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Pokercast 378 - Prahlad "Spirit Rock" Friedman Pokercast 378 - Prahlad "Spirit Rock" Friedman

09-04-2015 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by deemikey
Adam, Terrence, in your opinion what should the floorman have ruled in Ansky's case? As domda says, the ruling was in line with house rules and the no RIT on side pots is possibly even part of Spanish regulations.

I think that he should have come down on the angleshooter in some way, but are you suggesting that he arbitrarily award the pot or part of it to someone else against the rules? That would be cause for firing.

The only thing I can think of would be if he voided the entire hand and refunded everyone who contributed to the pot since the dealer shouldn't have allowed the play to happen. Seems like a pretty slippery slope to go there though.

Basically, it's a rotten situation for Ansky to be in and the old guy took advantage of it, but he was technically right. And clearly the floorman should have had the guts to state his name and stand by his ruling in that way.
I've got it in the show notes to talk about your question next week.
09-04-2015 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bigoldnit
You can ask tough questions without yelling, screaming or name calling. For example, you could have asked Lee if it was appropriate for the TD to say that Stars can't have cameras because it would eat into the profits?
Agreed on this point, we probably should have addressed that statement by the floorman. Got lost in the larger issue.

You could have asked whether, based on the numerous reports of shenanigans at this particular tour stop in this and previous years, at what point (if any) would Stars consider pulling the tournament from Barcelona because it could not guarantee game integrity?
The incident was a couple of days old, this is a larger question for later after everything has been investigated and settled. No point at all to ask it now.

BTW, after the last incident in Barca With Jens we asked this exact question.

You could have asked for more insight into how an investigation into chip discrepancies can even occur when you don't have cameras.
Ask him a question we already know the answer to? I'd rather address the concerns about holding EPT events outside of casinos (where they don't have cameras) to when they have finished any investigation.

More generally, you guys have a very limited ability to address real contoversies with the Stars' reps because they only appear in the context of a Stars' infomercial. The first approx 1/3 of the segment is Lee gloating about the great turnout and big prize pools in Barca. The last approx 1/3 is a sales pitch for the Greece party and WCOOP. This structure doesn't leave much time to address the controversy and allows Stars' to bury the controversy in the middle of a commercial.
We have basically unlimited time with the Stars rep to address any issues they are comfortable talking about. Some Stars segments are short, others are much longer, so this statement isn't true.

As far as Lee gloating about the turnout, he's right. Getting lost in all the name calling of Lee and people up in arms about the chip incident is the fact that it was a wildly successful event. It's a very big part of the story.

Last edited by AdamSchwartz; 09-04-2015 at 12:27 PM.
09-04-2015 , 12:59 PM
my opinion is the intro music is too long.
09-04-2015 , 04:36 PM
The show is great. I enjoy the show. Adam tries very hard to be fair. And we should be fair, it's not like Adam is a trained journalist. The show is a labor of love and a hobby from poker enthusiasts for poker enthusiasts. I thank Adam, Terrence and Roscoe.
09-04-2015 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
Agreed on this point, we probably should have addressed that statement by the floorman. Got lost in the larger issue.
I thought Lee said something like, "I would like to discuss that with the floor man."
09-05-2015 , 01:58 AM
I vote the "money" drop off the island.
09-05-2015 , 03:03 AM
big fan of the show and enjoyed this one as well - however, when lee is on i just fast forward. its simply unbearable
09-05-2015 , 09:28 PM
hahaha so funny one of the first thing Lee says is something like "we were responsible for 10,000 hotel nights!!!"

adam's reaction was priceless... in this monotone i don't give a **** voice he said something like "oh that's amazing".

lee "have you been bareclona??"" haha "you can throw a rock on the beach!"...

I will say poor poor prahlad... he seems to get quite defensive about the cheating thing... it's mentally ****ed him... just very defensive or I don't know the word, he thinks alot of questions adam asked was to do with the cheating when it was not... Also, at the end of it he said in a funny yet polite tone something like "thanks for the honour of the online poker hall of fame". Adam knowing he probably didn't care toooo much about it said "thanks for playing along!".. I hope I am wrong here, i think it's a great idea and hope it picks up in the poker media more.

"do you have any regrets?" adam wasn't having a jab at prahlad for the cheating thing but he seemed to take it that way and then the interview finished.

ohhh and geeeese... whose this maggott **** who ****ed up T chan???? it's just not fair... T was just being a good sport about it but really deep inside I hope he wants to kick this guys ass.


GOD BLESS LEE.. he means well, he's just doing his job, he does it okay... but can we please get the one and only mr steve Deeeee back on?? I remember listening to the show in maybe late 2010 when he first came on the show... he's improved heaps since then on the pokercast!! he's so much more genuine then lee and always seems to high or tired when he's talking, his jokes are lame but that's what makes them funny.


ROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ohhhh Rosssssssssssssss...... Can you please bring back the incase you missed it where you say at the start "now it's time... for an incase you missed it" it's so funny cause it's your voice?? I don't know but I usually listen to this and say it out loud in my voice.

Also... guys please go easy on the drops? It's true. These are like ross's babies.. you can tell he gets a little bit offended when someone doesn't like his drop... I personally don't mind them at all and think he should get to choose what ever the **** drop he wants to put on because there his drops, he's the producer... he reminds me of redban, good ole redban... now if everyone could look into redbans history on the rogan podcast you will see at the start people were a bit iffy about redban with his 1 liner jokes, his drops, his comments and he even annoyed rogan on some days. As time went on people started to appreciate what he was doing on the show and infact he did the show a lot of good things. He had a lot of redban fans.


Last edited by Xander_Wheen; 09-05-2015 at 09:38 PM.
09-06-2015 , 12:01 AM
Holy alcohol
09-06-2015 , 11:52 AM
So, I finally listened to the show early enough to get the password to the Invitational (Play Money). But, now I can't find it. Is it there and I'm missing it or is it really not there?
09-07-2015 , 09:45 PM
Good pick on Prahlad for WOF. Always enjoyed railing those games and his WSOP incident with Lisandro was an ESPN classic. I don't swing through as often as I'd like, but great show as always! ...submitted your survey too... Thanks for all the great podcasts!
09-15-2015 , 02:58 PM
just one thought on the mailbag guy... i vote MORE music!!!! not less please
10-19-2015 , 03:56 PM
Good point about me escrowing being a good way to cut out the middle man in our fantasy football league.
10-19-2015 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by bicyclekick
my opinion is the intro music is too long.
Hit them where it hurts.
10-19-2015 , 04:50 PM
Also, It's good to be Paul Valente!!!
10-26-2015 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by lloyd45
It's getting to the point where Adam and Terrance need to be held accountable for bringing this guy on the podcast to just shill it up time and time again. I understand that stars is the main sponsor but that's all the more reason your listeners need honesty and transparency. Adam I've listened to your opinion for years. I know you're not okay with them skirting answers time and time again. Gotta do something.
Thats the point tho, Lee Jones IS A SHILL. The entire spot is promotion and PR. Yes its an interview but its like in Waynes World when they get a corporate sponsor and have to interview the Noah's Arcade guy (sweet reference right there). WTF are T and A going to do with this guy when he's just on to say "pokerstars, pokerstars, pokerstars"?? You want Adam to go all Barbara Walters on this fool? Please. Thats just a waste of time and energy. I actually hate listening to Lee Jones talk (love his book tho!) so the shorter the response the better. Please, no complicated questions for that guy.

The people in this thread complaining about this are probably the same guys that argue politics at family gatherings, thinking that theyre changing the world for the better but really just reminding us that kids are stupid and should never be in charge of anything. Ever.
12-27-2015 , 04:18 AM
I'm a Brighton fan and currently we are high flying Seagulls! Keep up the good work on the show guys.
