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It Is So Incredibly Tilting When... (No Bad Beats) (LC) It Is So Incredibly Tilting When... (No Bad Beats) (LC)

12-12-2008 , 12:31 PM
Thinking that you have a set of 7s, but your pocket 77 are on another table. All other manner of "misreads."
12-12-2008 , 12:38 PM
Getting oversetted by (or KK vs. AA against) the biggest donk at the table, who then types "ty" in the chat box before insta-ratholing.
12-12-2008 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by The Eureka Kid
Yeah... this is just totally random stuff I feel like getting out my system and in no order. Feel free to add to it... I probably will be.

It Is So Incredibly Tilting When...

You think you can multi-task and reply to a text on your cell-phone while playing 24 tables, but actually end up playing incredibly horrible for 5 minutes as you slowly type it out and end up timing out on heaps of your tables anyways.

A family member/girlfriend/housemate thinks that you might be interested in carrying on some inane conversation in the midst of taking care of the millions of tables you are playing.

Some redneck accuses you of cheating because you don’t play any pots against your mate when you are your friend sit down and play a live game of $1/$2nl.
1) Yeah i try to text while 24 tabling, and end up sending stuff out that probably makes more sense in another language, and always lose at least a stack during the whole ordeal.

2) Apparently most people think that playing 24 tables is an easy goal apparently, as every ***** person in my house tries to talk to me while i'm playing.

3) Have had this happen a lot, but mostly b/c rednecks here in ATL are about as bad as they get. Usually the rest of the table points out that my friend and I have been 3-4-5b each other all night, and laugh at the redneck.
12-12-2008 , 12:50 PM
When someone says "Sorry" after they suck out after the money goes in.

I get so ****** pissed. Way more pissed than the actual beat. I always freak out and type "Don't ****** tell me sorry, you are not ****** sorry."

It is pretty childish but I get so mad at stuff like that.

Also, I get tilted when people setmine OOP to threebets hit. Someone did this last week (called 30 OOP pre) and hit 999 and I obviously stacked off with AA. He typed "TY" in the chat. My blood was boiling.
12-12-2008 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kos13
Getting oversetted by (or KK vs. AA against) the biggest donk at the table, who then types "ty" in the chat box before insta-ratholing.
12-12-2008 , 01:19 PM
When a reg peels a flop with an unimproved 22-44 and gins the turn.
12-12-2008 , 01:40 PM
Raising with suited connectors or small pairs and having a shortstacker shove all in behind you.
12-12-2008 , 01:51 PM
32 posts in and nobody has brought up the winner yet. I'm very disappointed.

You disconnect while holding a set in a multiway flop with action in front of you, and can't get back in time.
12-12-2008 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
When someone says "Sorry" after they suck out after the money goes in.

I get so ****** pissed. Way more pissed than the actual beat. I always freak out and type "Don't ****** tell me sorry, you are not ****** sorry."
When I say sorry after I put a bad beat on someone (meaning, been there, I feel your pain), and they get pissed at me.

P.S. I now say "ul" -- is that any better? I know quiet is the best.
12-12-2008 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Kos13
Getting oversetted by (or KK vs. AA against) the biggest donk at the table, who then types "ty" in the chat box before insta-ratholing.
The winner imo.
12-12-2008 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by SABR42
- When I value bet FOR my opponent. Like when I value bet AT hard 3 streets on a board of T-8-3-4-4 vs some 40/2 fish, only to see them turn over QQ that they limp-called preflop, and check-called every street post-flop. Expert play and always tilts me.
Close 2nd place imo. ..... especially when I could have checked behind instead, but am trying to get thin value out of loose-passive.
12-12-2008 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by SABR42
Always keep an empty Gatorade bottle during your sessions.

Come on this is basic stuff for online pros. Not sure how well it would work for women poker players though lol.
just got a piss bottle, haven't used it yet though
12-12-2008 , 02:23 PM
-When poor napoleon 3 bets my btn raise from the BB and I have QQ.

-(I run XP) When it does that "windows will now be installing some updates, restart NOW or restart LATER" and then it starts timing down to the auto restart in the middle of my session.

-When the batteries in my mouse run out in middle of a session.
12-12-2008 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Shaffer
32 posts in and nobody has brought up the winner yet. I'm very disappointed.

You disconnect while holding a set in a multiway flop with action in front of you, and can't get back in time.
how about, you have AA on 3 tables, the nut flush on table 21, and 2 sets, and someone IM's you causing your POS computer (which already lags like crazy while 24 tabling and running HUD) to complete freeze.

But, not freeze to the point where nothing works. Just enough that the video card refuses to refresh the screen, so your mouse still moves, and you can hear all ur $$$ being mucked away.

fk my life.

cannot wait for new comp. to be ready tonight.
12-12-2008 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Kos13
Getting oversetted by (or KK vs. AA against) the biggest donk at the table, who then types "ty" in the chat box before insta-ratholing.
I'm gonna broaden this just to anyone who says "ty". It tilts me so hard that I actually take a note so I can say it back next time I win a pot off them.

Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
When someone says "Sorry" after they suck out after the money goes in.

I get so ****** pissed. Way more pissed than the actual beat. I always freak out and type "Don't ****** tell me sorry, you are not ****** sorry."

It is pretty childish but I get so mad at stuff like that.

Also, I get tilted when people setmine OOP to threebets hit. Someone did this last week (called 30 OOP pre) and hit 999 and I obviously stacked off with AA. He typed "TY" in the chat. My blood was boiling.
I do this some times. Fwiw, I do usually feel a little sheepish.
12-12-2008 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Sounded Simple
Thinking "I'm kind of tilted, I really should quit" then 10 minutes and -4bi later you know you were right.
12-12-2008 , 02:45 PM
limp re-raise is the worst especially when its one of those 60/20 guys with an AF of 6 that you wanna see a flop with
12-12-2008 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by RosaParks
I'm gonna broaden this just to anyone who says "ty". It tilts me so hard that I actually take a note so I can say it back next time I win a pot off them.
I just usually say this to someone berating me .

"You're terrible"
"wtf that's not a compliment"
"fk off donk"

But yeah people set mining 3-bets oop and hitting tilts me to no end. Like I know I'm profiting in the long run but you never see when they flat a 3-bet and fold flop that they have 33 you just see when they stack you .
12-12-2008 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
limp re-raise is the worst especially when its one of those 60/20 guys with an AF of 6 that you wanna see a flop with
the last two times this has happened to me, villains have had A8s and 53o, and bluffed all 3 streets.
12-12-2008 , 03:05 PM
donks that flat half of their stack pre when you have AK, flop comes 567 of a diffrent suit then your AK and they donkshove.
12-12-2008 , 03:09 PM
when you bluff your stack off, and the hand they have is one you need them to fold for the bluff to not be atrocious, if they have the nuts big deal that happens, but when your read is so wrong on a bluff its megatilt time

that and vbetting for your opponent, I'm pretty good at doing that too
12-12-2008 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Sounded Simple
Thinking "I'm kind of tilted, I really should quit" then 10 minutes and -4bi later you know you were right.
hahaha so true. This thread has potential.
12-12-2008 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
When someone says "Sorry" after they suck out after the money goes in.

I get so ****** pissed. Way more pissed than the actual beat. I always freak out and type "Don't ****** tell me sorry, you are not ****** sorry."
glad to see im not the only one. lol i hate that too. i sometimes tell them if they are really sorry, they can always transfer my share of the pot back. thats never happened.

also, a 10/6 player hits top set vs my middle set and stacks me. after the hand, he says "nh, i would have got ai too." first, dont tell me "nh" after you cooler me and take my stack. second, really, you would get all in with middle set on a dry flop? thanks for your help buddy. he couldnt figure out why i told him it was a dick move to say that stuff after that type of hand.
12-12-2008 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by BLAABAR
LOL, now I've seen everything!

Originally Posted by Stonewalled
Thinking that you have a set of 7s, but your pocket 77 are on another table. All other manner of "misreads."
On a related note...betting three streets when I am certain that I have a straight, only to find out at showdown that I actually am one card short.

Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
When someone says "Sorry" after they suck out after the money goes in.

I get so ****** pissed. Way more pissed than the actual beat. I always freak out and type "Don't ****** tell me sorry, you are not ****** sorry."

It is pretty childish but I get so mad at stuff like that.
I apologize when I over-set someone or suck-out in some fashion. I'm being sincere though. Yes, it's poker but it sucks to be on the downside of those things. Am genuinely being empathetic. I'm a girl, LDO!
12-12-2008 , 04:56 PM
- Playing on a bad connection.

- Site maintenance kills the games for a few hours.

- Prop bet threads that fail to deliver any updates. If you don't want to keep the people informed, don't take it public.

- Players join a table 2 or 3 handed and then sit out until the game fills.

- You waste x hours of your life on a donkament.

- You wait 15 minutes on a waiting list for the greatest table line-up ever and then accidentally click 'No' when it asks if you want to take your seat.

- Misclicks cost you monies.
