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***The Official 2010 FTP Regulars Thread (NSFW)*** ***The Official 2010 FTP Regulars Thread (NSFW)***

07-09-2010 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by DamnRinger
I think ya are asking a bit much here, and on top of that i don't think there's a chance they'd include players in their decisions. What are you so strung out about? The update with the waitlist is kinda bad, but nothing to freak out about. And they have done a pretty good job of fixing things that don't work in the past.
Seemingly small changes can create large problems. Many of these changes don't make sense. Not considering the players input when changing the playing experience, just doesn't make sense to me.

Last year we didn't have a clue why the ante tables died. Turned out it was rush and because while the max-BI changed, the min-didn't.

Besides the fact that fish don't like wait lists, is there any logical reason to remove the ability to see wait lists? I'm totally up for being convinced that I'm wrong. I'd be just as happy with that, as I would having things going back to normal.
07-09-2010 , 12:33 PM
GAPMOAK - you realize you can still see how long the wait list is if you click on a table, below the names of all the players you can switch to the WL tab and see how deep it is.

I haven't played at all since the update but I seem to see ppl ITT complaining about it. what makes it so bad?
07-09-2010 , 12:41 PM
It makes sense for FT to consult players about changes. However they already do this through the update threads. I don't think you can hope for much more than that. I mean we have been moaning about PTR for 2 years now, and they have done very little about it.
07-09-2010 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
GAPMOAK - you realize you can still see how long the wait list is if you click on a table, below the names of all the players you can switch to the WL tab and see how deep it is.

I haven't played at all since the update but I seem to see ppl ITT complaining about it. what makes it so bad?
Twice as many clicks for commonly repetitive actions is cumbersome.
07-09-2010 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by GoAheadPutMeOnAK
Twice as many clicks for commonly repetitive actions is cumbersome.
07-09-2010 , 01:04 PM
FTP Doug actually PM'd me and asked me for my input on this whole waitlist thing. But that was only cuz I went in the answers thread and ****stormed it.
07-09-2010 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheRenaissance
It makes sense for FT to consult players about changes. However they already do this through the update threads. I don't think you can hope for much more than that. I mean we have been moaning about PTR for 2 years now, and they have done very little about it.
Glad I was able to transfer a chunk of my FT roll off recently. Suppose I'll do a "stick it to The Man" withdraw, and learn to enjoy complacency.
07-09-2010 , 01:20 PM
hey guys,

this is my 1st post here, do we have a ,master list of 2p2 names matched with FTP sns? or am I the only moron with both the same?
07-09-2010 , 01:31 PM
I'm sure TableNinja FT will update shortly and handle the extra pop-up for us... I hate the waitlist too, though - there's no way to see how many players are in line, right? I'm not missing anything, am I?
07-09-2010 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by GoAheadPutMeOnAK
Glad I was able to transfer a chunk of my FT roll off recently. Suppose I'll do a "stick it to The Man" withdraw, and learn to enjoy complacency.
I am not complacent, I have posting about PTR in most of the update threads, but I could of course do more. I understand the waiting list thing is annoying, but it is hardly the end of the world. Though if winning regs withdraw their rolls because of minor issues like that then I am all for it lol. Seriously, if you can somehow get involved with FT, give them more direct feedback, have them sound us out about potential updates etc, then gogogo!! You dont need the approval of cynical old bastards. Nothing is stopping you from trying at least. Good luck!
07-09-2010 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by darth_bozo
hey guys,

this is my 1st post here, do we have a ,master list of 2p2 names matched with FTP sns? or am I the only moron with both the same?
there is no list... but i'll sell you a list i made for $100 and out everyone.

SIKE! just figure it out and start posting
07-09-2010 , 01:42 PM
darth, i'll give you damnringer's ftp name for $5
07-09-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Penguinz21
there's no way to see how many players are in line, right? I'm not missing anything, am I?

come on, at least pretend to read the last 40 posts looking for this information.
07-09-2010 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
darth, i'll give you damnringer's ftp name for $5
i'll give it to you for $4.99
07-09-2010 , 01:47 PM
all my get-rich-quick schemes get foiled
07-09-2010 , 01:57 PM
i know im late to this discussion but i dont get how lebron is selfish for leaving cleveland.

sure he's an attention hog and the "decision" was ridiculous but he left a place where he'd make more money and be more of a star to share the spotlight by going to another stars team because he wants to win a championship and thinks it'll be fun.

be mad at him for not handling it better but be madder at the owner for not putting the talent around him to make him want to stay. they lost lebron 2 years ago when instead of trading wally sczerbiak's corpse's expering contract for a good player they just decided to see if lebron could win a championship by himself. they did all they could last year but it was too little too late.
07-09-2010 , 02:04 PM
lol i just got setmined by a ss pro
07-09-2010 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by NL__Fool
Step back for a second and think about what you are saying:

You are choosing to voluntarily give up the 3 most profitable spots in poker (Hijack, cuttoff and button) where you have a huge positional advantage, and it's much harder to narrow your hand range down so you can play more hands in earlier positons where winrates are the smallest, (aside from the blinds) you have a huge positonal disadvantage and it's much easier to narrow your hand range down since you are 13/10.

That makes zero sense unless you are only concerned with rakeback.

Stealing K9o on the button isn't the only reason why those 3 positons are the most profitable spots in poker and if thats your reasoning you have a few major flaws in your thought process
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
thanks for that, i thought i was going nuts for a second
Sounds just like this new CardRunners RUSH vid by CitizenWind. The guy shows up as a competent regular six max grinder but obviously has some pretty ridiculous theories on how to play RUSH FR. He literally said there is no point in waiting to see if it's folded to you on the btn/CO because people raise most of the time and you can get to premium hands faster.....a ton of other really bad advice. Early in the video he says the games are still full of fish (he estimates 40% or more on every table) then he advocates a supper nitty strategy and very tight pre-flop stats. Just about the worst vid I've seen on CardRunners to date.

SixPeppers just did a great one though on RUSH NL100. Really quality vid IMHO.
07-09-2010 , 02:51 PM
I unchecked all those asinine badges in options yesterday and am mildly tilted to see them still there after booting up today. Now I have to waste time e-mailing support.
07-09-2010 , 03:05 PM
I was trying to explain this to my Mom but I don't think most of us can understand or try to really relate to ultra-competitive mindsets. She was complaining Tiger Woods was a jerk on his US open interview while other golfers thanked people and were much more nice.

Take a look at Jordan's hall of fame speech, slightly bitter, taking shots at players and coaches. I think the ultra competitive part of the brain takes over for the sympathetic, "I'll might hurt people's feelings part." So when Lebron says things like "my true friends will still be with me" and "Akron will always be my home." He truly believes it. He doesn't really understand that perspective of the common fan who just had their hearts ripped out knowing they have to rely on Williams/Jamison/Varejao to squeak into the playoffs.

Thus, an hour TV special is just fine. He's Lebron James, his HIGH SCHOOL games were on national TV. He has been in the spotlight his entire life. When that is your reality you are gonna piss a few people off along the way.
07-09-2010 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by ebffs
I unchecked all those asinine badges in options yesterday and am mildly tilted to see them still there after booting up today. Now I have to waste time e-mailing support.
just go to hide badges right on top of all those unchecking
07-09-2010 , 03:09 PM
You're not the only idiot with the name name on here as their full tilt screen name

I seem to be in the minority when I say that this update has been great to be honest.
07-09-2010 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by QQ-Q u a d s-QQ
just go to hide badges right on top of all those unchecking
I only want to see who has the iron man badge though Guess I'll have to keep all the stupid badges there..
07-09-2010 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by QQ-Q u a d s-QQ
just go to hide badges right on top of all those unchecking
Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
I only want to see who has the iron man badge though Guess I'll have to keep all the stupid badges there..
Ya that just makes it so you can't see any badges, but they can see all of yours. I just don't like advertising Iron Man because the regs know it doesn't mean **** but the fish pay more attention to it.
07-09-2010 , 03:34 PM
hey, i am fairly new to full tilt and i am new to this thread, so first of all hello.

didnt get a chance to play yesterday but my iron man promotion page says i earned 200 points, does this happen if you miss a day once in a while? or is it a typo? have played every day since i started about 20 days ago if that matters

thanks for any help
see you at rush
