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Why oh why doesn't 100nl zoom run more often? Why oh why doesn't 100nl zoom run more often?

10-13-2013 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by 13_Xerxes
You can't uncolored yourself at a table, just change the colour. With option => player notes, it works.
mmmm it's okay I'm happy with tagging myself as nitreg. (:
10-16-2013 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by MeleaB
Stars need to change how they create their Zoom tables. Originally FR Zoom wouldn't start until there were 9 players in the pool. Then they introduced short-handed play, which is good for getting games started when there are less than 9 players in the pool. However, when there are at least 9 players in the pool, then games should all be full-ring until that pool drops to less than 9 players.

They may choose to keep games short-handed (even though full-ring game would be possible) so that more tables can run, or it may just be a bad side-effect of how this change was programmed. Either way, it's not a good thing as the whole reason for people wanting to play these games is to play at a full table.
Everyone who is interested in playing FR ZOOM should write it to support. I have already done it.
Maybe the system of creating tables is good for NL100, where amount of players increases with a good speed after start. But it's not for NL200.
10-20-2013 , 01:37 PM
Seems that lots of regs want to play it but only few of them are ready to do smth.

I found only 3 more rus players who are interested in organazing ZOOM game at NL200.

It is defenitely not enough. But we'll try it tomorrow at 12.00 ET time (Not sure about time zones, checked time in Pokerstars client). Everyone who is interested try to be exactly at this time.
10-20-2013 , 06:26 PM
The trouble is, unless a change is made to how many players are assigned to new games when the player pool is low (as mentioned above) then even if attracting new players is a success then the games are still going to be 4-max or 6-max, not full-ring- unless loads of players join.
10-20-2013 , 07:30 PM
Yeah but maybe we have a chance that after several days of playing it player pool will become bigger and it will be enough to play full ring. At least we can try it now. I'm not happy to play 4-6-max too.
11-13-2013 , 01:09 PM
The reason for implementing it the way we did was so that there would rarely be a time when players had to wait a long time in between hands, but I can see the argument for making all the tables 9max much more quickly.

I'll make the change suggested by MeleaB tomorrow morning to see if that improves things.
11-13-2013 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Nick
The reason for implementing it the way we did was so that there would rarely be a time when players had to wait a long time in between hands, but I can see the argument for making all the tables 9max much more quickly.

I'll make the change suggested by MeleaB tomorrow morning to see if that improves things.
I can also see the reason for implementing it as you have. For example at 100NL FR Zoom, in the last couple of hours (sometimes longer) before the player pool dries up each day, the pool is fairly short but the game does still play fast- and it works well.

The proposed change is needed I think to give 200NL FR chance, but it may take a little while (if it is to work) as word needs to get out about the change.

The downside of course, and I hope it doesn't happen, is that it could harm the 100NL FR pool during the times I mention above.
11-13-2013 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Nick
The reason for implementing it the way we did was so that there would rarely be a time when players had to wait a long time in between hands, but I can see the argument for making all the tables 9max much more quickly.

I'll make the change suggested by MeleaB tomorrow morning to see if that improves things.
This is only being implemented at 200, right? I don't think Meleab was suggesting it for 100.
11-13-2013 , 05:14 PM
You probably only have to make it 7 handed+ to get the game going which would make it that little bit quicker than waiting for the full 9 players and maybe more appealing to the FR massive.

I know that when the game is short like 4-5 handed I just jump on the 6max or fire up NL50 FR because I play 8 ZOOM tables and it is just too fast to focus on a 4 handed game. So I would definitely welcome this change knowing that I would be dealt in at least 7-handed.

Last edited by x_ROSH125_x; 11-13-2013 at 05:19 PM.
11-13-2013 , 06:03 PM
I'm a little concerned making FR zoom 7+ handed will kill the off-peak games. There's already a noticeable delay when the games run short-handed, and if it gets even worse I'll probably stop playing the FR tables during that time period.
11-13-2013 , 07:36 PM
Yes, I think given that 200NL FR never runs, it is at no-lose experiment at that stake. It will require a bit of time though and it will certainly require an effort by players to inform others of the change and recruit them to join the pool at a certain time. If word gets out, then it has a chance.

As already mentioned though, it may well have a detrimental effect toward the end of off-peak hours at 100NL if it is implemented there.
11-13-2013 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by x_ROSH125_x
You probably only have to make it 7 handed+ to get the game going which would make it that little bit quicker than waiting for the full 9 players and maybe more appealing to the FR massive.

I know that when the game is short like 4-5 handed I just jump on the 6max or fire up NL50 FR because I play 8 ZOOM tables and it is just too fast to focus on a 4 handed game. So I would definitely welcome this change knowing that I would be dealt in at least 7-handed.
It won't effect how the Zoom pool gets started. They will still start when the pool has 4 players it in. The change means that when there's at least 9 unique players in the pool, all games will be 9-handed. Whereas at the moment even when there are, say, 20 players the games are all played short-handed.
11-13-2013 , 08:51 PM
Right I see, sounds good
11-14-2013 , 09:03 AM
I only implemented this at 200nl.

100nl seems like it's doing fine for the time being. We can make modifications based on how things go from here.
11-14-2013 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by DanielLiu
I think it was one of those misclick lag thing that happened before wayy back and couldn't figure out how to change it =/
i call
11-14-2013 , 06:11 PM
the only way 200nl fr can run imo is if pokerstars gives it some sort of special advertising or promotion or whatever, something like the getting dealt KcKs promotion would be sweet, or get some pros to play there with a bounty for a while or whatever

it would be pretty awesome to 8 table 100 and 200 fr zoom though
11-14-2013 , 06:16 PM
just to clearify, "pretty awesome" wouldnt begin to cover it, it'd be absolutely amazing to be able to play 8 tables of 100 and 200fr zoom, just thinking about it is kinda turning me on.

plz get some promotions or advertising plzzzzzzz
11-14-2013 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Arggg93
it would be pretty awesome to 8 table 100 and 200 fr zoom though
Huge +1
11-14-2013 , 09:44 PM
would also love to play nl200 fr zoom!! need to skip that nl100 after recognizing im def the worst running there

NL200 pls!!!
11-15-2013 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by Arggg93
the only way 200nl fr can run imo is if pokerstars gives it some sort of special advertising or promotion or whatever, something like the getting dealt KcKs promotion would be sweet, or get some pros to play there with a bounty for a while or whatever

it would be pretty awesome to 8 table 100 and 200 fr zoom though
Originally Posted by Arggg93
just to clearify, "pretty awesome" wouldnt begin to cover it, it'd be absolutely amazing to be able to play 8 tables of 100 and 200fr zoom, just thinking about it is kinda turning me on.

plz get some promotions or advertising plzzzzzzz
Originally Posted by x_ROSH125_x
Huge +1
Originally Posted by ILUVTHRILL
would also love to play nl200 fr zoom!! need to skip that nl100 after recognizing im def the worst running there

NL200 pls!!!
Shall we pick a date/time in the near future to again organise a group effort to fill up the 200NL FR player pool? If we promote it amongst ourselves on here and Skype then it has a chance of running. lolmode could round up the Russians too. We could either aim for next Friday/Saturday or a little earlier, say, Wednesday(?) If it's successful then we can run it the next day too, and then perhaps it may gain some traction from there.
11-15-2013 , 04:39 AM
stars bounty at 200 would for sure wake up everyone

also offer the russians some vodkabottles per 1k hand played
11-15-2013 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by MeleaB
Shall we pick a date/time in the near future to again organise a group effort to fill up the 200NL FR player pool? If we promote it amongst ourselves on here and Skype then it has a chance of running. lolmode could round up the Russians too. We could either aim for next Friday/Saturday or a little earlier, say, Wednesday(?) If it's successful then we can run it the next day too, and then perhaps it may gain some traction from there.
I'm busy with exams next 4 weeks so barely playing an hour a day atm but will keep an eye on this thread n try n help
11-15-2013 , 11:00 AM
Why not this weekend?
11-15-2013 , 01:53 PM
sure that sounds ok and i'd def help but as i said i'm pretty sure the only hope 200fr zoom has is stars giving it some major attention and driving players to it, which imo, shouldnt be that hard.
11-15-2013 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
Why not this weekend?
I may be wrong, but I would anticipate that the numbers we could rally together for a date at that short notice wouldn't be enough. By giving a date several days in advance, I'd hope we'd have a better chance of getting a lot more players.
