Originally Posted by effang
why the crappy flop bet size?
and you have no stats, just a fairly general "view". could this be AK, AQ with clubs?
I feel as if my bet sizing on the flop achieves the same as what any other bet does. Q

will flatcall, but the hand will be almost face up to me from the rock, and he's still paying a decent price. If the fish calls, I can valuetown him on the next two streets with bigger bets (if he has an ace, or if he has Q

I think he would flatcall AQ, but AK I guess is also in his range, despite being very unlikely (?). I'm positive he'd raise KK AA pf(who doesn't?).
Even if it is- IMO he has a variety of flushes or a set which leave me drawing thinly, a top 2 pair which leaves me splitting, or AQ which has me ahead by a fair bit. Mathematically I'd think it's a fold, right? or still go broke anyway...