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****Official February Chat: Be smart and break up with them BEFORE valentines day**** ****Official February Chat: Be smart and break up with them BEFORE valentines day****

02-25-2009 , 10:54 PM
lol im going to get a refund because i paid heavy quarterlies and barely played my last quarter of the year so boom!
02-26-2009 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by pattay
why would you wanna get double taxed?

i understand youre supposed to pay what you make and not what money goes through your account, but isnt that the only way for the gov't to monitor it? just buy bonuses
What do you mean, double taxed?
02-26-2009 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by BeatPurdue
What do you mean, double taxed?
He means he's not entirely honest on his taxes and you can't cheat as well if more money goes through your account. Honestly with how often I move money across sites pretty sure way more than twice the money I make is going through my bank account at some point. Sigh guess I should get ready for an audit.
02-26-2009 , 01:27 AM
ahhh I hate taxes, I was just about to join the 6 digit club, but taxes will end me along with my newfound attraction to being an fpp pro.

those avatars are pretty attractive
02-26-2009 , 03:53 AM
I'm cringing thinking of the 10k I'm going to ship off to the gummint. FML.
02-26-2009 , 04:34 AM
There are people beating it for 6bb/100, however, I'm not one of them.
02-26-2009 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by RyanCMU
There are people beating it for 6bb/100, however, I'm not one of them.
PT or BB?
02-26-2009 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by Semtex
PT or BB?

People still really use ptbb?
02-26-2009 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by RyanCMU

People still really use ptbb?
i do i guess. still have the old pokertracker. did they phase it out in the 3rd edition or something?
02-26-2009 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by RyanCMU
There are people beating it for 6bb/100, however, I'm not one of them.
02-26-2009 , 08:12 AM
02-26-2009 , 08:31 AM
mother****in coordi yo
02-26-2009 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
mother****in coordi yo
Don't pretend like you only win 6 BBs/100.

Mini-TR from Vegas: I just woke up after being awake for almost two full days, and I figured I should post these two hands before I forget them...

Hand 1: 2/5 at the Wynn, I've got like $750, and this old Azn dude sits down. I hear him say he just came from a 15/30 O8 table, and he buys in for $500ish, so I figure he's pretty competent. He open-limps from MP, I complete 74s in the SB, and the drunk girl in the BB checks. I check in the dark, and the flop comes K-7-7. Drunk girl bets $10, and the Azn insta-mins to $20. It's literally his first hand, and my kicker sucks, so I just flat the $20, as does the drunk chick. Turn Q, I check, and they both check, so I figure I have the nuts. The river is an ace, which really sucks because I figure K-x won't call as big of a bet now. I fire $40, the drunk chick says, "F'n ace" and folds, and before her cards even hit the muck, the Azn insta-mins again to $80. I'm obviously gonna call since I'm probably chopping, but I pretend to think about it for a few seconds just so I don't look dumb. He's staring at me with this huge smile on my face, so I ask if he has a boat. His smile gets even bigger, and he's almost reaching across the table as he points at my chips and says, "It's onree fowty mow!" I almost want to fold because he clearly thinks he's super strong, but I really only lose to A7. I say "Okay, I call," and before I can even finish my sentence, the Azn dude rolls over his hand with all the confidence in the world. I'm on the other side of the table and don't have my glasses on, so I think it's A7 until I hear the dealer say, "He shows ace eight." I sort of chuckle as I turn my hand over, and he says something in half-English/half-Chinese that I cannot understand. He repeats it like four times, and I don't understand a single word of it, so I just smile and nod as I rake in the pot.

Hand 2: 1/2 at the MGM as I wait for 2/5 to open up. I've been in the game for maybe 10 hands, but almost everyone seems terrible. I hear my name called over the PA, so I pick up my chips and walk to the 2/5 table. When I get there, though, there is no seat; apparently, a guy busted, thought about leaving, then decided to rebuy. The floor tells me to go back to my 1/2 seat until another 2/5 opens up, which should be any minute. I've barely sat back down at the 1/2 game when I pick up 77 UTG+1. I limp, as do 4-5 other people. The SB pops it to $15, and because it's 1/2, everyone calls. The flop is Q72, and the SB leads for $20 (lol). I raise to $60, and it folds around to the BTN, some fat kid who thinks he's awesome but is clearly a drooler. He gives a speech and shoves for ~$140, the SB thinks and folds, and I obviously snap with my set. As he goes to turn his hand over, he flips up his cards, but one of them flips back over. His 2 is exposed, but his other card is still face down as the turn comes out (MGM deals fast on all-ins). I flip up my sevens as the turn brick comes out, and I say, "Is that pocket deuces?" The river is another brick, so I have the nuts, but he still hasn't turned over his other card. Finally, he flips it over, and it's the Q. Yeah, Q2. To be honest, I think he thought he was ahead even after I turned over my hand. He finally figures out that he's beat and goes, "Eww, sick cooler." The kid on my right, who actually seemed pretty good, starts laughing and shaking his head: "He called a raise with queen-two? I just don't get it." Two hands later, a 2/5 seat opens up, and I throw the floorman a few of the two hundred bucks he just helped me earn. For once, I run goooood.
02-26-2009 , 09:25 AM
Also, does anyone remember a fat guy with an RV from the WSOP a few years ago? They did a quick snippet on him about how he drives his RV full of dogs around the country and plays in poker tournaments. I think he's also the guy who screamed, "I'm feeling' LUCKY!" in a semi-high-pitched voice. I think his first name is Mark, but I'm not sure. He was sitting at my 2/5 table for about two hours, and I think he only played one pot.
02-26-2009 , 12:26 PM
nice report ^^
02-26-2009 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
He means he's not entirely honest on his taxes and you can't cheat as well if more money goes through your account. Honestly with how often I move money across sites pretty sure way more than twice the money I make is going through my bank account at some point. Sigh guess I should get ready for an audit.
ive never been anything but entirely honest on my taxes. my point is that should you ever catch some heat from the feds, the only way they can verify whether or not you are honest is by seeing what goes in and out really.
02-26-2009 , 01:24 PM
How have I never heard about the RV dog guy?
02-26-2009 , 01:31 PM
I guess you weren't watching during his 15 seconds of fame.
02-26-2009 , 03:21 PM
Hey guys,

This is a pretty big study for us I think, read the 4th post for the Digg link, we need this read by as many as we can.
02-26-2009 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Kos13
Hand 2: 1/2 at the MGM. Finally, he flips it over, and it's the Q. Yeah, Q2
Sooo standard for 1/2 at the MGM.
02-26-2009 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
Hey guys,

This is a pretty big study for us I think, read the 4th post for the Digg link, we need this read by as many as we can.
Nice catch! I slipped on my legislation review/x-post today, I'm definitely going to bug my facebook friends to digg this.
02-26-2009 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
Hey guys,

This is a pretty big study for us I think, read the 4th post for the Digg link, we need this read by as many as we can.
there is hope.
02-26-2009 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Johnes Benjamin
Nice catch! I slipped on my legislation review/x-post today, I'm definitely going to bug my facebook friends to digg this.
Johnes, I've seen the Digg thing (am actually on FB - lol), but what is it exactly?
02-26-2009 , 06:38 PM
well first of its not a huge deal and its not anything directly related to legislation.

Just a site (albeit a fairly popular one so I like to think it matters) with a bunch of articles. A lot of times they have very interesting stuff. People vote articles up or down and essentially the more liked articles will be pushed towards teh top and therefore seen by more people.
02-26-2009 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by pattay
ive never been anything but entirely honest on my taxes. my point is that should you ever catch some heat from the feds, the only way they can verify whether or not you are honest is by seeing what goes in and out really.
Sorry just everyone who talks about being double taxed is usually trying to dodge them. If you're completely honest and can show the auditor how it works you should have no problem. Of course it sucks that it may flag you for an audit.
