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PokerCast Episode 139 - WCOOP Coverage, Terrence Chan & Baard Dahl of HighstakesDB PokerCast Episode 139 - WCOOP Coverage, Terrence Chan & Baard Dahl of HighstakesDB

09-08-2010 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by S t =0= n a
it doesn't get said often enough:

thank you Bunner for pulling these all nighters in order to put the show up as soon as possible after recording.

it is appreciated.
Thanks bud. Pay the 'OVER'!
09-08-2010 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by driver
if anyone can point me in the direction of some good shots of our fine hosts, please post!
[ ] these exist
09-08-2010 , 07:23 PM
Great podcast, Ive been a long time listener of the program down here in texas.
09-09-2010 , 02:49 AM
hey guys. i am having problems downloading the show on iTunes. i have downloaded iTunes 10. could that be why?
09-09-2010 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by LuckyLuke01
hey guys. i am having problems downloading the show on iTunes. i have downloaded iTunes 10. could that be why?
No problems on my end. Any specific error messages?
09-09-2010 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by Too-Meke
Only half way through, but I've had to cringe a lot at this ep. A lot of the debate between you two has sounded very catty, unnecessary, and going to end with no ones mind being changed
Wife hates all things poker-related, but driving home late last night, I hadn't had a chance to listen to the show all day so put Mike and Adam on. Before long she asked 'do they always fight like this?' ... Yip!!! ... Very entertaining stuff even if you hate poker , thanks.
09-10-2010 , 07:00 AM
Courtney Brown, picked #1 overall by the Cleveland Browns in 2000. One of the top examples of huge NFL draft busts.
09-10-2010 , 09:48 AM
Hey guys, I was wondering ... @50min 30sec you are talking about that incident in france and terrence(?) said smth like "if we want to have same games that we have in LA or eastern slovakia blabla" , whats with eastern slovakia games lol ?
09-10-2010 , 01:36 PM
Any Red Dwarf fans? There is an episode where Lister has left money in his account back on Earth and he is the richest man on the planet because of the interest (the only earth people with money are the power company, as he left his bathroom light on). That was what I thought of.
Partypoker emailed me as I had $3 left in my account and hadnt touched it for 2years, they eventually started deducting money for inactivity. I couldnt be bothered to deal with it as it was only $3, but the principle of taking money for inactivity can't be right (N.B - this may no longer be how they deal with inactive accounts)
09-10-2010 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Dzlr69
Any Red Dwarf fans? There is an episode where Lister has left money in his account back on Earth and he is the richest man on the planet because of the interest (the only earth people with money are the power company, as he left his bathroom light on). That was what I thought of.
Partypoker emailed me as I had $3 left in my account and hadnt touched it for 2years, they eventually started deducting money for inactivity. I couldnt be bothered to deal with it as it was only $3, but the principle of taking money for inactivity can't be right (N.B - this may no longer be how they deal with inactive accounts)
here, i thought that was the episode where they use the time machine and go back and lister steals the idea for the stress busting strip (bubblewrap painted red)
09-10-2010 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by 2eazy
lol what was said about my ex gf
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
iirc, I said that your friend's ex was dating AJ Green lol
Originally Posted by 2eazy
i have no idea who aj green is lol
I think Adam got confused between Scott Tom and AJ Green, I'm sure he was thinking about these older posts by 2eazy from one of the AP/UB threads.

Originally Posted by 2eazy
wow scott tom just moved to where i live and is seing my ex
Originally Posted by 2eazy
No its true, kinda ironic that ub stole money from me and now she was or is going out with him

Obviously he tells her that he had nothing to do with the scandal and he had no idea it was going on
09-10-2010 , 08:11 PM
The dieing with money online thing.

I thought about this a few years back. With my will there is a list of all my poker logons, the Neteller number and a list of bank accounts. Anyone who gets the will gets the list. Any player with any money online should think about the same list (no passwords).

In the UK there are firms that trace the heirs of long dormant accounts for a percentage, they even had a daytime programme about them finding the relatives and getting them the cash from their third cousin or some such who died without a will or and kids. With bank accounts it used to be that the banks just held on to it and paid little or nothing but now post the 2008 Act after 15 years the government can take that cash and use it for what is now being called a "Big Society" bank for social projects. The banks are yet to hand anything over yet in part because the government have not yet set up a refund system so that anyone coming back after the 15 years to claim the money gets it.

In total estimates of UK dormant accounts are up to £1bn but they only expect the banks to pay up £60m or so by next year to the new fund.
09-10-2010 , 09:55 PM!/pho...&ref=fbx_album

not sure if yee've seen Viffers facebook pic!
09-11-2010 , 04:58 AM
what was that talk about espn making up hands ? is that real ?
09-11-2010 , 06:48 AM
Terrence Chan was once more a great guest. You guys should have him in the studio more often.
09-11-2010 , 10:30 AM
u guys dont know anything. leaving Harrington out of the hall of fame cmon. 1 wsop main victory made the f tbl of the same event 2 more times. also he has a wpt victory i think. wrote books for the foundation of nl tournies every1 played like that book said for awhile. without those books nl tournies wld not be this far along. he also has cash game book ,u guys are not smart at all.
09-11-2010 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by pocketsims
u guys dont know anything. leaving Harrington out of the hall of fame cmon. 1 wsop main victory made the f tbl of the same event 2 more times. also he has a wpt victory i think. wrote books for the foundation of nl tournies every1 played like that book said for awhile. without those books nl tournies wld not be this far along. he also has cash game book ,u guys are not smart at all.
Yeah, Adam.

Pocketsims, what were you listening to. I was pretty clear in my opinion that my selections for this years induction are, in order, Harrington, Greenstein, Seidel. I think Adam briefly said 'but he's not known as a cash game player' but never said he shouldn't he in the HOF.
09-11-2010 , 01:07 PM
Ferguson has probably played less cash than Seidel, not sure why Adam picked on Seidel.

BTW, it doesn't say anything specifically about playing cash in the HoF guidelines, does it?

Back when the HoF was founded, tournaments were almost non-existent. Now, a lot of good players are tournament specialists, so I see no reason to favour cash players (even though I play cash 90% of the time myself).

If I were limited to two choices this year, it would be Harrington (for his influence on poker through his books, more than his poker results) and Ivey (barring age restrictions, he is clearly ridiculously overqualified).
09-11-2010 , 02:01 PM
UB Bashing, Check.

Hellmuth bashing, Check.

Good work guys.
09-11-2010 , 02:03 PM
I wasn't saying either DH or ES shouldn't be in the Hall of fame, I was saying that I think that tournament poker and cash poker are so different that to have the two groups of players together in the same hall of fame, without some very firm parameters, is going to lead to many arguments on why one person is in and the other isn't.

I have been since corrected that ES is/was a cash game player for many years and played against the world's best at the time.

The vague "played against acknowledged top competition" parameter is the thing I have the problem with.

So for the record, I think DH should certainly be in the HOF, but the requirements need to be changed imo.
09-11-2010 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Essex-Eagles
UB Bashing, Check.

Hellmuth bashing, Check.

Good work guys.
I don't recall us even mentioning either this week. Could be wrong. It comes so easy.
09-11-2010 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
I don't recall us even mentioning either this week. Could be wrong. It comes so easy.

The UB bit was something along the lines of ignoring it like UB ignored their scandal.

PH there was a jibe when you were talking about Ivey getting in to the hall of fame
09-11-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Essex-Eagles
The UB bit was something along the lines of ignoring it like UB ignored their scandal.

PH there was a jibe when you were talking about Ivey getting in to the hall of fame
ah yes, there will always be jibing
09-11-2010 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by jmws
great Full House and Bure reference +3 for cdn's to get that one.
Count me as a non-Canadian who got the reference. But I'm a hockey fan who watched Full House as a kid.

Originally Posted by True North
Courtney Brown, picked #1 overall by the Cleveland Browns in 2000. One of the top examples of huge NFL draft busts.
I remember that draft because the Jets were able to make good on 4 first round picks. Which is really odd since they usually have trouble with 1.
09-12-2010 , 07:52 AM
At 2:16:06 the guy from HighStakesDB mentions a PLO player called something like "Sigmund". How is that name spelled? I can't find him on HighStakesDB.
