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Pokercast 438 - Ivey's Edge Sorting Woes & Game Theory With RIO Coach Tyler Forrester Pokercast 438 - Ivey's Edge Sorting Woes & Game Theory With RIO Coach Tyler Forrester

11-17-2016 , 07:25 AM
Episode #438 - November 17th, 2016

Live from the Two Plus Two Studios - On this episode of the Pokercast: Run It Once coach Tyler “Gogol’s Nose” Forrester joins us to talk about the nitty gritty of game theory as it applies to NLH, the future of online poker and applying training tools to your game. First, Adam and Terrence talk about the latest UFC and Conor Mcgregor plus Adam is grateful for your support and not so grateful for radar guns. This week we’ve got some interesting news stories for you including another bid for Amaya from Baazov. In other Stars news they plan to skim more off of the VIP Club, in Phil Hellmuth news the Poker Brat could be appearing on the Tim Ferriss show but not if the poker twitter community can help it. Phil Ivey is in some deep legal trouble now due to the edge sorting scandals and we update you on his dealings as well as the tax implications of the November Niners and more. Tyler Forrester then joins us on the line to talk about the aforementioned topics, and Ross has been back on the felt so we’ve got some new hands to revive the Ross Report!

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11-17-2016 , 08:04 AM
11-17-2016 , 09:26 AM
11-17-2016 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Adam
he takes home 1.4, he's playing for 50%, he takes home 700 thousand after tax...this is a ten thousand dollar tournament, 70 buy-ins
lol at quantifying his share of the winnings in terms of the total buy-in

also i think this makes for a hilarious drop:

Last edited by AdamSchwartz; 11-17-2016 at 01:32 PM.
11-17-2016 , 11:37 AM
11-17-2016 , 11:53 AM
It's Thursday, Thursday!
11-17-2016 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Ispitan
lol at quantifying his share of the winnings in terms of the total buy-in
Good point, wasn't 70 buyins if he wasn't putting up 10k. I guess I was just trying to convey in real terms how much he made binking the FT of a 6000 person field after tax.

also i think this makes for a hilarious drop:
I'm all for laughing at myself, but not sure why this is funny?
11-17-2016 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
I'm all for laughing at myself, but not sure why this is funny?
had me cracking up earlier, can't really comprehend it now
11-17-2016 , 03:06 PM
About Helmuth appearing on Tim Ferriss' podcast: Adam seems to make the point that it won't be that bad if the intelligent listeners will see through his bull****. But to me that's making it much worse. If they see through his bull****, while not knowing much about the poker world, they'll think: "if an idiot like that can be on top of the poker foodchain, poker can't possibly be that much of a skill game, and is not intellectually interesting".

Smart people seeing through Helmuth's bull**** and thinking it's representative for professional poker is bad for poker.
11-17-2016 , 06:35 PM
Tim Ferris is kind of meh. I used to listen to his pod a bunch but it got to the point where I felt like he is kind of a fraud. Yes, he created a company and did well off and is now an investor and writer but it just doesn't seem very real. 4 hour work week is not actually a real thing and is just a catchy title selling the dream of having someone do your work while you sail around on a yacht.

Honestly, he and hellmuth are probably the perfect pair.
11-17-2016 , 09:28 PM
Really bugs me that you waste everyone's time "fighting" these tickets in court when you know you were speeding ��
11-17-2016 , 11:04 PM
Stars just cementing the lid on it's own coffin some more,roll on Phil's site's opening.What an incompetent lot running Amaya.We are watching Stars self destructing by having a non poker playing team in charge of poker players.Never have i seen such an abortion of a successful Gold Mine. Phil and investors must be cackling with glee and rubbing hands together with anticipation having watched Amaya murder the competition before they even start the site!
11-18-2016 , 04:31 AM
It's even more hilarious if you listen to dneg's podcast where he says he had to explain to Phil what gto was. I didn't know he was that archaic.
11-18-2016 , 12:11 PM
Kenny Hallaert is Belgian, not German. This isn't 1944 anymore
11-18-2016 , 01:59 PM
He's listed as German on Hendon Mob, I'm assuming for tax purposes
11-18-2016 , 02:55 PM
from Hallaerts Hendonmob:

German flag :

11-18-2016 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
He's listed as German on Hendon Mob, I'm assuming for tax purposes
Cue "ze Germans" drop.
11-18-2016 , 03:57 PM
I was kinda floored by people having so much gamble in them that they would buy a piece of someone else's craps action. That's a whole other level of degen. I know there are Archie Karas-type people, but they are active participants in their own gambling. I suppose it's no worse than buying a piece of someone in a tournament who is far outclassed by the field, but it just sounds gross for some reason.
11-18-2016 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by freakstar
from Hallaerts Hendonmob:

German flag :


No idea why I thought that was German
11-18-2016 , 04:12 PM
It seems inconsistent for Adam to say folding when not facing a bet "completely changes the game" and also say it's no big deal. Maybe he means not a big enough deal to make a rule expressly prohibiting it. This behavior tilts me, so I have no problem with such a rule. Actually, what tilts me more is that when I explain that what they are doing doesn't just affect them they don't get it and act like I'm trying to restrict a constitutional right.
11-19-2016 , 12:15 PM
Re Hellmuth being on some podcast, two things:

- Someone coined some law, named after some physicist, wherein the physicist read the science coverage in a newspaper and it's awful and deeply inaccurate etc, thinks 'these guys know nothing about physics', then turns to the next page and reads the sports/politics/law/etc coverage, and assumes the coverage is accurate. Is there any chance that more of the guests are more like hellmuth than you think?

- I agree with Adam that Hellmuth will trigger lots of BS detectors - I've known he was FoS longer than I knew enough poker to prove it. But you know who else triggers my BS detector pretty hard? Trump.
11-19-2016 , 11:31 PM
Re: casinos effing up.

BCLC allowed you a few years ago to bet the over under on NBA games, including preseason exhibition games. It took the BCLC brains a couple of weeks and losses of several hundred thousand dollars before they realized there was little by way of defensive play in preseason. To make matters even more hilarious, when they cutoff betting on the NBA games they stated it was because of money laundering concerns. An intrepid reporter revealed otherwise.

Best on site poker moniker? Mansion Poker a few years ago had a player named intowishin. Certainly better than RedLetterman.

(Did Run it Once guy call Adam Ross?)
11-20-2016 , 04:21 AM
There was a London casino a few years back which gave some offer which, well handled, have the players an edge. Some guys went away, did their Kelly maths and rounded up as much money as they could and put it to work. I don't recall the eventual outcome, but there was discussion about it either on 2+2 or elsewhere in the poker world.
11-20-2016 , 05:16 AM
For some weird reason I really enjoy playing "beat the clock". It's probably because I am running good at them so far, the pokercast community is nothing if not results-oriented.
11-20-2016 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by kokiri
There was a London casino a few years back which gave some offer which, well handled, have the players an edge. Some guys went away, did their Kelly maths and rounded up as much money as they could and put it to work. I don't recall the eventual outcome, but there was discussion about it either on 2+2 or elsewhere in the poker world.
Who's, i forgot to mention: it was in roulette
