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***The Official 2012 Merge Regulars Thread*** ***The Official 2012 Merge Regulars Thread***

06-05-2012 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Malice's Attorney
It is quite comical to read disco's review of the update, then the 50 replies following
It's pathetic.

Both Lock and Merge dropped the ball hardcore. Anyone claiming that either software is the titties should be hung.
06-05-2012 , 10:58 PM
Cliffs on what happened? I got 1 hour and 16 min til my poker service is scheduled to return?
06-05-2012 , 10:59 PM
Wheres ShillDisco at? Want to hear about some new BCP promos and this awesome update.
06-05-2012 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by DamnRinger
Cliffs on what happened? I got 1 hour and 16 min til my poker service is scheduled to return?
Yeah interpret that as you have random amount of time until your poker service returns.
06-05-2012 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by waffe23
Yeah interpret that as you have random amount of time until your poker service returns.
oh neat! so no need to stay up to check it out?
06-05-2012 , 11:08 PM
well you could get lucky and it could really be like 15 mins I guess
06-05-2012 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Malice's Attorney
purchased NUGT @ 8.12
Originally Posted by MATEUSZEK
Don't know if I agree about Miners but he's 100% right about FB.
Originally Posted by _Goldseraph_
chinese baby miners are hot right now, I know that

NUGT up about 68%, looks like pm's are trying to follow
06-05-2012 , 11:45 PM
You guys are clearly overreacting. if I was in love with mini-mode then I could see some proper beef with the update, but the new software will end up being way better than the old if they just get it up. it might take a little getting used to, but thats to be expected with any major software overhaul.
06-05-2012 , 11:57 PM
lmao other than the better filter I honestly can not see one single part where new software > old. I guess it's a bit prettier but I could give a **** about that when the goal is me to make money.
06-06-2012 , 12:03 AM
table names in the lobby gave me less of a headache then the past that was bout it.

didn't test out much of the new stuff as it was too laggy and i was too tilted. so i decided to beta test the casino games. i am happy to report back that roulette is running smoother than ever guys!
06-06-2012 , 12:23 AM
oh fix the ***** time bank while your at it
06-06-2012 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by **********
You guys are clearly overreacting. if I was in love with mini-mode then I could see some proper beef with the update, but the new software will end up being way better than the old if they just get it up. it might take a little getting used to, but thats to be expected with any major software overhaul.
06-06-2012 , 12:53 AM
that works on so many levels. nh, goldie
06-06-2012 , 01:11 AM
jfc elementary school special ed kids can run poker sites better than this askdfjaskldfaskdfjasdkjf tiltiltilt
06-06-2012 , 02:59 AM
still down for me wtf
06-06-2012 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by ReDLiNeMaKeDiKHaRd
It's amazing they don't beta test this **** at all. Like having anyone with a brain try it out would have realized that basically everything is worse other than the filter being slightly better.
same on the revolution/lock wasn't/isn't being put back into players cashier after a cash out from a ring game, eventually my cashier goes to $0...vault doesnt work, no where to view ronin progress, no rakeback payments for first few days...

its amazed me over the past few years how total incompetence/greed can ruin companies that would otherwise be money printing machines...woteva
06-06-2012 , 03:23 AM
Let's pool our money and make our own site imo.
06-06-2012 , 04:15 AM
pt4 doesnt work after the newest merge update anymore

10:09:20 am: Error: Merge: Invalid date specified in hand history

(maybe its because you can change your own dates now in merge)

anyone else?
06-06-2012 , 04:22 AM
this software really is worse than the old one
06-06-2012 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by thanksb
Let's pool our money and make our own site imo.
Dibs on superuser account.
06-06-2012 , 04:41 AM
It's back up btw.
06-06-2012 , 04:53 AM
the colored player boxes could actually be pretty decent except that the grey white fonts nearly disappear in some of the colors I use (yellow, bright green etc). also you can barely see the 'colored chip' player icons now - it is now a mostly white chip with super-pale stripes of the green, red, orange, or yellow. honestly i miss mini-mode and lobby navigation really blows now, hopefully it proves superior in some other way.
06-06-2012 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by _Goldseraph_
the colored player boxes could actually be pretty decent except that the white font disappears almost in some of the colors I use (yellow, bright green etc). also you can barely see the 'colored chip' player icons now - it is now a mostly white chip with super-pale stripes of the green, red, orange, or yellow. honestly i miss mini-mode and lobby navigation really blows now, hopefully it proves superior in some other way.

this. I cant see at what tables I am already sitting.
I cant see what players are at a table without opening it
The "sit out next blind all tables" actually would be SUPER awesome if it was sit out next BB...I MEAN WHO THE FK WANTS TO SIT OUT NEXT SB WTF
06-06-2012 , 07:03 AM
either hand 56548517-202 or the hand right after it is completely stuck. i'm just sitting there 3betting and nothing is happening. one guy in the chat even said "wth?" but i cant even type in the chat for some reason
06-06-2012 , 08:41 AM
So what's the best way to get money on Lock and can I get more than 36% rakeback?

edit: I know rakeback is a touchy subject so I'm just asking if it's possible to get more, if it is, I will put more effort into finding out how to do it.

Last edited by CDoubleU; 06-06-2012 at 08:57 AM. Reason: this is not a tarp
