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*** Official Stars FR "whos sporting the biggest johnson" HU discussion *** Official Stars FR "whos sporting the biggest johnson" HU discussion

07-12-2008 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by GrandMelon
god best of 5 with non raising blinds would take forever, i really dont want to play like 2 hour matches
its only 100bb, i bet best of 3 200bb matches would take a good amount longer.

and u love 2 hour matches dont lie

no point of having a hu tourny if we are just going to turn it into a variance fest anyway
07-12-2008 , 01:39 PM
07-12-2008 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by oldschool
how to own keli "he never has a hand"

k im done.
This doesn't just apply to me, rather it applies to everyone who plays poker. I can count on 1 hand the amount of times someone has showed up with a hand when I've been all in
07-12-2008 , 01:52 PM
well, heres whats ive gathered so far :

** all ok with $50-$100 buy in **

from this list its 16 already. i think if we do this in a couple weeks for $100 buy in it would be enough time for everyone to have a chance to play. as far as escrowing anything, there really is not point besides saving just a couple dollars per person. leave the money with stars so everyone feels safe and all. as far as a match of 2/3 or more, not raising the blinds would take forever and this is just a for fun tourney anyhow. if this is successful maybe we can run these bi-weekly or something? i think maybe a $50 buy-in would be good to get the 100nl players in and just for the comp everyone should enter. then we can also have a $200-$500 tourney for those who want a bigger entry fee and make that 2/3 since there will be alot less people. more thoughts?

** wants 2/3 or 3/5 **

** wants higher buy-in **

** added **
mike kelley (post in regs thread)
07-12-2008 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by srkbigdaddy
well, heres whats ive gathered so far :

** all ok with $50-$100 buy in **

from this list its 16 already. i think if we do this in a couple weeks for $100 buy in it would be enough time for everyone to have a chance to play. as far as escrowing anything, there really is not point besides saving just a couple dollars per person. leave the money with stars so everyone feels safe and all. as far as a match of 2/3 or more, not raising the blinds would take forever and this is just a for fun tourney anyhow. if this is successful maybe we can run these bi-weekly or something? i think maybe a $50 buy-in would be good to get the 100nl players in and just for the comp everyone should enter. then we can also have a $200-$500 tourney for those who want a bigger entry fee and make that 2/3 since there will be alot less people. more thoughts?

** wants 2/3 or 3/5 **

** wants higher buy-in **

** added **
mike kelley (post in regs thread)
Like half the people on your list of ok with 50-100 buyin prob want to play a 200+ tourny...why not just make two tournys, one for the bustos and one for everyone else, and let ppl pick which one they want to play. I'll organize the 200 one if no one else wants to
07-12-2008 , 02:10 PM
I'm okay with the 50-100 bi also.
07-12-2008 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by EPiPeN11
its only 100bb, i bet best of 3 200bb matches would take a good amount longer.

no point of having a hu tourny if we are just going to turn it into a variance fest anyway
true, i just have trouble in putting in hands and dont wanna waste the 2-3 hours a day i force myself to play poker playing strong players HU with a small chance of return

and u love 2 hour matches dont lie
dude 95% of my sessions dont last more than 1.5 hours lol, playing 2 hours straight (especially HU) is gonna be a fcukiiiiiiiiiing grind for me.
07-12-2008 , 03:08 PM
btw im down for any buyin from 200-1k
07-12-2008 , 03:17 PM
07-12-2008 , 03:23 PM
there's no way i won't win this without getting bad beat
07-12-2008 , 03:26 PM
07-12-2008 , 03:46 PM
im in, would prefer something 200+
07-12-2008 , 03:52 PM
btw, best of 3 with 100 bb is just a huge luckbox donkament. Even the 200 bb one in msnl was a huge luckfest with only best of 3. It should probably be best of 7, but even 5 would be an improvement. I'm in for up to 1k.
07-12-2008 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Kelisitaan
Like half the people on your list of ok with 50-100 buyin prob want to play a 200+ tourny...why not just make two tournys, one for the bustos and one for everyone else, and let ppl pick which one they want to play. I'll organize the 200 one if no one else wants to
im down with w/e. i was kind of just trying to imply that we should all enter the 50-100 buy in just to have it fun for the busto limit players to play against everyone and maybe have some sh*t talking rights for fun. then we can also have a 200+ one for others who wanna play for higher stakes. both sound good to me. as far as 2/3 or 3/5, i dont think it really matters tbh, this isnt to really proves whos better. why not have like a bi-weekly series with some type of leader board and then have a grand prize at the end or something? this would eliminate the "i dont have enough time" thing and would give more incentive to play each tourney to gain more points.
07-12-2008 , 04:11 PM
i am in for $50-100 bi
07-12-2008 , 04:16 PM
just a quick update.

bottomset(wants higher entry)
the_main(2/3 200 buy in)
keepitreal(in 2 weeks)
kelistaan(want higher buy-in)
epipen11(3/5 100bb 200 buy-in)
too eazy
grandmelon (200+)
pattay (200+)
cdl (200+)

im sure we can get this going and its almost pointless to keep a running list. wanna discuss a date and then start a private tourney on stars? july 24th or 31st? and have a time range? i think a $50 and a $200 to start out would be cool.
07-12-2008 , 04:22 PM
ok everyone the buy in is 200 dollars. thats just what it is. period. plan accordingly.
07-12-2008 , 04:23 PM
99% sure I'm in depending on how everything is set up

I think best of 3 100 bbs deep is fine IMO at least for the early rounds, this isn't the WSOP or anything... semis can be best of 5 and finals best of 7.

those 200bb never increasing matches just seem like a fkn grind to me and my ego is not quite big enough to stick those out when there is plenty of easier money out there
07-12-2008 , 04:26 PM
can I get in on this even tho I'm not a stars reg?
07-12-2008 , 04:42 PM
Who's escrowing? Yeah definitely Johnny. I don't think it has to just be stars players.
07-12-2008 , 04:42 PM
I can't play July 20th (Sunday). Saturdays would be good days, considering there's VIP freerolls.
07-12-2008 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by pattay
ok everyone the buy in is 200 dollars. thats just what it is. period. plan accordingly.
QFT what is with this pussy 50 dollar buyin bs...I'm pretty sure even the busto forums had a buyin higher than this. Sorry people but 200 is not a lot...that's like a cbet gone bad in a reraised pot.
07-12-2008 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Kelley
Who's escrowing? Yeah definitely Johnny. I don't think it has to just be stars players.
just pay stars the couple bucks for their tourney entry imo. not worth the hassle and gives some people piece of mind to know stars is holding their money.

Originally Posted by Kelisitaan
QFT what is with this pussy 50 dollar buyin bs...I'm pretty sure even the busto forums had a buyin higher than this. Sorry people but 200 is not a lot...that's like a cbet gone bad in a reraised pot.
i think a 50 and a 200 is good. not forcing anyone to play either, just trying to get everyone involved, is this a bad thing?
07-12-2008 , 06:19 PM
I'm in. 200+ please.
07-12-2008 , 06:43 PM
i said i was in for 500 or less in the other thread
