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Preflop bet sizing by position Preflop bet sizing by position

02-09-2009 , 09:17 AM
Fishes will call you anyway if they are inclined to call a raise regardless if its 3bb or 4bb so if you are EP you at least want them to pay for the flop in the means of an -EV decision + you are playing out of position.

So I raise 4bb EP, Pot MP+CO, 3bb BTN+SB and maybe even 2.5bb but that depends on the BB (Shortstacker, Fish, Tagfish, Nit)
02-09-2009 , 12:04 PM
I think anything standard is fine, and I say that because if you mix it up, you have to then also think about what your opponent is thinking about your raise. Hmmm, he raised to 5x from UTG, probably has JJ/TT so I can 3bet him with ATC and he'll fold, and then you're sitting there with QQ thinking "wait, this tight idiot only 3bets monsters so QQ is a fold here." Not my best example, but you get my drift.

I do 4bb from everywhere except when I'm stealing the BB from my SB, where I do 3bb. Not sure why I do it, or whether it's good, but it works just fine. People who play back at my SB steals, I mix up my amounts to 4bb on occasion just to try to make it look like "well this time I have a hand".

I would never do 3.5 or 3.75 though, because you might as well round it up to $4 and make it look scarier. Plus betpot just makes it $4.
02-09-2009 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Penguinz21
Does earning the VPP actually help more than not getting a pot raked? I mean, assuming you win most pots that are just heads up where you're in position as the preflop raiser, wouldn't you rather the hand not be raked than let it be raked and take a small fraction of that rake back?
Good Q...?
02-09-2009 , 03:31 PM
I go with option C except I use 4x and 5x betsizing rather than 3.75x and 4x. I like to consistantly give awful odds for setmining and donks who love to call with any two suited cards. Plus I find its easier to take the blinds down with a larger betsize since most people are nits and will only reraise me with a strong hand.
02-09-2009 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Acevader
I think it's better to just have a standard bet size and any adjustments you make are based around specific circumstances or players. For example, if you are raising LP and the BB is a short-stack then reduce the raise size. If you are raising a premium and a fish beyond you sees basically any flop for any price then increase it to isolate him, cut down his odds and start the pot building process earlier, etc.
+1, this is basically the criteria i use along with following (c) for the most part. In early position i like 4BB to keep everyone and their uncle from calling, plus it gets more money in preflop, and makes me feel more comfortable that when i do get 3bet, I'm actually up against a hand. In mid-position i just 3.5x because there is no specific early or late position read to be had on my hand. In late position I generally raise 3-3.5x depending on what Acevader said up in the quote. If a SS is in the blinds, i raise 3x, if a competent player is in my blinds I raise 3.5x to make his 3bet a little bigger.
02-09-2009 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Sham_wow
I go with option C except I use 4x and 5x betsizing rather than 3.75x and 4x. I like to consistantly give awful odds for setmining and donks who love to call with any two suited cards. Plus I find its easier to take the blinds down with a larger betsize since most people are nits and will only reraise me with a strong hand.
well the thing with this type of thinking, is whether you raise to 4x or 5x, ppl that are setmining are still going to have great odds to do so. the difference between 4 and 5x will never give awful setmining odds.
02-09-2009 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by **********
well the thing with this type of thinking, is whether you raise to 4x or 5x, ppl that are setmining are still going to have great odds to do so. the difference between 4 and 5x will never give awful setmining odds.
Well if people think they are getting great odds to setmine when I'm raising 4x / 5x with my entire range then I hope they decide to do so.
