Originally Posted by TwoSmeets
care to elaborate?
Sorry I was a bit offhand.
I've been thinking a fair bit about this stuff recently and basically come to the same conclusions that AlexB posted above.
I was thinking about the various ways in which the EV figure could be inaccurate or inconsequential to how well/poorly I was playing.
Then I started thinking about g-bucks etc, which every time I think about makes me hang my head about how little I use stove etc, and don't review hands.
What struck me the most was that it didn't really matter whether I sucked or not since I had no plans to quit playing. What was important to me was how I sucked, and how I was going to fix it. And if I'm actively plugging leaks, I'm not the same player as yesterday anyways.
So I guess what I'm saying is the better we work, the more accurately we can rate our own play. As well as that we decrease the importance/relevance of previous poor results.
I'm kinda dumb at this stuff so apologies if that makes no sense, just my random ideas on the subject.