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*** Official "2010 Pokerstars Regulars" Thread  (NSFW)*** *** Official "2010 Pokerstars Regulars" Thread  (NSFW)***

12-13-2010 , 10:28 PM
3.5-1 i mean are you ******** me
12-13-2010 , 10:35 PM
3.5:1 AND he has to meet certain winrates or he only gets a partial win/it's a wash
12-13-2010 , 11:02 PM
And it is a loooot harder than ChicagoJoe 600k bet : he have to play NL100+ and to have a positive winrate.

Joe won some k$ in NL100 in the beginning, then played a lot of NL25.

3.5:1, lol. 15:1 is probably correct imo.
12-13-2010 , 11:05 PM
idk when the last 600k bet was, but games are contiously getting harder so this bet is obv harder
12-13-2010 , 11:07 PM
Yeah, forget to add this point.

And rush poker is probably the nittiest game ever, so lower winrate overall.
12-13-2010 , 11:32 PM
You won't be laughing when he plays 1.2m hands with a 5ptbb/100 win rate.

12-13-2010 , 11:33 PM
lol that's like a 100k month
12-13-2010 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by 13_Xerxes
Yeah, forget to add this point.

And rush poker is probably the nittiest game ever, so lower winrate overall.
and very high rake adds to this also
12-14-2010 , 12:02 AM
lol, just tried to vote on PTR, you need to sign in to facebook just to vote? I can't believe people are giving out their facebook account info to PTR... I mean, linking your poker username to a real life name, with photos and everything to go along with it, just seems really, really, really stupid.

Unless you're already outed I suppose.
12-14-2010 , 02:12 AM
sometimes, you just run into good hands a lot, and the best you can do is minimize losses

[ ]successfully minimized losses
12-14-2010 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by TwoSmeets
lol, just tried to vote on PTR, you need to sign in to facebook just to vote? I can't believe people are giving out their facebook account info to PTR... I mean, linking your poker username to a real life name, with photos and everything to go along with it, just seems really, really, really stupid.

Unless you're already outed I suppose.
i dont think my PTR profile is linked with my stars SN (it obv would be easy for them to check but i dont think they care) and they already have some details cuz while paying for your silver account with a credit card you have to fill some boxes like name and such.

oh, and if you`re outing yourself on facebook, you can`t really blame any1 for having access to it
12-14-2010 , 08:53 AM
with those illinois players getting sued i def wouldnt want to associate my fb with ptr
12-14-2010 , 08:54 AM
well, anyone with half a brain will realize that most people will have searched anyone else 1-10 times, and themselves like 50, so it's pretty damned easy for PTR people to figure out what PTR usernames correlate with what stars/FTP usernames. Then you give them your facebook info and they link it all together. Makes sense to me.
12-14-2010 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by booger369
ur roommate is too nice. i really need to browse and hunt 2p2 prop bets....

with the winrate stipulation i'd bet aloooot of money i couldnt afford.

i know the guy pretty well and he don't ever makes -EV decisions...

that being said he might underestimate the current state of games which might break his neck...

and tbh i have no clue why he offered such poor odds...
12-14-2010 , 09:52 AM
12-14-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by TwoSmeets
lol, just tried to vote on PTR, you need to sign in to facebook just to vote? I can't believe people are giving out their facebook account info to PTR... I mean, linking your poker username to a real life name, with photos and everything to go along with it, just seems really, really, really stupid.

Unless you're already outed I suppose.
could not agree more +++
12-14-2010 , 11:27 AM
ya tim. i don't know who he is, but im not on same boat as others that say this is unpossible.

with enough skill this is a great bet. he just needs a prop bet coach and set the line at something like 6 to 1 with no winrate stipulation (break even or better)

i guess the 6 to 1 part seems like no one would take the bet on thats why he didnt bother.

just saw new thread. good for him.

Last edited by booger369; 12-14-2010 at 11:32 AM.
12-14-2010 , 11:53 AM
vini, i had a dream about you. you lost a 2k pot getting oversetted on the river, also you still looked like haydn
12-14-2010 , 12:03 PM
good old classic bbc kids tv. boosting the sales of recreational drugs since the 1970's
12-14-2010 , 12:04 PM
lol boston, was kind of perplexed to see that hand but idiot is prob too harsh...

don't have chat btw.
12-14-2010 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by AlexB182
lol boston, was kind of perplexed to see that hand but idiot is prob too harsh...

don't have chat btw.
lol, I don't know what I was thinking but my plan was to raise at some point
12-14-2010 , 01:43 PM
New to stars,and PLO in general ....been a deucescracked degen lately, and gave PLO a go this December and have done pretty good i think. Just got pokertracker and was wondering, is 18.22 BB/100 over 7k hands decent in cap 2-4 PLO???
Played alot with the PS pro Raymond Wu last night......what do people think of his overall PLO play? Just trying to figure out the benchmark for competition in the midstakes PLO games, and I think he could be a decent standard, though I'm not sure.....are there any plo players around in this forum? Hit me up, i'd love to pick your brain
12-14-2010 , 01:46 PM
12-14-2010 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by OswegoDevo
New to stars,and PLO in general ....been a deucescracked degen lately, and gave PLO a go this December and have done pretty good i think. Just got pokertracker and was wondering, is 18.22 BB/100 over 7k hands decent in cap 2-4 PLO???
Played alot with the PS pro Raymond Wu last night......what do people think of his overall PLO play? Just trying to figure out the benchmark for competition in the midstakes PLO games, and I think he could be a decent standard, though I'm not sure.....are there any plo players around in this forum? Hit me up, i'd love to pick your brain
