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**** Official 2012 Pokerstars Regs Thread **** **** Official 2012 Pokerstars Regs Thread ****

01-28-2012 , 12:08 PM
Its been posted before that going from 5% -> 4.5% rake doesnt equal a 10% rake reduction (I cant remember the numbers but it was like 9.5% at 100NL and 9% at 200NL). The rake cap decrease increases these numbers, but by how much Im unsure.

Look at the numbers havenofear posted and all the previous posts ROM made about how lowering rake could possibly lead to you being worse off because of less rakeback. These are broadly what I would assume to be correct ie. that most regs bottom line is lower than it was last year, but better than it was from Jan 1st -> Now.
01-28-2012 , 12:12 PM
I might be missing something, but aren't these changes that have just been made the same as the initial changes that were announced at the same time as the rake method change?
01-28-2012 , 12:15 PM
No, they initially said they were going to lower the rake to 4.5%, but with no decrease in rake cap and increase in rake when 5 handed.

Also anyone know of a decent pair of over-ear headphones for roughly £100?

Last edited by Glanza_Mike; 01-28-2012 at 12:15 PM. Reason: Need to have a longish cable 1.5m+
01-28-2012 , 12:16 PM

dont all the cool mother ****ers say never get beats only get the seinheiser ****, beats played out likea mother ****er, those aint cool

go electronic store my dude, you spending 100 f dollars, try them out lol

i bout to bring my online dating profile back to life i think, canada might need to be experienced from a diff angle, im going to start new blog about all my dating for this year on but keep it on the downlown, i enjoy reading my old blogs from few years back so to remind me what i was doing with my life, if anyone wants link can ask, only cool people though like rki and his uk boys.
01-28-2012 , 12:21 PM
u havent ran out of 6months yet or you figured out a way to stay longer?
01-28-2012 , 12:22 PM
found way to stay longer, if they tell me take off though, its okay

i ready to retire for a while anyway, ill go back to san diego, be able to drive car, hang with friends, meet new people, be warm, get tan, enjoy life. Vancouver cool but cold as ****, only like few people here, people come and go that i start to be friends with, lot of asians, not sure how feel about them yet, met one in jacuzzi other night, interesting time.
01-28-2012 , 12:29 PM
u applied for extension? or did what how much time it buy you?
01-28-2012 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by hurt
it's a 10% decrease in rake and 6.7% decrease in rake cap at 1/2. that's 10% decrease in rake minimum, not sure what the overall decrease will be. let's assume 13%. i played 175k hands of 1/2-3/6 this month (mostly 1/2). paid 15k in rake. i would have paid almost 2k less in rake this month. a lot more than a few hundred. and if i had played 88k hands (probably around what a lot of regs are playing) i would have saved 1k which is still pretty good.

I think theres a big misconception with these changes, in that a lot of regs will say '10% rake reduction + 6.67% rake cap decrease.. well thats about 16%, I might not get all of that but itll be like 13% or so.' hurt posted pretty much exactly this earlier. I think this is wrong.

The general gist is that on most pots you play you are saving 10% and on a small number of pots you are saving 6.67% (and on an almost minute number of pots between 2.80 and $3 rake you are saving somewhere between 10% and 6.67%). These do not add together, but instead average out (Ill post calcs later in this post). The net effect of these is an asymptotic function that approaches a 10% reduction but can never ever exceed 10%.


-Rake decrease will not be greater than 10%
-Its counter intuitive and changing both prob leads regs to believe the decrease is greater than they actually receive.
-Because of this, Im somewhat sceptical that Stars are pulling a mathematical 'trick.'

Ive played 67,775 hands of 100NL this month (Im ignoring euro and PL hands):

64899 of them were below $62 and therefore experience a 10% reduction.
172 hands were between $62 and $66 and therefore experience a reduction between 10% and 6.67%. Im going to assume 10% for the purposes of calculation which will overestimate the rake reduction.
2704 hands were >$66 and thus experience a 6.67% drop.

64899/67775 * 10% = 9.576%
172/67775 * 10% = 0.02%
2704/67775 * 6.67% = 0.266%

Total rake reduction = 9.576 + 0.02 + 0.266 = 9.862%

Note: Im ignoring the change in rake caps SH, but such a small portion of your hands are SH (even if you start tables (unless your Jimbo)) that it shouldnt matter.

Also note: I think if the cap decreased > 10% then total rake reduction would greater than 10%. But as long as you keep the cap decrease less than the rake decrease then I think it will not exceed that number ie. If you decrease rake by 50% and decreased caps by 49%, then total rake will not decrease by more than 50%.

Last edited by Perfection; 01-28-2012 at 01:06 PM.
01-28-2012 , 01:40 PM
gg klairic

good to see those changes, better than what I expected
01-28-2012 , 01:41 PM
Would 1M pace now equate to 900k pace?
01-28-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Mayox
Would 1M pace now equate to 900k pace?
More like 600-700k IMO, just guessing. I'm sure all the numbers will be up soon enough.
01-28-2012 , 02:04 PM
I meant 1M pace since jan 1st. Very interested if anyone has an answer
01-28-2012 , 02:12 PM
I'm guessing that if so far this year you've been on pace to hit Exactly 1m VPP on 31st December, then if you keep going at exactly the same pace after these changes you'd make just over 900k VPP.
01-28-2012 , 02:17 PM
i going to play the 2.1k high roller tcoop and 700 main if anyone wants to buy piece for fun

dont really need to sell but running like god so feel like winning something
01-28-2012 , 02:20 PM
I'll buy 100% of both

01-28-2012 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
i going to play the 2.1k high roller tcoop and 700 main if anyone wants to buy piece for fun

dont really need to sell but running like god so feel like winning something
Swap 5% in the main? Also defo pm me a blog link
01-28-2012 , 02:48 PM
Gary_Neville chip leader with 7 left in Aussie millions?
01-28-2012 , 02:57 PM
link to info?
01-28-2012 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Mayox
Gary_Neville chip leader with 7 left in Aussie millions?
01-28-2012 , 03:06 PM
thats karma
01-28-2012 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by pontylad
Wait there, rake has been reduced by 10% but rake cap has only been reduced by 6.666% so doesn't seem to fit that it would be as simple as just deducting 10% from ur rake paid at present.
I made an almost exact calculation, the overall reduction is ~9.4%(@NL100). But I think its easier to use 10%.
01-28-2012 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Glanza_Mike
No, they initially said they were going to lower the rake to 4.5%, but with no decrease in rake cap and increase in rake when 5 handed.
3/5handed rake increase has been sneaked back in the new formula again (2$ to 2.8). A quarter of my hands when playing 6max are 5handed fwiw.

Also I understood from the post, although they didnt make it completely clear, that the 4.5% is going to be true percentage instead of incremental which negates a lot of the effect from the decrease.

IMO it was pretty obv stars was gonna throw the players some bone after they called that player panel thing but it looks to me these changes are exactly what were planned on dec29 with a slightly lower rake cap and its a pretty big disappointment after klairic&co came back parading how happy they were with the negotiations.
01-28-2012 , 04:30 PM
Can someone put the rake changes in a postgresql script so that everyone can see the exact changes ?
01-28-2012 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mayox
Gary_Neville chip leader with 7 left in Aussie millions?
good to see one of the good guys in poker being successful
