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Pokercast Ep. 326 - MJ's Farewell Feat. A Cast of Thousands...Even Kevmath *spoilers in OP* Pokercast Ep. 326 - MJ's Farewell Feat. A Cast of Thousands...Even Kevmath *spoilers in OP*

07-31-2014 , 06:01 PM
It looks like 2 to me.
07-31-2014 , 07:08 PM
great show!

so glad to hear bunner back on the mic, TC aswel... (although i know we got more of him coming up soon). Crazy list of guests! Almost shed a tear when you guys first started playing the recorded farewells, but soon started laughing as more and more came on.

MJ you will be missed, cant wait to hear you back on sometime in the future.

"Adam, dont F*ck this up" lol, im sure you will grow the Pokercast to new heights. Loyal listener for many years, and looking forward to more!
07-31-2014 , 07:41 PM
Most depressing pokercast ever.

gg MJ
07-31-2014 , 08:19 PM
Ah the end of an era!

I've been listening to the show since 2008 and never missed an episode. Thanks Mike for your dedication to the show. You will be sorely missed. I earn the nickname of the King of Bad Humour everywhere I go so you are kind of my alter ego! I've stopped listening to poker podcasts years ago but the 2plus2 Pokercast is the only one I've never stopped listening to and Mike's goofy personality of one of the big reasons why. But of course, I will carry on listening to Adam's version of the show.

Oh and it was also nice meeting you guys in person at the meet and greet in London. And for those who don't remember who I was, I'm the French guy who knocked over all the champagne glasses off the table at the strip joint, a recurring occurrence in my life.

I would like to wish Mike all the best in his new life. As Big Chris would say: It's been emotional!
07-31-2014 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by renodoc

never tire of posting this pic
I guess it was Flamingo -> IP, not the other way around.
07-31-2014 , 10:02 PM
Invitational is up:

T# 946209752

(look for a special pop up message!)
08-01-2014 , 12:19 PM
List of People Who Appeared On Final Show(that I can remember)

1. Alan 'Boston' Dvorkis
2. Lance Bradley
3. James Bunner
4. Adrienne 'talonchick' Carter
5. John 'JohnnyDouglas' Carter
6. Terrence Chan
7. Neil Channing
8. Steve Day
9. Shaun Deeb
10. Steve 'Renodoc' Friedlander
11. Michael Gentile
12. Matt 'Grapes' Grapenthein
13. Gavin Griffin
14. Fake Yury Gulyy
15. Chris 'chilidawg7' Hanes
16. Martin 'Short Stacked Shamus' Harris
17. Michael Josem
18. Warren 'PokerMD' Karp
19. Mason Malmuth
20. Kevin Mathers
21. Lon McEachern
22. Barry 'Shamus McLeprachaun' O'Hanrahan
23. Nicole 'SGT RJ' Reijester
24. Carl Restivo
25. Adam 'Admo' Richardson
26. Matt Savage
27. Jason Senti
28. Brandon Shack-Harris
29. Joe 'Tall' Bunevith
30. that_pope as Whitney Houston
31. Scott Vener
32. Jeff 'pkrgssp' Walsh

and Adam Schwartz as Alice

There were a couple of other listener contributions that I don't know their names. Thanks to all who took time out to participate in this episode. Chime in if I missed you, I haven't listened back to the show.
08-01-2014 , 05:32 PM
Congrats on a great run boys. Think of all of the poker podcasts that have come and gone since you began. You obviously enjoyed doing the show and were good at it to boot. After the 300th episode I wondered how long you guys could keep it up before it began to get stale and/or uninteresting. Maybe MJ leaving is a good thing? You go out on top and hopefully the new blood propels the show forward to the next poker boom(it is coming, right?) and beyond.
08-01-2014 , 05:35 PM
As I've said before, I listen to the Pokercast in the car. This episodes makes me want to drive around the block in circles for three hours. I still might.
08-01-2014 , 07:35 PM
08-01-2014 , 11:19 PM
No bunner intro and no how much you got for all the monies made me sad. But still a great farewell. Mike enjoy the extra time with the family.
Pretty sure I've listened to more poker cast hours than bunner!
08-02-2014 , 11:39 AM
Congrats Mike, been listening to the Pokercast for 3-4 years or so. Thank you for many umms and uhhhs. Couldn't thank you enough for the endless hours of listening and enjoying myself.

I listened to the Pokercast from on the bus, in the car, in my high school classes years ago, to university classes and continue to listen while playing poker or driving.

Cheers guys!
08-02-2014 , 01:46 PM
Thanks for your service MJ. Have always enjoyed the pokercast and look forward to what the future brings for the show.
08-02-2014 , 05:28 PM
MJ for HOF next year?
08-02-2014 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by thebidster
no how much you got
This would have been great. Everyone who called could have taken a guess as to how much MJ had on him. Reveal the winner at the end of the show.
08-03-2014 , 05:27 PM
Goodbye and good luck.
08-03-2014 , 07:59 PM
Is Talonchick married to JohnnyDouglas?
08-03-2014 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by tinytim2006
Is Talonchick married to JohnnyDouglas?
Ryan Carter, not Johnny.
08-03-2014 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by tinytim2006
Is Talonchick married to JohnnyDouglas?
No, Lil Wayne.
08-04-2014 , 03:38 AM
Great show and brought back some great memories. Especially those old adverts - live in Thailand in a sick house. That advert always used to annoy me.

Good to hear Terrence and Bunner in the studio.

My quote of the show has to go to Lance Bradley and his advice to Adam - 'don't **** it up'

Thank you for all the great shows and for the work you do providing the news and insight of the news of week. Especially saving me the hassle of reading those 1500 post NVG threads. While the show will not be the same without MJ the guest hosts that are lined up look good

Thanks again MJ and looking forward to your first return episode.
08-04-2014 , 05:37 AM
The 2p2 Pokercast was my companion from the first day when I started with poker. Thanks for everything.
08-04-2014 , 12:06 PM
Many great hours listening to you pair, thanks for all the superb work over the years.

And as the worlds most arrogant man said to his girlfriend as she said she was dumping him and walked away, "don't slam the door on your way back in"
08-04-2014 , 02:21 PM
This was one of the best episodes, sadly it is MJ's last official one.

2p2 will always in my mind be the best podcast I've listened to, and MJ and Adam being the best Duo.

Thanks for so many awesome hours MJ!
08-05-2014 , 09:01 AM
A fond farewell.

In terms of future contributions, my preference would be the occasional (or more frequent, if possible) stand-in as host, rather than 5 - 10 minute segments. As much as I dislike the word, the "banter" between you and Adam was the best bit of the show and that wouldn't be apparent in standalone segments.
08-05-2014 , 11:27 AM
Just finished the EP. We'll miss you MJ, but it'll be great to hear you from time to time. Building a house? ....sick life, Bro
