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***Official September "Oh What a Difference Damntra Makes" Chat Thread*** ***Official September "Oh What a Difference Damntra Makes" Chat Thread***

09-06-2009 , 07:48 PM
ITM, tiem to shove shove shove.
09-06-2009 , 10:45 PM
I ended up cashing in the 215 for 645$ im still very disapointed i played poker for over 8 hours today with little break time just for that, **** donkaments.
09-06-2009 , 11:18 PM
lol I cashed for like $575 kinda sucks playing that long but not terrible considering only had to 1-table the entire time.
09-06-2009 , 11:47 PM
if i don't have porn gonig i can't 1 table usually.
09-07-2009 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by Damntra
I really am getting sick and tired of being woken up after a few hours sleep by the world around me.

What happened - I used to be able to be dead to the world when I slept.
You're old now, LDO!

Have been on vacation in the mountains in upper GA this weekend. Finally broke down and got one of those wireless internet cards. it!
09-07-2009 , 07:52 AM
I have one too, they are the nuts (and tax deductable of course)!
09-07-2009 , 03:32 PM
I think only tax deductible if you are a Pro.
09-07-2009 , 05:55 PM
ur pro or ur noob, thats life?
09-07-2009 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by oldschool
ur pro or ur noob, thats life?
lol, I wanted to say that as well but thought it would sound kind of old..I obv suck at posting...

btw I'm not sure whether I should hate my call down vs you today w/ TT, kind of a weird spot.
09-07-2009 , 06:49 PM
I'm not sure I want to play tonight.
09-07-2009 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by AlexB182
lol, I wanted to say that as well but thought it would sound kind of old..I obv suck at posting...

btw I'm not sure whether I should hate my call down vs you today w/ TT, kind of a weird spot.
given the baord it was probably time for a diciplined fold on the river. Other than that it was fine.
09-07-2009 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by LearningCurve
You're old now, LDO!

Have been on vacation in the mountains in upper GA this weekend. Finally broke down and got one of those wireless internet cards. it!
How much was the aircard and what plan did you get?
09-08-2009 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by oldschool
ur pro or ur noob, thats life?
Originally Posted by AlexB182
lol, I wanted to say that as well but thought it would sound kind of old..I obv suck at posting...
LOL, you two!

Originally Posted by Damntra
I'm not sure I want to play tonight.
Odd as I'm still clawing tooth and nail to keep from continuing my plummet but I WANT to play through the DS to get to the other side. Mostly took the weekend off for my hiking trip and now back to work so not much time for me unfortunately.

Originally Posted by Damntra
How much was the aircard and what plan did you get?
Card was free after rebate and essentially all of the companies have the same $59.99/month plan. I went with Verizon as it has what looks to be the best coverage area, at least on the East coast.
09-08-2009 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by LearningCurve
Odd as I'm still clawing tooth and nail to keep from continuing my plummet but I WANT to play through the DS to get to the other side. Mostly took the weekend off for my hiking trip and now back to work so not much time for me unfortunately.
Yah, I've never put in that much volume in such a short period of time so that combined with the recent downswing made me feel like I wanted a day off.

Originally Posted by LearningCurve

Card was free after rebate and essentially all of the companies have the same $59.99/month plan. I went with Verizon as it has what looks to be the best coverage area, at least on the East coast.
Ahh, rebate, nice. Where was that when i got my aircard two years ago. *chuckle*
09-08-2009 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Damntra
Yah, I've never put in that much volume in such a short period of time so that combined with the recent downswing made me feel like I wanted a day off.

Ahh, rebate, nice. Where was that when i got my aircard two years ago. *chuckle*
How many hands did you play?

The rebate is nice but not as nice as the (no longer available) unlimited version you got though.
09-08-2009 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by LearningCurve
How many hands did you play?

The rebate is nice but not as nice as the (no longer available) unlimited version you got though.
25k so far this month which is a lot for me.

They don't have an unlimited anymore? How does the pricing work now?
09-09-2009 , 07:53 PM
Anyone watching President Obama's speech tonight?
09-09-2009 , 09:13 PM
no, cliffs?
09-09-2009 , 11:59 PM
President Obama wants to work with Republicans but will move forward without them if he has to.
09-10-2009 , 01:39 AM
very rarely do I check my results for a day and find myself PLEASANTLY surprised.
Its a nice feeling
09-10-2009 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Johnes Benjamin
very rarely do I check my results for a day and find myself PLEASANTLY surprised.
Its a nice feeling
Really? I always check at the end of my session. I like to keep up with how I'm doing.
09-10-2009 , 06:24 PM
my cashier is open during my sessions
probably why I start to play bad when I get up 3-4 buyins (but I don't have a problem when I am down...)
09-10-2009 , 06:25 PM
Still cant help myself from checking when implaying tho it is nice when i dont look for like an hour and think im b/e or down to find im up quite a bit....prolly distracting enough not to do it anyway tho

was stuck 5k on the mnth going into yesterdya but shipped the 2x chance and got 3rd in the 50 turb plus some smaller scores to get back on track for the month =)
09-10-2009 , 06:35 PM
I usually only check like 1 or 2 times a week...
09-10-2009 , 06:57 PM
Football season starts tonight! *Wo0gA*
