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*** Official 2013 Pokerstars Regulars Thread *** *** Official 2013 Pokerstars Regulars Thread ***

01-22-2013 , 06:38 PM
Has phantazee still not realised nobody is interested in anything he has to say?

01-22-2013 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by AgressiveDog
its less complex yes , but its not as easy as you think at least the good ones know a lot more math than the average regs , know more theory etc etc also im pretty sure most regs think they are better than many SS'ers but in reality SS'ers are exploiting them.

poker is a game where everyone tend to think you are better than the competition.

i know many of the top midstakes shorties because most of them are spanish and trust me they are really really good and have a very deep understanding of poker i myself play from 20 to 50bbs and big stacked in good games from 400-1k (not much in stars tho) .

and not is not easy to master its a long way to the top. Maybe you think is easy but its not trust me.

i'm not saying all shorties are bad. i guess you are from educapoker. i'm from argentina and know and talk to lots of spanish shorties. i know very well where they get their edge from. i also play against them daily. i also have seen videos they made. i could go on and prove you that i DO know what i'm talking about. so please don't tell me to "trust you". it's not my ego talking or anything. i know some regs are really good, like mestre. i'm also not saying (or trying to say) that shorties are ******ed. i'm just saying that the edge they can obtain is smaller and WAY easier to achieve. so most schools just teach basic stuff and regs manage to beat the games at, say, 1-2bb/100, mostly because of bad regs

also i couldn't care less about how good i am at poker or who i am better than.
01-22-2013 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by d_smith77
i'm not sure if you had any credibility before this post, but if you did you don't anymore
01-22-2013 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by MMD
Has phantazee still not realised nobody is interested in anything he has to say?

meh, really? being douchy to a shortie? because being a shortie means being scum? most midstakes regs here use scripts and do other stuff that is way more scummy than playing short stacked. (not saying i think it's scummy but if being a shortie is scummy then using scripts is definitely scummy)

btw to avoid haters i have the script too.
01-22-2013 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by AgressiveDog
btw good shorties know how to play 250bbs deep just they choose not to because playing with less stack gives them more edge.

they just play deep in good games with fish.
if shorties are so great they wouldn't be shorties, ez argument to win
01-22-2013 , 07:26 PM
Yeah i don't hate on phantazee, but i think the use of the word "lots" is a bit of an over reach.
01-22-2013 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by x_ROSH125_x
Lol Melea
On fire today
i expect nothing less.

Originally Posted by AgressiveDog
i understand all the hate but i think its more like you guys hate them because you dont understand how to pwn them than another thing.
i don't think that all ss'ers are awful, mainly the ones i play against at my low stakes. i know there are a lot of players that put a lot of effort and math behind their awesome 'and now i shove' methodology... or their 'i open 90% from the SB' strat.. but it's still fighting for small blinds and castrating a good portion of the enjoyment of poker.. post flop.

...but, my real disdain for them stems from the fact that a central tenant to their entire game plan is 'goin' south'. which makes their 'plan' inherently scummy.

Originally Posted by ishipkq
a video or series against 40bb stacks would be extremely useful
a vini/cb4 collaboration on this would be pretty great i have to say.
i just watched two other vids on leggo by.. i think crushchessy or smth... one vid was about 30bb stacks and the latter 40bb stacks. 40 having less creative 3b/shoving ranges, but had some interesting bvb play. i think they're worth a watch.

one of the more interesting things discussed was how much ssers were ownin from the sb. his simple, yet effective, strat to combat this was to flat ~10% less than what they were opening from the SB... some of the biggest winning ss'ers were opening ~80/90% from there.
01-22-2013 , 09:22 PM
Actually there are really lots. I'm even going to elaborate. Not playing 100nl atm so just from 200fr: plz3betme, obratnoe1, zockermicha, drchase, volwebnichek, picka4u, zeeshka, scattygamer, tonyadams, oqleliq, stds st, neutrinos2k, tarikhh, +hamilton ofc. I'm not completely sure ofc that all of them have 1.5ptbb+ but can bet that all of them have 1ptbb+ at least. I may have forgotten some.

As for the hate, caring about my opinion, etc - get a life. I read this thread to be aware of possible important news and sometimes give something back.
01-22-2013 , 09:24 PM
no offence to vini but i think there are people who play way better against shorties than him. like most russians or south americans that learned how to play on poker schools. although it could be hard to find someone to produce them
01-22-2013 , 09:29 PM
yeah those are good shorties who manage to obtain a decent winrate because they are very aggressive in a game where being aggro is the best strategy against the standard opponent.

i'd be shocked if any of those won more than 3bb/100 at midstakes though
01-22-2013 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Phantazee
Actually there are really lots. I'm even going to elaborate. Not playing 100nl atm so just from 200fr: plz3betme, obratnoe1, zockermicha, drchase, volwebnichek, picka4u, zeeshka, scattygamer, tonyadams, oqleliq, stds st, neutrinos2k, tarikhh, +hamilton ofc. I'm not completely sure ofc that all of them have 1.5ptbb+ but can bet that all of them have 1ptbb+ at least. I may have forgotten some.

As for the hate, caring about my opinion, etc - get a life. I read this thread to be aware of possible important news and sometimes give something back.
hey man, this is the regs thread, not the scum reg thread. Would you mind deleting 100% of the names in this post?
01-22-2013 , 09:33 PM
I'm not aware about results of others but obratnoe1 and hamilton are defenitely getting 3bb/100 at midstakes. As for sh can point out geraklmeat, zarifula and sgrifon as players with 3bb/100+. Esp. geraklmeat, hes a crusher.
01-22-2013 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by jrockhaf
hey man, this is the regs thread, not the scum reg thread. Would you mind deleting 100% of the names in this post?
Yea, I would. inb4 GREAT POST JROCK
01-22-2013 , 09:47 PM
When I go to HEM > Reports > Filter > Main Filters and put "less than 50bb" for "Effective Stack", do I then get my results vs. shorties? If not, how do I do eeeet?

Also Phantazee, there is no way what you said applies to 100nl. So many awful shorties there. Even I can handle them.
01-22-2013 , 09:56 PM
Ofc when the likes of komet@, tatiana_an, only24 play there + ppl who move up from 50nl. Horrifyingly bad
01-22-2013 , 10:18 PM
who are you on stars phantazee? (pm me if you don't wanna make it public, i won't tell anybody). just curious
01-22-2013 , 10:25 PM
01-22-2013 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by TonnaMunz
if shorties are so great they wouldn't be shorties, ez argument to win
actually im pretty sure the good midstakes shorties are good playing deep but they choose to play short because their edge is bigger and they can play more tables.
01-22-2013 , 11:40 PM
01-22-2013 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by ishipkq
i'm not saying all shorties are bad. i guess you are from educapoker. i'm from argentina and know and talk to lots of spanish shorties. i know very well where they get their edge from. i also play against them daily. i also have seen videos they made. i could go on and prove you that i DO know what i'm talking about. so please don't tell me to "trust you". it's not my ego talking or anything. i know some regs are really good, like mestre. i'm also not saying (or trying to say) that shorties are ******ed. i'm just saying that the edge they can obtain is smaller and WAY easier to achieve. so most schools just teach basic stuff and regs manage to beat the games at, say, 1-2bb/100, mostly because of bad regs

also i couldn't care less about how good i am at poker or who i am better than.
sorry for my mistake then i though you were the std not south american reg that hates shorties , you probably know a lot about shorties then.

i agree that its easier to teach how to play shortie to a random guy , but for a shortie to become a succesful midstakes reg its very hard and demands a lot of work , obviously playing deep is harder but not as much as many of the regs here think.

but to categorize scummy to someone just because they play shortstacked its not fair , its just a strategy , taking advantage of certain things , many recreational players will say we are all are scummy because we use 3rd party software to help in our tables decisions etc.

its just a matter of opinions , i usually dont post things like this in this forum because i always try to avoid the drama but come on guys stop all the short stacking hate.

im pretty sure a good portion of the regs are just being exploited by them and choose to hate them instead of working ways to counter their strategy.
01-22-2013 , 11:48 PM
hm. i stand corrected. guess shorties are pretty awesome after all.
01-22-2013 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by d_smith77
hm. i stand corrected. guess shorties are pretty awesome after all.

btw i have been a shorty for a year now and proud to say it please dont hate me im a cool shortie .
01-23-2013 , 12:25 AM
yo, just bought ticks for aussie open tonight, Federer vs Tsonga...

Looking to get action for my 1.5k vs. your 300US$, my bet is on King Fed, doing increments starting from my 250 vs your 50, prefered Stars (FT and Neteller possible as well). No escrow, only people who have some sort of reputation here, quote to book, first come first serve...
01-23-2013 , 12:43 AM
i should go to australia
01-23-2013 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
first come first serve...
I'm sure people will eat up that awesome offer!
