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Pokercast 364 - Bart Hanson and HUSNG software with Adam "coffeeyay" Sobolewski Pokercast 364 - Bart Hanson and HUSNG software with Adam "coffeeyay" Sobolewski

05-22-2015 , 06:37 PM
Thanks much, but ...

I still cannot find it, jfc.

As an American, I have to use the .net version (I wonder if that matters).

I have successfully navigated to the Tabs view (thanks for that). But I do not have a "Freeroll" tab.

Nothing comes up when I type "pokercast" into the search box.

And I cannot find it when I search for a PLO tourney starting on May 24.

Obviously, I am either an idiot and/or I am doing something wrong.

P.S. I am not a crackpot!

P.P.S. Sorry about derailing this thread.
05-22-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by whosnext
As an American, I have to use the .net version (I wonder if that matters).
No you don't.

There was a long time after Black Friday where it more difficult to get the full "dot com" version, but now it is possible for US based players to easily download and install from

There is a slightly annoying warning about playing Real Money games while in the US that has no "[ ] do not show this message again" option, but that is a minor inconvenience.

You should be able to install the client alongside the client. Server based settings like your Play Money account balance and avatar will carry over from the client to, but other options may not.
05-22-2015 , 07:26 PM
Okay. Thanks for your patience and helping clear up what was going wrong.

All the best.
05-22-2015 , 07:49 PM
The quickest way to spin up your play money chips is the Zoom tables.
05-23-2015 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
Why was Bart Hanson so desperate to get drafted in the $25k fantasy? The only other person I've known do that was Allen Kessler.

Is there some added benefit to CLP if he is drafted for many $?
I thought that was pretty weird too. He mentioned it once and I didn’t think much of it but then kept on asking who he should contact. Any ideas why?

Did you talk about the GPI POY points issue for the wsop? Id heard some talk on twitter awhile back and I heard you say on the podcast that you were gonna talk about it but didn’t? maybe tc could go over it next week

enjoyed the show this week
05-24-2015 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Hammerhands
The quickest way to spin up your play money chips is the Zoom tables.
this is a pro tip, you get unlimited reloads so just ship every semi decent hand till you have 5k
05-24-2015 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by PokercastRoss
this is a pro tip, you get unlimited reloads so just ship every semi decent hand till you have 5k
Reloads are limited to 3 per hour.

Spinning up 5k play chips with a few minutes is possible, but is not a gimmie.
05-24-2015 , 04:01 AM
I didn't realize it was 3 per hour, I guess I used up all 3 and assumed they were unlimited. It pretty much is a gimmie if you don't run terribad.
05-24-2015 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by PookieGirl2
"'s better than being called dickhead"

nice one Rosco
05-24-2015 , 02:17 PM
I've only just seen this as I play the real money game. Many thanks for the offer although I wouldn't want my real money account compromised because of play money chip dumping

It would be easier if Ross reduced the buy in to 1,000 chips. It's password protected so the usual maniacs won't be in it (unless you count me ) As I say I'd play it for the bragging rights but I'm not spending cash on play money chips.

Thanks for the offer though.

Originally Posted by obviously.bogus
I'm afraid I've gotta agree with this. I actually enjoy playing the high stakes play-money games, but the play at the lowest levels is so horrific it could be considered cruel and unusual punishment to make people grind 1k up to 5k. Not that its really that hard, but its not something I would want to do again and wouldn't wish it on any other 2+2er.

So, if anyone wants to play a little HU NL 2-7 Single Draw, I'm pretty bad at that, and I'm sure you'll soon have the 5k (nudge nudge wink wink IYKWIM)

PM me, or find me on stars and challenge me in chat to play 2-7 - SN is ObvBogus
05-24-2015 , 05:23 PM
This was my first 2+2 podcast download. Very informative and I look forward to listening to past & future podcasts. Keep up the great work.
05-24-2015 , 06:16 PM
Adam's favorite thing is addictive as hell:

Stop A Douchebag
05-24-2015 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Wilco666
Adam's favorite thing is addictive as hell:

Stop A Douchebag
Haven't listened to the show, found this a few weeks ago. OMG yes -- it's a great way to blow off an evening..

Last edited by Johnny Douglas; 05-24-2015 at 07:04 PM.
05-24-2015 , 07:44 PM
Poker software and the future.

Points to consider.

1. Poker is a thinking contest between humans using cards as the field of play.

2. If you subvert any aspect of that you undermine the game. You can make arguments like. " software just does the remembering" or "some decisions are auto anyway" and a hundred more but you are still subverting the nature of the game.

3. Recreational (losing) players are the lifeblood of the game. Without them the game eventually canabalises itself and you have no game.

4. Recreational players play because they want to compete with other minds on the field of play. Un-augmented and unsophisticated. It's the substance, the magic and the thrill of the game.

It's why we all started to play it in the first place.

We need pokerstars (and all sites) to begin to take some responsibility for the future along with us.

If they/we want recreational players to join we have to offer a game (The Game) they're looking for. As described above.

If you feel concerned by the loss of all your software ask yourself why.

We constantly hear "a good player will win anyway" as a defence.


Get rid of the software and we'll see.

You probably will still have an edge.

It won't be as big.

But what you WILL have is millions of rec players happy to sign up, log in an play.

Over to all of us...........what do we want?
05-26-2015 , 01:12 AM
i thought bart was great

pretty solid gig he has lined up in macau
05-26-2015 , 03:53 AM
I think I'm with A Schwartz on the husng/software thing. On the one hand, those wizards have taken game theory poker to amazing levels and that's awesome, but on the other the use of seating scripts and enhanced HUDs and whatever else gives them the impression of cyborgs sitting down to play. The interviewee seemed very sanguine about it, but from the outside it does look potentially problematic. And the debate was an interesting illustration of the way that scale matters as well as principle - different versions of hand charts are a bit like the gap between kids copying CDs in their bedrooms vs mass file sharing over the internet.

Pokerstars hitched its wagon to multi tabling, and mass volume players, and it's hard to see that ship doing an about turn, but one idea I thought had mileage was to integrate a HUD with some stats into the client (optionally), and then ban all other performance enhancing software. It puts everyone on an equal footing technologically and returns the question to ability to use the information, without trying to close the multi table barn door. Yes there are probably issues about complete detectability and enforcement, but that's true of eg bot detection.
05-27-2015 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by xander biscuits
Why was Bart Hanson so desperate to get drafted in the $25k fantasy? The only other person I've known do that was Allen Kessler.

Is there some added benefit to CLP if he is drafted for many $?

Yea it did seem a bit much. My reaction was *he's trying to build his brand* Not having the ass of Kim Kardashian, Bart is trying a different approach.
05-29-2015 , 11:30 AM
FYI to all attempting to get the play chips for the tourney. I learned today you are not allowed to raise pre flop in play money o8 ring games. They call it "pre flopping" and it "kills the table".
05-29-2015 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by PokercastRoss
Invitationals are up now, hope to see all you 'mericans and everyone else in the 1st one! Tune in to the stream on sunday and introduce yourselves.

$1 - 1234827024
PM - 1234828502

Edit: Remember the invitational is 10AM PST now
It is quite frustrating that I missed the first play chip tourney because I was vacationing in Victoria, B.C., a place where I could play the real money tourney if I had residency. But I had a fun weekend, so that takes the edge off.
05-29-2015 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Doozie350
FYI to all attempting to get the play chips for the tourney. I learned today you are not allowed to raise pre flop in play money o8 ring games. They call it "pre flopping" and it "kills the table".
lol. Sounds like they are under-rolled for the game.

Reminds me of a real money Stud8 player on Carbon who called me a maniac for routinely completing the bring-in. She started sitting out when I came to the table telling everyone why (as if they cared).
07-11-2015 , 01:22 AM
Yes I am really far behind, but I think Bart is extremely far off saying that a tourney with 10 times as many players will generally get done the same time as the one with 1/10th.

Usually tourneys end when the stacks get to a point where average chips are X big blinds. If you have 10 times of chips in play, then that would be 10X. So the big blind would have to be 10 times larger, correct?
