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*** Official "2010 Pokerstars Regulars" Thread  (NSFW)*** *** Official "2010 Pokerstars Regulars" Thread  (NSFW)***

12-27-2010 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Rak
Anyone else monitoring the Internet Poker section 24/7 and praying for a "2011 Pokerstars Table Buyin Changes" thread?

If there is such a thread, it's not gonna have the changes that pretty much all of us want. They made the biggest ratholer a member of Team Online, and they took in a ton more rake this year than in previous years due to the buyin changes they made. There is no indication that they're going to get rid of the shallow tables, and no incentive for them to do so unless enough of their full-stacking pros are willing to leave the site.

If anyone actually thinks they are going to make positive changes, I'll lay 2:1 (probably up to $1k) that 20-50bb NLHE games are still offered on Stars as of Jan 1st 2011 12:01am.
12-27-2010 , 07:02 PM
You'd have to lay like 15-1 before id even consider that bet.
12-27-2010 , 07:03 PM
no jizz
12-27-2010 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by mogwai316
If there is such a thread, it's not gonna have the changes that pretty much all of us want. They made the biggest ratholer a member of Team Online, and they took in a ton more rake this year than in previous years due to the buyin changes they made. There is no indication that they're going to get rid of the shallow tables, and no incentive for them to do so unless enough of their full-stacking pros are willing to leave the site.

If anyone actually thinks they are going to make positive changes, I'll lay 2:1 (probably up to $1k) that 20-50bb NLHE games are still offered on Stars as of Jan 1st 2011 12:01am.
stefan and steve both alluded to it....

PSteve said that there would be "an announcement prior to 2011"... it was deleted a day later...

PStefan also mentioned in the 2011 VIP club changes that any changes to the structure would be addressed in another thread, but hasn't said anything since.

sadly, i would not take that bet.

i think stars has handled this issue horrendously.
12-27-2010 , 07:26 PM
much to learn you have, sploogie
12-27-2010 , 07:34 PM
I just sit here wondering how somebody can log into an online forum everyday and get made fun of by the entire community and continue to post here... Doesn't make a lot of sense to me

Its like a kid in middle school who wakes up everyday and cant wait to go to school to get shoved in his locker and beat up. Just never seen something like this before
12-27-2010 , 07:36 PM
i have it figured out. he's an attention whore

still waiting to hear from ftp and forum ppl regarding issue
12-27-2010 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Ijizz
no I love the 50bb tables and the fish like them aswell.

edit : and Tim I have seen you everywhere bi****** about your lower winrates @ 50bb tables. Other players have successfully adept and managing to keep their winrates and even been able to move up in stakes. Please stop being a fu****** bit** about it and adjust if you are not stupid for it
i don't know why i even start tis, but probably i'm bored...

2months ago i was thinking teh same. In fact I was thinking the same til the point when I put all the hands from 2010 together and then saw it black on white...

i also thought 50BBs max tables are a good thing for me - few good regulars playing them, the regs who are playing them are not playing back to hard for the most part, there are tons of fish (at least compared to the 40BBs tables) and alot of bad shorties...

sounds like heaven huh?

then i looked at my DB and realized my 3 20k++ months 2010 took all place til april... my WR was cut in pieces thereafter. what was in april? wat a coincidence...

I'm convinced I'm one of the top5 regs playing these tables at 200 and one of the top10 regs 400 and 600 (50BBs max). I'm sure here are some people who would co-sign this...

strangely I barely make money out of these tables...

so these tables are extremely good (for the most part)

and I am one of the best regs playing them (maybe I overestimate my abilities here though)

but i don't have a satisfying WR...

so maybe there is a problem with teh


these tables are a goldmine for stars and that people like you (who are not even the stupid shortstacking ratholer if i remember right) are willing to keep them shows that stars did an extremely good job business wise...

at least short term...

and i don't even wanna think about what will happen when these tables are getting worse over teh time...
12-27-2010 , 07:53 PM
paging most interesting man alive to put this discussion to rest
12-27-2010 , 07:56 PM
These tables aren't going anywhere. I'm amazed it's even something you guys are hoping for.
12-27-2010 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
my WR was cut in pieces thereafter.

Ijizz go play in traffic
12-27-2010 , 08:28 PM
Alright people still hating here as usual and I dont really mind but hope that at least someone in this forum can confirm that the 50bb tables has enabled them to make a higher hourly profit. I am pretty confident that if I was not hated by everyone in this forum some people would agree with me that the 50bb tables were good for them, short term at least.

As for the future Tim, It isnt even worth speculating how the online poker market will look like in say 4 years from now, so many legalization uncertainties etc. although as I plan living of poker for at least the 3 following years I dont gain sh** by thinking that it will turn for the worse, maybe it will, maybe it wont. There are some indicators that it will turn for better also like the Asian market and the stabilization of our economy.
12-27-2010 , 08:29 PM
phone some ss'ers
12-27-2010 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by WaterFall21
phone some ss'ers
there has to be some 50bb guys that agree
12-27-2010 , 08:34 PM
guys does any of use use Placemint? I configured the slots and all, but how do I actually make it resize the tables and put them in desired slots?
12-27-2010 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by GetHighRM125
I just sit here wondering how somebody can log into an online forum everyday and get made fun of by the entire community and continue to post here... Doesn't make a lot of sense to me

Its like a kid in middle school who wakes up everyday and cant wait to go to school to get shoved in his locker and beat up. Just never seen something like this before
for some people, being hated @ the internet is not the end of the world.

Although I am an attention hooker so there you have your answer.
12-27-2010 , 08:41 PM
Hey friends, still 4 and a half hours to put in your guesses for my contest, doesn't cost you to anything to play and you can win a prize, so that's +EV! :P
12-27-2010 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by k1ngsize
guys does any of use use Placemint? I configured the slots and all, but how do I actually make it resize the tables and put them in desired slots?
go to tools -> configure -> edit regex list -> add new -> copy paste this:

\s-\s(\$?[\d,.]+/\$?[\d,.]+\s)?(Ante\s\$?[\d.,]+\s)?(USD\s)?(Play\sMoney\s)?(-\s)?(No\s|Pot\s)?Limit\s(Hold'em|Omaha\sH/L|Omaha|Stud H/L|Stud|Razz|5-Card\sDraw|Single\sDraw\s2-7|Triple\sDraw\s2-7\sLowball|Badugi)(\s-\s(Blinds|Stakes))?\s?(\$?[\d,.]+/\$?[\d.,]+\s)?(Ante\s\$?[\d.,]+\s)?(USD\s)?(Play\sMoney\s)?(-\s\d+\sof\s\d+)?
-> save & close -> check <w/enameyouused> @ settings next to the slots tab

I also have this code for tournaments I guess (can't remember anymore):

(Tournament\s?[\d,.]+\sTable\s?[\d,.]+(\s-\s(Blinds|Stakes))?\s\$?[\d,.]+/\$?[\d.,]+(\sAnte\s\$?[\d.,]+)?(\sPlay\sMoney)?(\s-\s\d+\sof\s\d+)?(\s-\sLogged\sIn\sas\s.+)?)|(\s-\s\$?[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9])?/\$?[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9])?((\sUSD)|(\sEUR))?\s(Ante\s\$?[\d.]+\s)?(Play\sMoney\s)?-\s(No\sLimit|Pot\sLimit|Limit)\s(Hold'em|Omaha\sH/L|Omaha|Stud H/L|Stud|Razz|5-Card\sDraw|Single\sDraw\s2-7|Triple\sDraw\s2-7\sLowball|Badugi)(\s-\sLogged\sIn\sas\s.+)?$)|((No\sLimit|Pot\sLimit|Limit)\s(Hold'em|Omaha\sH/L|Omaha|Stud H/L|Stud|Razz|5-Card\sDraw|Single\sDraw\s2-7|Triple\sDraw\s2-7\sLowball|Badugi)\s\$?[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9])?/\$?[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9])?\s(Ante\s\$?[\d.]+\s)?(Play\sMoney\s)?-\s\d+\sof\s\d+)
12-27-2010 , 09:00 PM
does anyone have a good tablescanner scoring profile theyd be willing to sell?

i just discovered this thing and its really fun tweaking with it but i dunno where to start =(
12-27-2010 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Ijizz
for some people, being hated @ the internet is not the end of the world.

Although I am an attention hooker so there you have your answer.
whats your stars name
12-27-2010 , 09:05 PM
do you guys get a 1-2 second delay for your table ninja sometimes, like for right click fold???? holy ****ing **** so annoying what do ido
12-27-2010 , 09:06 PM
omg!!!?? Maybe press the button yourself???

get a new script????

dont be noob, be pro
12-27-2010 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by jrockhaf
whats your stars name
gladkroat, have not played with you so much but will avoid starting tables with you since there are 1000000000 worse regs that starts
12-27-2010 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
omg!!!?? Maybe press the button yourself???

get a new script????

dont be noob, be pro
12-27-2010 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Ijizz
gladkroat, have not played with you so much but will avoid starting tables with you since there are 1000000000 worse regs that starts
insane winrate, you´re a beast!!!
