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QQ is overpair facing semi big bet. oops QQ is overpair facing semi big bet. oops

10-05-2010 , 05:03 PM
Villain is something like 16/12 with a 4% 3bet over a few hundred hands...not sure of his cbet but assume hes just pretty standard maybe 60-70% overall
Hero is pretty similar, bout 70-75% fold to 3bet

Full Tilt Poker $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter By DeucesCracked Poker Videos

Hero (UTG+2): $107.50
MP1: $103.00
MP2: $210.00
CO: $100.00
BTN: $100.00
SB: $100.50
BB: $145.65
UTG: $136.55
UTG+1: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG+2 with Q Q
2 folds, Hero raises to $4, 2 folds, CO calls $4, BTN raises to $16, 2 folds, Hero calls $12, 1 fold

So I decided not to 4bet/call cause i felt like being a nit but didnt wanna fold cause seemed like good spot to squeeze and i didnt want to be epic nit so i flat. would some other option be better here? sample isnt large enough for me to gage his fold to 4bet stat and such

Flop: ($37.50) T 8 3 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $26

so he bets pretty big...could be 3betting overs like KK,AA, doubt hes 3b TT but maybe hes into that sort of thing, could prob have a bunch of Axs maybe some Kxs imo...thoughts on what to do in this spot?
10-05-2010 , 05:43 PM
i think how wide hes 3betting pre mostly depends on your fold to 3b, and the cold callers stats. if cold caller is super donkish he could be 3betting really wide for value with your 75% fold 3bet, given if u fold he can get the donk hu with a wide value range.

the thing is, against your flatting range in this spot this is such a bad flop to cbet. im not entirely sure what id do here, but i think calling flop is fine. occasionally i will just c/shove flop right here which looks bluffy/drawy, but also will get called by his draws and it protects your hand a bit from ****ty turn cards. i dont mind a line of c/c, c/f turn if he barrells another dry card. given once u c/c this flop, he should relaly have no reason to believe u will c/f dry turns. so barrelling will seem bad for him.

these spots suck so bad tho. i think i like c/c flop or c/shove flop, but i def dont know how i can fold just yet.
10-05-2010 , 05:46 PM
i think ur call here pre is super standard tho. dont see how u can fold to a button squeezer, especially if the cold caller is donkish. or if the cold caller has a high fold to 3bet, becuz then he will be 3betting a super wide bluff range.
10-05-2010 , 06:10 PM
edit: cold caller is 13/6 nit reg

villian is 17/13/4% 3bet, 100% cbet in 3bet (3 out of 3) and 62% overall
10-05-2010 , 06:16 PM
c/c c/f. don't like the check raise on flop because its almost always going to get worse to fold or better to call. People don't like to fold AA/KK when pre went 3bet/call so you are really praying he has JJ and played it different from the standard or 3bet pre light and has a draw.
10-05-2010 , 06:17 PM
disco c/shove is easily the worst option. it simply folds out stuff you beat and only gets called by better.

protecting your hand from bad turn cards is not a concern because if an A or K peels off you beat nothing or very little in his squeezing range unless he's a very very active squeezer, so you're happy to c/f and and are rarely getting bluffed. an A or K is only gross if they make you fold the best hand a lot, this is not the case here. sure you fold out AK's equity by c/shoving but this does not outweigh the fact that you stick in so much money and only get called when you have 2 outs.

c/shoving to rep a draw is also kind of nonsense because:
1. you have like 2-3 combos of draws in the first place in your perceived range.
2. even if he puts you on a draw, what is he going to hero call you with? it's optimistic to try and get hero calls from AK and the only worse hands he can call you with are JJ (which he might not squeeze with) and Tx (which he won't have if he doesn't squeeze light).
10-05-2010 , 07:11 PM
Well I would think c/shove is going to get called by AA,KK, a bunch of nut flush draws that he can be squeezing with, maybe some Kxss if he has thought and obv J9ss if he has that so seems like he calls some stuff we beat?

so if we prefer to c/c flop c/f turn.
what is the plan if turn goes check check and he bets river (assuming board blanks out)
10-05-2010 , 07:16 PM
some Kxss, some J9ss and a bunch of NFD's? why do you assume he's squeezing light against your UTG+2 open and a nit's call when you have no reason to? even his 3bet% is rather low. if anything you should assume his range is super tight.
10-05-2010 , 07:30 PM
oh btw, fold pre
10-05-2010 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by hurt
disco c/shove is easily the worst option. it simply folds out stuff you beat and only gets called by better.

protecting your hand from bad turn cards is not a concern because if an A or K peels off you beat nothing or very little in his squeezing range unless he's a very very active squeezer, so you're happy to c/f and and are rarely getting bluffed. an A or K is only gross if they make you fold the best hand a lot, this is not the case here. sure you fold out AK's equity by c/shoving but this does not outweigh the fact that you stick in so much money and only get called when you have 2 outs.

c/shoving to rep a draw is also kind of nonsense because:
1. you have like 2-3 combos of draws in the first place in your perceived range.
2. even if he puts you on a draw, what is he going to hero call you with? it's optimistic to try and get hero calls from AK and the only worse hands he can call you with are JJ (which he might not squeeze with) and Tx (which he won't have if he doesn't squeeze light).

yeah i mean c/shoving here sux, but so does folding and so does calling. its just a really gay spot in general. but i think enough of his range is air here compared to hands that beat us. given the cold caller was tight i see no reason why he wouldnt try and squeeze two tight players that have high fold to 3bets and are oop. i'd be doing this all day in his spot with any Ax Kx etc.

c/shoving ur risking 84 to win 63.50, and given i think he has squadoosh here way more often than he actually has a hand, and also given that when called our equity in the pot against his calling range is going to be atleast 20-25%, i don't see too much wrong with a c/shove.

i think obviously the best play is to call from a pure value standpoint, but calling just gets u in so many weird turn spots where when he bets again on blank cards, your gonna be thinking would he really really barrell turn here without a hand given he knows i have to atleast have JJ. so the problem for me with calling is your basically calling once and giving up after that.

so all that being said i think calling is probably very slightly better (thinking purely in terms of value) than c/shoving is much much better than folding.
10-05-2010 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by hurt
oh btw, fold pre
level right? i mean i only fold pre here if the guy 3betting is a nit, or doesnt seem positionally aware, or is super hard to play against oop postflop or doesnt seem to have a high 3bet IP tendency.
10-05-2010 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by **********
yeah i mean c/shoving here sux, but so does folding and so does calling. its just a really gay spot in general. but i think enough of his range is air here compared to hands that beat us. given the cold caller was tight i see no reason why he wouldnt try and squeeze two tight players that have high fold to 3bets
think you're making too many shaky assumptions given that OP and villain have played like 200 hands with eachother. hero's FT3B hasn't even converged in that sample and why do you say the nit has high fold to 3bet? i think a better assumption is: villain squeezes two tight regs one of them being EP, therefore his range is pretty tight. Occam's razor imo.

not sure why you think folding sucks too. yeah it makes no sense to call pre without setmining odds and c/f here, but i think preflop is a fold with no grasp on villain's squeezing range his postflop tendencies. obviously as you can see you're just going to be making too many mistakes postflop.
10-05-2010 , 08:45 PM
not a level, do you call with TT here?
10-05-2010 , 08:45 PM
I would think his range is on the wide side rather than tight..despite my relatively early utg+2 position (usually id 3x here dont know why i 4xd, misclick one time i guess)...both of us are folding to a bunch of 3bets so id think he would think he can 3b a bunch as a bluff in a pretty obvious squeeze spot and just make us fold most of our hands
10-05-2010 , 09:03 PM
i mean i suppose since we dont have many hands/history on the player just folding pre could be ok given we'll have no clue what to do postflop and no clue what his ranges are. but after 300 hands a 17/14 with 4% 3bet seems like the type that would be light here.
10-05-2010 , 10:10 PM
Folding pre isn't terrible, just borderline nitty. But the alternative is to call pre, c/c flop, and pray he gives up on turn with his AK or takes the showdown value route with a worse hand isn't really too attractive either. One argument for calling is a lot of reggy players will check back a missed AK on the flop IP as well, though that line is more common in non 3bet pots. This hand is just a good example of the power of position. I think taking a strong aggressive line on any street without a set is so 10nl without a read.

Last edited by nonprofitgambler; 10-05-2010 at 10:15 PM.
10-05-2010 , 10:59 PM
I think this is a fold or 4bet pre spot... Especially if after you flat and want to fold when all unders come.
