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stop loss limit stop loss limit

10-31-2008 , 10:33 AM
There is no right or wrong answer to this but I wanted to hear peoples opinion on this matter. People say when your losing a lot cut the losses short and return later. But they do not specify if this in regards to tilt, negative ev plays, emotional distress or If you are getting constantly sucked but making the correct EV plays just being unfortunate in that situation. So when you are constantly making good plays but are losing for the day does it make sense to just stop right there and call it quits? or does that only apply to tilt, emotional stress, or just bad play etc etc.
10-31-2008 , 10:49 AM
you should always chase your losses imo. Having a losing session is the mark of a bad player imo.
10-31-2008 , 10:53 AM
I'd usually quit after 4 or so buy-ins because I know thats when it can start too affect my play. From reviewing sessionss I've noticed that after 4 buy-ins, even if they were bad beats, I start doing stupid **** and spunking off 15bbs every so often in daft spots. This usually adds up to me being down anouther buy in and a half or so.
10-31-2008 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by TucoRamirez
you should always chase your losses imo. Having a losing session is the mark of a bad player imo.
Yes, move up where you have 2 buy-ins, preferably HU, that will leave you some margin of error if you get stacked by a donkey.
10-31-2008 , 11:07 AM
yes, there are days where you play great and cant win any hand and you should quit the session b/c your table image has gone to hell
10-31-2008 , 11:09 AM
chase your losses? what do you mean by that? And how can you say someone is a bad player if they put their chips in whent hey were ahead and someone sucks out on them? if it happens more then once in a session ti happens. We cant control the cards. If someone put their chips in when they werent ahead thats a diff story.
10-31-2008 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by newtothegame
chase your losses? what do you mean by that? And how can you say someone is a bad player if they put their chips in whent hey were ahead and someone sucks out on them? if it happens more then once in a session ti happens. We cant control the cards. If someone put their chips in when they werent ahead thats a diff story.

Your being leveled.
10-31-2008 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Teddie
Your being leveled.
nowadays the n00bs can't even see gullible.
10-31-2008 , 12:01 PM
yo your a f***** chump. Both of you. Your gullible you f***** nuts. You dont even know me and you talking s***. There you go throwing personal insults saying im leveled and gullible and never ever seen me play. I asked the ? not for me but jsut in general to hear peoples perspectives because I seen diff ppl talking about stop loss limits. I dont even play for money yet because im learning and thought i could get an intelligent answer to the ? by posting in this section. But You guys are f***** chumps. Young petty mindsets man grow up. Pull that skirt down because you both are acting like ones son. Both of you. Or maybe yall both could pull each others skirts down. B*****
10-31-2008 , 12:06 PM
its just 2p2. you have to weed out the bad from the good. if i am down and can't win a hand, then i make a non standard play that causes me to lose more than i should have i take a break or quit for the day
10-31-2008 , 12:18 PM
yeah i know its just 2p2. But theres so many ignorant/uneducated people in this world im just tried of hearing their responses. I bought up a good topic asking what people think about stop loss limits. Downswings are inevitable and i asked how people respond to them and got 2 nutty answers from some little kids. You try to have an intelligent discussion and idiots always ruin it because they dont think before they open their mouth. But good stuff elgreen i got some good stuff off you from your responses. I appreciate it man. And i was only talking to Ulkis.
10-31-2008 , 12:27 PM
Lighten up, dude. it's just some friendly banter, someone provides an opening and...a pack of hyenas are there.

You need to be able to give and receive some light, good-natured and friendly abuse and's all good. Happens in all the environments: school, office, sports etc.

Check out my 1st 2+2 post, at least you got to 60th post or summin'...
10-31-2008 , 06:14 PM
LOL @ stop loss.

I try to never end a session if I am losing (ok, it is maybe not very profitable for my winrate, but it is important for my confidence).

I just hate to end a session when I am losing. Generally if I lose and quit, it is because Internet or Stars doesn't work.
10-31-2008 , 06:22 PM
Stop losses are for pussies. Real men play through the tilt.

But seriously when I'm losing my sessions usually end up being like 15-19 hours long.
10-31-2008 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by newtothegame
yo your a f***** chump. Both of you. Your gullible you f***** nuts. You dont even know me and you talking s***. There you go throwing personal insults saying im leveled and gullible and never ever seen me play. I asked the ? not for me but jsut in general to hear peoples perspectives because I seen diff ppl talking about stop loss limits. I dont even play for money yet because im learning and thought i could get an intelligent answer to the ? by posting in this section. But You guys are f***** chumps. Young petty mindsets man grow up. Pull that skirt down because you both are acting like ones son. Both of you. Or maybe yall both could pull each others skirts down. B*****
tilt much?

Also, move up and play til you're even or busto
11-01-2008 , 10:35 AM
lol yeah it was tilt. I dont talk like that ever. That that was rude and unneccesary of me. Hope the person i offended forgives me. I had just finished a MTT right before that with only 2 other people left and first place only got paid and i got knocked out in 3rd place and for some reason i just wasnt in the mood to hear any jokes lol. I dont know what came over me. I wasnt thinking rationally at the time and am embarrased to talk like that.I felt like someone was trying to kick me when i was down lol. My apologies. My fault ulkis you only tried to help. But thanks everyone for their comments.
11-01-2008 , 12:54 PM
lol, no thread is complete without a level and an irate response.

I play a few one hour sessions each day. I take at least a 10 minute break between each, but if i've taken a few big hits i'll leave it for a few hours. If i sit down and get 2 coolers in the first 5 minutes i'll still play the full hour.
I try not to look at my wins and losses during a session and usually only have a quick glance at my balance at the end of the day. This is to prevent short term profit/loss affecting my decisions.
The exception to this is when i either get a ridiculous run of cards that elaves me several buy ins up or down - in that case i will check my balance at the end of the session.
11-01-2008 , 05:31 PM
The point where I throw my headphones after a hand is when I'm too pissed to play well.
11-01-2008 , 05:35 PM
If I get stuck a decent amount or get tilty I usually insta-quit. When I'm winning I usually try to convince myself to put in long hours. It's not something i've developed over time it's just the way my brain works. I hate playing when i'm in a bad mood so I'll just quit. I like to work hard enough when things are going well so that I don't have to play when things are going poorly.
11-01-2008 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by RosaParks
Stop losses are for pussies. Real men play through the tilt.
But seriously when I'm losing my sessions usually end up being like 15-19 hours long.
so if i understand you correctly, you play longer sessions when your losing to "recoup" losses made?
IMO this is kind of questionable, I thought you were supposed to make your winning sessions long and re-evaluate your losing sessions if you wan't to continue.

after losing 2 buyins i tend to recall plays ive made and hands ive lost on, if i feel its ultimately just a bad run i might continue or even consider switching tables if i feel there might be better options out there.

after 3-4 buyins its not really even a question, i take some time away from poker and maybe even post hands and ask for general input on the situations i went bust on, usually followed by hanging out with friends to get my mind off it and start fresh tomorrow.
11-01-2008 , 10:44 PM
In general I like my winning sessions to be longer because I play better when I'm winning as well.
11-02-2008 , 02:42 PM
I play live....either NL300 or NL500 - If I'm going down for a day I'll bring $800-$1,200. If I'm staying over, I'll bring an extra few hundred. No credit cards...ATM's etc. It keeps me from taking a devastating loss....(had a few in my younger days)...but since I've been sticking to this limit, it's been working out well.

Originally Posted by newtothegame
I dont talk like that

I don't know why....but when I read that...I thought of this comedian. Yah, I'm old.
11-02-2008 , 02:55 PM
ONLY time i stop is if i know i'm spewing or chasing or am so tired i 4bet 44 pre.xd

if i'm playing A game and am down 10buyins fast (which happened many many timez) i keep grinding. and its nothing bttter to end such session after 6 hours with +$0.2 (and FPPS) xd. sessions of death.xd.
11-02-2008 , 03:05 PM
Not saying it's +ev or the best thing to do. But I'm pretty sure most good regs play a ton more when they are losing, perhaps it's the sign of a good player. Not because when they play when down they play better(most likely opposite), but they are competitive and have the work ethic to play through it and come out on top.

In a vacuum this is wrong, but from my experience and hearsay of other good regs, this is how it actually happens.
11-03-2008 , 01:03 AM
When I take a bad beat, I usually hope they keep playing that way. If it happens enough times in a session, I tilt and stop betting winners eg I “know” he has the flush or straight. I leave the second I realize I’m afraid of the nuts.
