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PokerCast Episode 195 - Matt Giannetti, Dan Gati, Scarlet Robinson & TalonChick PokerCast Episode 195 - Matt Giannetti, Dan Gati, Scarlet Robinson & TalonChick

10-26-2011 , 01:41 PM
yay had a feeling it woulda been her scott ian was the obv first thought but.....
thanx guys love the pokercast keep up the good work, cant wait for episode #200
10-26-2011 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by BokBokBok
Amarillo Slim.
10-26-2011 , 01:46 PM
Mike can you do me a favour and please never learn to pronounce names, it provides me with so much entertainment! Great show guys, love the podcast.
10-26-2011 , 01:55 PM
cant help but remember last time scarlett robinson was on the pokercast!!
10-26-2011 , 02:55 PM
the PokerCast drinking game:

Every time a guest says "you know," take a shot.
10-26-2011 , 03:33 PM
TalonChick = total sweetheart. <3 imaginary crush.
10-26-2011 , 03:55 PM
Bah, I was gonna guess Annie Duke.
10-26-2011 , 04:05 PM
[Was gunna guess Annie Duke too :P]
Guess i'll take a shot at Tom Dwan then
10-26-2011 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by catch 29
Mike can you do me a favour and please never learn to pronounce names, it provides me with so much entertainment! Great show guys, love the podcast.

Of course, in a not-so-distant previous life, Mike was paid to announce many unpronouncable names as a hockey broadcaster. Many pokercast listeners would probably pay a pretty penny to listen to any of those archived broadcasts. (Recall Ted Baxter if you are old enuf.)

We luv ya Mike!
10-26-2011 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Disinterested
yeah not the recording, but just his voice. like it was puberty or his 5th day awake.

Also HAI only listened to podcast forever, so am starstruck
I would say it was the exact opposite of his voice "breaking". His voice was actually almost too deep lol, like he was really sick or something.
10-26-2011 , 09:43 PM
LOL @ MJ referring to himself 'babysitting' his daughter -- I've made this mistake before and got called out: "it's not called babysitting, it's called parenting..."
10-26-2011 , 10:04 PM
Listening to the interview with Matt Giannetti sounded like listening to an interview with a garbage disposel.
10-26-2011 , 10:44 PM
I'll say Chris Ferguson.
10-26-2011 , 11:07 PM
Really like how Adam gets into the mindset of a highstakes player. Matt didn't give away much obviously but how he approaches the game was very interesting. I like how he tries to anticipate action after him before he acts.
10-27-2011 , 02:27 AM
I think its Jamie gold
10-27-2011 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by zigzagblues
is the answer Liv Boeree?
10-27-2011 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by AOSpades
I would say it was the exact opposite of his voice "breaking". His voice was actually almost too deep lol, like he was really sick or something.
He just needed a BIG glass of water IMO. Still great interview though..........
10-27-2011 , 09:55 AM
First pokercast dream,

Wow, just awoke after falling asleep the this podcast a result of the show I had sweet dreams all night long, one of which included running into MJ, Adam and Bunner at a hamburger and chip eating contest in which MJ was competing wierd
10-27-2011 , 11:27 AM
Chris "Jesus" Ferguson
10-27-2011 , 11:57 AM
My 2c on X the French Magazine surveying FTP high rollers is that the Investors/FTP want to get some data from players discreetly. It would be a **** load quicker and easier to survey people under the guise of a magazine than as a FTP rep.
10-27-2011 , 12:21 PM
I dont know if it has benn said already but for the lady event the winner received a ring instead of a bracelet.
It might not have the same value as a bracelet thu, I don't know.
10-27-2011 , 12:27 PM
Heard you guys mention Death Cab for Cutie... I was there with the gf, really enjoyed the gig!
10-27-2011 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by pkchamp
My 2c on X the French Magazine surveying FTP high rollers is that the Investors/FTP want to get some data from players discreetly. It would be a **** load quicker and easier to survey people under the guise of a magazine than as a FTP rep.
IT wasn't very discreet if everyone is talking about it.
10-27-2011 , 02:05 PM
lol @ tourneys

What's the plural of money? Monies
What's the plural of tourney? Tournies.

It's English. Please use it.
10-27-2011 , 02:28 PM
Great show.....I think Scarlet Robinson is by far one of the best guests providing perspective on the non-poker side of poker.

Brandon Adams LOL, the Prince Of Hellmuth! - he's quickly assuming the role of poker's male Annie Duke - who would be my guess in the Tom Morello pool.

I'd definitely vote MORE Talon Chick! here's to some rungood at the PCA.

and additional rungood to all those playing in the BC Poker Championships.
