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Pokercast on camera: Possible? Pokercast on camera: Possible?

02-07-2012 , 11:52 AM
Idk if this has already been suggested, but I think a lot of people (including me, obv) would love to see one show in something like a twitcam or just recording a regular show on a desktop camera and posting in youtube. It could be a special episode, like the ME final table coverage or one with an in-studio gest (now that some players relocated to Vancouver). Do you guys think this can be done?
02-07-2012 , 12:40 PM
Can be done? Yes
Should be done? NO
Will be done? God help us...
02-07-2012 , 12:48 PM
They manner in which we record the show makes it impossible to stream it live or do video recording, unfortunately.

We often record out of order (first segment last etc), or have to edit stuff out for various reasons. Also, where would we hide the hookers and blow?

If we put our minds to it once a year and did the show in order and clean on the first take all night, it might work. Would have to be guest-specific as occasionally if the material is sensitive we are asked to edit interviews.
02-07-2012 , 01:56 PM
Things got out of hand the last time they did this.

02-07-2012 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
They manner in which we record the show makes it impossible to stream it live or do video recording, unfortunately.

We often record out of order (first segment last etc), or have to edit stuff out for various reasons. Also, where would we hide the hookers and blow?

If we put our minds to it once a year and did the show in order and clean on the first take all night, it might work. Would have to be guest-specific as occasionally if the material is sensitive we are asked to edit interviews.
You could still do this with video, though. More work for Bunner but that guy's a slacker anyway.
02-07-2012 , 07:59 PM
That would be kinky.
02-07-2012 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
If we put our minds to it once a year and did the show in order and clean on the first take all night, it might work. Would have to be guest-specific as occasionally if the material is sensitive we are asked to edit interviews.
There is hope...
02-07-2012 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
They manner in which we record the show makes it impossible to stream it live or do video recording, unfortunately.

We often record out of order (first segment last etc), or have to edit stuff out for various reasons. Also, where would we hide the hookers and blow?

If we put our minds to it once a year and did the show in order and clean on the first take all night, it might work. Would have to be guest-specific as occasionally if the material is sensitive we are asked to edit interviews.
If this happens Liv Boeree better be an in studio guest.
02-08-2012 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
They manner in which we record the show makes it impossible to stream it live or do video recording, unfortunately.

We often record out of order (first segment last etc), or have to edit stuff out for various reasons. Also, where would we hide the hookers and blow?

If we put our minds to it once a year and did the show in order and clean on the first take all night, it might work. Would have to be guest-specific as occasionally if the material is sensitive we are asked to edit interviews.
I really enjoy how the show is edited each week. It gives it much more of a professional feel when listening and I can tell you guys put a lot of effort into it. Typically podcasts consist of one take until the hosts are ready to finish. If there is dead air, oh well. I think more people need to appreciate this fact more, not to mention that Bunner edits these the same night they are recorded and uploads them so we can d/l them the next morning.

You guys treat us way too well
02-08-2012 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
They manner in which we record the show makes it impossible to stream it live or do video recording, unfortunately.
It wouldn't be impossible, it just might not be how you want to present the show.

There was a short span when PokerRoad Radio did live video of their shows on UStream. During the World Series, the PRR did truly live shows, so the video matched the podcast form. But on other stops, the video provided a glimpse behind the curtain of PRR's production process. If they recorded the interview, then recorded the first segment, then recorded an intro and outro after that, we saw all of it. Whatever banter they engaged in off-air, we caught that, too.

I distinctly remember an episode at the 2009 LAPC when tournament play ran late. In fact, I think they were playing down to a certain number. Scheduled interview guest Erica Schoenberg was still going strong so the guys had to wait until play ended before they could continue the show. The video camera kept rolling. During the downtime, Ali Nejad and Kristy Arnett played heads-up HORSE, then Joe Sebok took Kristy's seat against Ali. So we viewers followed the poker on our Full Tilt clients and watched the trash talk on our video streams. Meanwhile, Amanda Leatherman chatted with all of us watching on UStream. Of course, none of those shenanigans showed up on the episode (Feb. 23, 2009) but it provided more entertainment to the diehards who went to the video stream.

But again, this is a matter of preference: it comes down to whether or not you want to quite literally show the seams of your show.
02-09-2012 , 01:18 PM
I definitely see Adam's point, but I think that, as Wilbury said above, seeing the production process would be very very cool for who loves the show as we do.
C'mon, ONE TIME!!!

02-16-2012 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by gsiciliano
I definitely see Adam's point, but I think that, as Wilbury said above, seeing the production process would be very very cool for who loves the show as we do.
C'mon, ONE TIME!!!
