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Theory questions about preflop raise sizes NL100 + Theory questions about preflop raise sizes NL100 +

11-28-2008 , 03:15 AM
1st :i have seen that many good FR players make preflop raises UTG like 3.5 bbs do you find it better than making the normal 4bbs raise ? i know this is very marginal but in the long run it can be slighty EV+ what do you like more and why?

2nd: when lets say there is a limper and you are on the button with AJ or AT type hand some good players dont raise the standard 4bbs+1bbperlimper they raise like 4.5bbs do you find that its better in the long run ? why ?

i myself know more or less the pros and the cons but i want to get some feedback of the sharks here and to end this i repeat this stuff is pretty marginal dont get mad
11-28-2008 , 03:24 AM
It´s that pot button that makes raises of 3.5BB+1BB/limper and I use it al the time. Only my EP raises are 4BB.

I think this is going to be a pretty useless discussion, you need to have HUGE samples to see differences between raising 0.5BB more or less.
11-28-2008 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by Gabethebabe
you need to have HUGE samples to see differences between raising 0.5BB more or less.
yes i know thats why i posted this too maybe some 2+2 grinder have tried this before and can gives us some of his opinions about this
11-28-2008 , 05:24 AM
I usually open to 3.5 bb and have done well with it so far. I allways open to 3.5 bb, if limped before hand to 3.5bb+1bb regardless of position and hand strenght. that way you dont give away any betting tells pre. I think on a very loose table it would be +ev to open 4 bb cause that will fold out some hands since i hate playing big hands oop in a multiway pot. haven´t the samplesize yet to tell you what is better.
11-28-2008 , 08:48 AM
I use pot button as well, and open 4bb from early (usually) just like mister Gabe does,

I dont think it makes that much of a difference, I think you should raise the amount you feel comfortable with
11-28-2008 , 08:50 AM
I raise 3.5+1 on UTG till MP2 and 3+1 on CO to SB.
11-28-2008 , 09:22 AM
I was always in the 3bb early 4bb late school - total BS, ty MOP
now I open to 3bb without limpers and to 4bb+limpers with limpers and I feel its ok for me like this.

Im thinking of giving the 4bb from early a try but I dont see the advantage..
yeah I heard of them, more FE, bigger pots, less multiway pots..
but I just dont see it..
If Im in LP I dont give a **** if ep opened to 3bb or 4bb, it doesnt affect my range at all.. should it?
11-28-2008 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by subandi
I was always in the 3bb early 4bb late school - total BS, ty MOP
now I open to 3bb without limpers and to 4bb+limpers with limpers and I feel its ok for me like this.

Im thinking of giving the 4bb from early a try but I dont see the advantage..
yeah I heard of them, more FE, bigger pots, less multiway pots..
but I just dont see it..
If Im in LP I dont give a **** if ep opened to 3bb or 4bb, it doesnt affect my range at all.. should it?
If this is the case you should open for 4 from EP because your range is generally stronger. If you have a stronger range and LP won't adjust his range to the raise size obviously the more money you get in is better.
11-28-2008 , 03:34 PM
In an unopened pot I'm opening to 3.5BB in all position except the cutoff and the button where I'm opening to 3BB. Thinking of changing my EP raises to 4BB
11-28-2008 , 04:40 PM
i open shove every single hand
11-28-2008 , 04:45 PM
I must REALLY suck because I raise more in LP than EP.
11-28-2008 , 04:52 PM
My mousewheel controls bet size in increments of big blinds. As it happens, this has created a game theory perfect randomizer for me, as I will often make it 6bb when I want 8bb or 10bb when I want 6bb when multitabling.
11-28-2008 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
In an unopened pot I'm opening to 3.5BB in all position except the cutoff and the button where I'm opening to 3BB. Thinking of changing my EP raises to 4BB
This minus the last sentence. Will however raise 4BB in EP at loose tables when 3.5 doesn't seem to be enough to get pots HU.
11-28-2008 , 08:56 PM
I make it 3x from sb, button, co, hj if there are no limpers and 4x in all the other positions. I add $1 per limper for the first 2 and $.5 for every limper on top of that.

2 limpers I make it 5, 3 limpers 5.5, 4 limper 6.
11-28-2008 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
In an unopened pot I'm opening to 3.5BB in all position except the cutoff and the button where I'm opening to 3BB.
This is what I do as well. My ATS is 40% so I lose a lil less when I get 3bet from the blinds and when I want to 4bet it can be slightly smaller as well. It also keeps the pot smaller for when I get callers and I'm holding some of that junk that's within that 40%.
