaggeration. I listen with one earbud as I work, so lowered levels make it more difficult to hear. I was also having slight difficulty with understanding zaza because of the language barrier, so I was probably upping the volume for his interview more than I normally would. Was definitely uncomfortable when Adam and Terrance would talk, compared to Zaza.
10-04-2014 , 10:29 AM
I listen at .5x speed so the show lasts longer and everyone sounds like they're under water. Seriously though, I add my voice to the longer is better contigent.

Great rap Adam - I laughed a lot... "My Donny Most" ... And even more when TC sounded like he was forced to read his 'How I spent my summer' in front of the class and had to reveal he was at chess camp for 6 weeks. xD I was really hoping you'd attach the other rap you mentioned at the end - c'mon, give us a bonus next week!

My eventual trick for the earbud volume levels was: Zaza=2 earbuds, Adam/TC=1 earbud (other pulled as quickly as possible). For what it's worth, mine are the usually excellent iphone buds. So yes, the volume difference was absolutely significant. Some of the Ross drops were barely audible as well. All that being said, bearing with the issues until Ross finds his balance/levels is more of an adventure than a chore for me.
10-04-2014 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
I would also like to say that I prefer a longer show, but I would prefer a 2 hour show than no show, so that's obviously up to you guys and what you're comfortable with
I am behind in episodes, but agree with the above and agree with not removing profanity.
10-04-2014 , 10:21 PM
As proof that they really are being run as separate companies, the FTP version of the hyperturbo spin n go or whatever they call it on Stars included the option to deal when it was first implemented.
10-04-2014 , 10:49 PM
Quick point: one of the big reasons the show was 2 vs 2.5 hours this week was that we had a last-minute guest cancellation. So obviously we had to account for that.

I'd like to ask a question of those who prefer a longer show - would you prefer another guest, or would you prefer more discussion of various topics in the poker world? Or expansion of/addition to other popular segments ("Favourite things"/"140 or less"/"bump"/mailbag)? Or just general banter on nonsense like iPhone lineups and retired golfers?!
10-05-2014 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by TChan
Quick point: one of the big reasons the show was 2 vs 2.5 hours this week was that we had a last-minute guest cancellation. So obviously we had to account for that.

I'd like to ask a question of those who prefer a longer show - would you prefer another guest, or would you prefer more discussion of various topics in the poker world? Or expansion of/addition to other popular segments ("Favourite things"/"140 or less"/"bump"/mailbag)? Or just general banter on nonsense like iPhone lineups and retired golfers?!
I'm in the camp of enjoying the long shows, though obviously I understand that that's not always possible.

To me, the guests are usually the low-point of the show, unless it's a really good guest. I enjoy the general poker discussion and perspectives about issues. I don't mind the off-topic banter to a degree, but certainly wouldn't be looking to increase that.

Regardless, thanks as always for the great shows!
10-05-2014 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by TChan
I'd like to ask a question of those who prefer a longer show - would you prefer another guest, or would you prefer more discussion of various topics in the poker world? Or expansion of/addition to other popular segments ("Favourite things"/"140 or less"/"bump"/mailbag)? Or just general banter on nonsense like iPhone lineups and retired golfers?!
Meh, the show is already longer than most shows. I doubt too many people are complaining that it should be longer than it is right now, we just disagree with those who insist on it being shorter.

That said, Carolla, Mohr and Maron generally stay around 90 minutes. The Nerdist and Greg Proops tend closer to the 75-minute range while Fitzdog and Jimmy Dore seem to aim for an hour. Todd Glass goes much longer but his show is the comedy podcast equivalent of a jam band.

Granted, those are comedy shows so it's a different genre.

Among the sports podcasts (which the PokerCast resembles in style and form), Grantland's shows generally run around an hour. Dan Patrick goes exactly 123 minutes per day but that's because he has to fit a terrestrial format. Men In Blazers tend to range from 60-90 minutes. Eisen and Dameshek also go that long in talking about the NFL.

Anyway, don't force the issue. The Pokercast has had three-hour shows that seem to zip by, while there have been a few two-hour episodes that dragged at times. Results will vary greatly from listener to listener, so trying to hit a time target will be that classic folly of trying to please all of the people all of the time. If you breeze too much through an interview or glass over a major topic in order to stick to a two-hour window, OR vamp and stretch to try to reach three, the show quality will suffer.
10-05-2014 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by TChan
Quick point: one of the big reasons the show was 2 vs 2.5 hours this week was that we had a last-minute guest cancellation. So obviously we had to account for that.

I'd like to ask a question of those who prefer a longer show - would you prefer another guest, or would you prefer more discussion of various topics in the poker world? Or expansion of/addition to other popular segments ("Favourite things"/"140 or less"/"bump"/mailbag)? Or just general banter on nonsense like iPhone lineups and retired golfers?!
I understand about the last minute guest cancellations but I am mentioning the show length only because Adam has mentioned a couple of times about how he aims to get the show to a regular 2 hours. If that's what he prefers to do for his own reasons then fine, no problem, I'll enjoy the shows very much. But Adam also mentioned that he thought people would prefer a shorter show and that people were put off by the show length and so that's why I'm mentioning that I would prefer a longer show. Not complaining, just letting my opinion be known and my vote counted.

As far as the what could be in a longer show it could be anything or everything from this list:

- extra guests
- general banter
- some more tournament poker discussion
- maybe regular how much you got/lodden thinks with guests
- discussion of poker on tv (I know you maybe don't watch most of it, but I'm sure that Ross does and he could do a weekly segment of highlights of what he saw)

I would listen to a 4 hour show of you guys talking about hockey and sandwiches but will support any show length you guys feel comfortable with.
10-05-2014 , 05:37 AM
I agree with Xander, I'd listen to a longer show regardless of what went on. I understand if you guys need to do a shorter show or if it's easier but I prefer longer ones by far. If you are going shorter purely because of feedback, maybe you could 'split' the show into two. Perhaps what you could do is talk about the big poker news, guests and pokerstars stuff in the first section (1 1/2 hours-2 hours) and then all the short show fans would stop listening. In the second section you could talk about the minor news, the forums, tweets, all the other little segments you have as well as any general talk or other sports stuff. just an idea.
10-05-2014 , 07:53 AM
Oh hai, invitational up:

10-05-2014 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by TChan
Quick point: one of the big reasons the show was 2 vs 2.5 hours this week was that we had a last-minute guest cancellation. So obviously we had to account for that.

I'd like to ask a question of those who prefer a longer show - would you prefer another guest, or would you prefer more discussion of various topics in the poker world? Or expansion of/addition to other popular segments ("Favourite things"/"140 or less"/"bump"/mailbag)? Or just general banter on nonsense like iPhone lineups and retired golfers?!
I really like the segments you listed. I also very much enjoy when you go over some of the 2+2 threads and your reactions/thoughts to them - the silly as well as the serious. I think this'd be an easy and logical choice to include every week.

My real concern with the time issue is that I might lose some of my favorite tangential moments - sometimes those are the things I've enjoyed the most over the years - where natural conversation is sparked. The Adam/TC heads up ryhthm is just beginning but it's good
10-05-2014 , 11:52 AM
The Zaza interview was good, but lost great status when the question about running it twice got dropped. Zaza made a statement that running it twice reduces variance and he does it (something many don't agree about, your equity is your equity is your equity over 100 trials, whether that's 100 different hands where you have the same equity, or 50 hands ran twice). I would have loved a follow up question on this... I know interviews are scripted with questions for the guest, but this type of follow up question seems natural. Then you asked Zaza a great question, if he felt that if opponents knowing he runs it twice causes them to play differently against him. Zaza clearly didn't understand the question because he gave an answer about the number of tables he plays and feeling like most players don't adjust to him based on that or even know how many he's playing. Was disappointed you just moved on to the next question and didn't re-ask to clarify the question was about running it twice, which is a much more interesting question imo.

Regarding show length, the usual run times or 2 hours is cool, whatever works best for you. I love the show, am still getting adjusted to life after Mike but Terrance makes a good co-host. I would not however listen to you for 4+ hours if you talked about ham sandwiches and hockey, lol at that.
10-05-2014 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
Zaza made a statement that running it twice reduces variance and he does it (something many don't agree about, your equity is your equity is your equity over 100 trials, whether that's 100 different hands where you have the same equity, or 50 hands ran twice).
Are you certain you understand the difference between EV and variance?
Im quite certain you dont.
EV means equity*pot size. This doesnt change no matter how often you run a hand.
Variance on the other hand describes the spread of outcomes from the EV over given sample sizes (im not a native english speaker but I think this definition should be accurate). Therefore, unless the spread is 0, the sample size affects the likelyhood the actual outcomes will be more narrow towards your EV. So running it twice lowers your variance.
10-05-2014 , 03:03 PM
Running it twice reduces variance but if people know you always do it then they will shove a lot more draws knowing that if you fold great but if you call then they can usually hit their draw one out of two. The times when you fold stop you from realizing the equity that you have...
10-05-2014 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by CingCoCo
Variance on the other hand describes the spread of outcomes from the EV over given sample sizes (im not a native english speaker but I think this definition should be accurate). Therefore, unless the spread is 0, the sample size affects the likelyhood the actual outcomes will be more narrow towards your EV. So running it twice lowers your variance.
Your english is good. I get that running it twice lowers variance by getting us to the proverbial long run quicker.

Remember though we are talking about a 20 tabling SNE who grinds 1M+ hands/year. The impact of running it twice on his variance is negligible at best. And it would have been cool to hear this question posed as an impromptu follow up question imo.
10-05-2014 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Christ, De 'Berg!
I mean I'm biased but this is just categorically wrong. You have something wrong with your earbuds if the volume difference was that huge. The difference was noticeable, but you make out like it was a whisper versus a jet engine. You're either exaggerating or you need to buy some new headphones
Yeah there is a fine line there imo with the audio/volume. Though I'll have to side with the others on this. I too found when I had the volume set to a comfortable level for Zaza, TC and AS came in at a higher level which I found too loud for my "comfort". But I could deal with it and it wasn't a jet engine over a whisper either. Just a comfort level. And I have a nice set of buds as well.
10-05-2014 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by TChan
Quick point: one of the big reasons the show was 2 vs 2.5 hours this week was that we had a last-minute guest cancellation. So obviously we had to account for that.

I'd like to ask a question of those who prefer a longer show - would you prefer another guest, or would you prefer more discussion of various topics in the poker world? Or expansion of/addition to other popular segments ("Favourite things"/"140 or less"/"bump"/mailbag)? Or just general banter on nonsense like iPhone lineups and retired golfers?!
Two hours is a decent default target for the show. As for guests, some are better than others obv and I enjoy when you get into discussions with them rather than run down a scripted list of questions. Getting slightly off-topic and exploring these topic matters off the cuff are far more interesting.

Instead of additional guests, I believe discussing poker topics between the two of you would be more interesting.

BTW, do you have any MMA bouts upcoming? Are you continuing with the combat sports?
