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***Official Pokerstars Regulars Thread*** ***Official Pokerstars Regulars Thread***

06-15-2009 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
no... shortstacking was a logical choice based on studying the scientific research on living a happy and long life

however, when stars went to 24 tabling, full-stacking became a better trade-off
we've played against each other some, but nothing too eventful

in the last few months I've decided that being nice to get along with everyone is not the way I want to live my life. Maybe I've been inspired by all the Ghandi and MLK bios I've recently read. I'm a crotchety old-man fighting to make the world a better place. I've seen sports continually get cheapened as ESPN raises more and more sports 'fans.' So, I'm trying to take sports back. I see many, many, many outlets encouraging a focus on obtaining the wrong stuff in life, so I try to add in my 2 cents about what will make people happy in the long run. Thus, you can explain my posts on poker being one of the greatest recreational hobbies one can do, but a crummy job. Then, I've ruffled a bunch of feathers on the whole PPA thing. I share the same end goals as my most vocal opponents. I, too, want a healthy online poker industry with access available to as many adults in the world as possible. I just think going through Washington right now is up there with the worst possible strategy one could take.

Thus, I'm not making many new friends in this forum
oh wellz... I realized this would start happening when I decided to start speaking out on topics that I'm passionate about. Minority viewpoints that do not back down are not welcomed.

add some random song quote and you become the new phillipemoren
06-15-2009 , 06:54 AM
gz on the packages
06-15-2009 , 11:35 AM
really hate poker
06-15-2009 , 11:41 AM
3j, want more action in your SNE chase?
06-15-2009 , 11:43 AM
id prefer not to be down 3k ev this month lol

tihnk i got like 1k action left which i may give to chargers if noone else wants
06-15-2009 , 11:50 AM
posted in your thread for $500 in action on 1 stipulation... dunno if you'd be interested though

gl in your chase
06-15-2009 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
keep asking myself this question, it has to be all mental i would assume because i seem to start trying harder to win when I am down alot and the climb is uphill. But when I am up 2-3 BI i feel content with it. IDK what the prob is
Try sleeping in an extra hour or two. Guaranteed to work.
06-15-2009 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by booger369
come on ryan i wanna meet u in vegas. les do this!!!
thanks guys i got to 112k early and figured i could mathematically stall and win then i mis clicked called lol wtf while 1 tabling which i never do 30 tablign and thoguht it would cost me the 12k

really sucked i had short stack to my right nad mega stack to left scary stuff
06-15-2009 , 01:45 PM

I got the monday blues
no more retartds at the tables
just nits shortstacks and 4betting regs
and i spewed all my winnings taking shots at 400NL
and the girlfriend me left cause im a gambling degen

this going to hit the top of the charts
06-15-2009 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by todddukejr
Hey Guys I have been lurking this thread for a while and I play 100nl cash games on fulltilt screen name toddduke jr. I play exclusively on ft because I cannot be a fpp pro not playing enough volume.I would like to get involved in your threads because fulltilt regulars do not have a professional thread and I think I can give advice and am looking for some advice.I hope you guys welcome me and I know how tough the games are on stars and wish you all good luck.
06-15-2009 , 02:15 PM
this will really never end

un ****ing real
06-15-2009 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by ferdinand bardamu

I got the monday blues
no more retartds at the tables
just nits shortstacks and 4betting regs
and i spewed all my winnings taking shots at 400NL
and the girlfriend me left cause im a gambling degen

this going to hit the top of the charts
I actually try to spend my Mondays studying up on poker simply because the games are usually the worst.
of course, this is not always the case. one must stay on top of 'holiday' Mondays.
also, I don't follow any rule like that as though it were carved in stone. Sometimes, I just want to play, or am feeling good about my game. However, the default is for me to get my studying done on Monday. Then, take Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday off. Then, play Friday during the day. Then, it's the weekend!
06-15-2009 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
keep asking myself this question, it has to be all mental i would assume because i seem to start trying harder to win when I am down alot and the climb is uphill. But when I am up 2-3 BI i feel content with it. IDK what the prob is
if you read the behavioral finance and/or behavioral econ literature, your stance on wanting to be up a few buyins and then quit is actually the normal human response in monetary matters. We are not risk seeking animals. We love consistent small positive climbs. We take that nearly every time compared to booking a huge win with the possibility of a ton of small losses leading to it.

Humans are funny puzzles, yo

However, you don't need any advice IMO. You already 'see' the conflict. You just have to accept it and find a way to move past.
06-15-2009 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by ROM Amnesty
He may have survived doing hard time in jail, but this latest set-back may just break him.

I'm what happens when someone sits around and reads far too many books
06-15-2009 , 02:41 PM
doin' the trial version of HEM on your guys recommendation

amazing what I am finding

ty so much
06-15-2009 , 04:29 PM
bipolar much?
06-15-2009 , 04:30 PM
Mondays aren't that bad imo...

tuesdays and wednesday suck and even last friday and saturday the game weren't really good...

obv i can only speak for 200...
06-15-2009 , 04:47 PM
100 and 200 were really bad yesterday, was suprised
06-15-2009 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Mondays aren't that bad imo...

tuesdays and wednesday suck and even last friday and saturday the game weren't really good...

obv i can only speak for 200...
Monday is usually an off day for me to b/c I usually play all day Sat & Sun. Monday might not be THE worst day of the week to play, but it has to be one of the worst imo.
06-15-2009 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmack
thanks guys i got to 112k early and figured i could mathematically stall and win then i mis clicked called lol wtf while 1 tabling which i never do 30 tablign and thoguht it would cost me the 12k

really sucked i had short stack to my right nad mega stack to left scary stuff
Yeah this is me too for some reason when im playing only a few tourneys i misclick like 2x as much as when im 24 tabling or maybe just more memorable cuz it sucks that much more when u got less than **** for bbs
06-15-2009 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by giddieup12
sup, thx for the input. r u JoeIngram1?? if so, yeah, i have played 565hands with u. thx for blowing up my SN, i am brad.

anyways, ur VP$IP is 16.8 over our history and i run at 16.5 total. biggest difference in our games is i'm at 8.2 PFR while ur at 14.1 PFR. me personally i like to see flops cheaper sometimes even if i'm first in, but that's just me. from what i remember of you, (if u r JoeIngram) i thought you seemed pretty aggro and i certainly prefer sitting to ur left

i certainly thought you were capable of making some plays and not just an ABC player as many r at the $100NL

i will defintly be playing more in july but this month have been doing the family things/vacationing

i also hope to be more active on here as well, i like this thread
joey, didnt know if u ever saw this
06-15-2009 , 05:37 PM
lol nope i didnt, thanks for the input, gl
06-15-2009 , 06:04 PM
lol today was sick good and actually I had like 3 of my 5 most profitable days on modays, so yeah **** the haters and more mondays for me plsssssssssss...
06-15-2009 , 06:16 PM
Doesnt matter the day, I'll lose either way lol AK > my AA
06-15-2009 , 06:25 PM
I do bad on weekends and good on weekdays, weird. But my sample size for weekends is much much smaller, considering the 5-2 ratio and I play like every 4th weekend.
