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***The Official 2010 FTP Regulars Thread (NSFW)*** ***The Official 2010 FTP Regulars Thread (NSFW)***

05-25-2010 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by TheRenaissance

i think most americans see the british tories as marxist-leninists with manners
Hahaha. Well here most people think british guys all look like Harry Potter, unfortunately I'm not helping to explode the myth at all because we do in fact look a bit similar...

By the way, "Climb Mt. Bacon", has got to be one of the best slogans that ever existed. The Triple Baconator has just got to be sampled, where do I sign up?
05-25-2010 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by **********
this is why i dont have an office job
Right during the heart of the recession. Not a good time buddy....
05-25-2010 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by rockrollins

How big of a nit do you have to be up against before you consider dumping QQ/JJ from the BB when he 4bets from the BTN?
No thoughts on this, really?
05-25-2010 , 09:54 AM
Depends; some nits like BvB wars others don't.
05-25-2010 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by rockrollins
No thoughts on this, really?
Who is "he"?
05-25-2010 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by rockrollins
No thoughts on this, really?
Generally speaking, and depending on the breed of nit I'm up against, I'll start flat calling with those hands in the BB before I'll start 3bet/folding them.
05-25-2010 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by GoAheadPutMeOnAK
Who is "he"?
It's just something I was thinking about after getting into it with a nit last night BvB. I'm just thinking in a general sense. Like, if a guy was 10/6, would that be enough? Stuff like that.
05-25-2010 , 11:30 AM
He doesn't really have to be much of a nit it just depends on his 4betting frequency and his play in general. If he's passive then I have no problem 3betting JJ/QQ AQ and a lot worse for value and the fact that I'm sure I play a lot better than him postflop in 3bet pots...and then folding to a 4bet. If he's aggro like me and likes to 4bet then I'm gonna be getting those hands in pre.

Against random 18/14 type people I just assume he's on the passive side and 3bet/fold a lot.

Last edited by hard2tel; 05-25-2010 at 11:36 AM.
05-25-2010 , 12:02 PM
i will never ever drink again. i know ive said that before but this time i mean it!
ok not really
05-25-2010 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by MATEUSZEK
I'm looking for action on the Stanley Cup Finals. I want the Hawks. If you're interested pm me or quote here.

05-25-2010 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by **********
this is why i dont have an office job
this i why I sometimes miss an office job
05-25-2010 , 12:19 PM
disco's link is a fake btw
05-25-2010 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by BigGulps
should be around 3.3:1 (+230) for the Flyers
05-25-2010 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by MATEUSZEK
I'm looking for action on the Stanley Cup Finals. I want the Hawks. If you're interested pm me or quote here.

I'll run out of 'em eventually.
05-25-2010 , 01:37 PM
ass **** **** pussy damn ********** dick bitch ****** **** *** piss tits douche ***** queer mother****er ******* ***** dildo

just wanted to see what words are censored. so i know what not to say and ****
05-25-2010 , 01:43 PM
interesting, dick ok but male chicken not

queer ok but brit would for cig not

ass ok but no its hole.

good coverage of racial slurs

and not so surprisingly pussy cool but "ryhmes with runt" not
05-25-2010 , 01:48 PM
ban imo... lewd language.
05-25-2010 , 01:51 PM
Belated Congrats Ringer.

You will have to let me know when you are taping so I can play like a spew monkey.

Oh wait......
05-25-2010 , 02:10 PM
What the fück are you cünts talking about?
05-25-2010 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by GoAheadPutMeOnAK
What the fück are you cünts talking about?
I lol'd.

also congrats Ringer! now you can tell people how to play aggro! (pleasde don't do this, as your one of few 200nl regs I fear no ****)
05-25-2010 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by BigGulps
Yeah obv I'll give you odds, we'll probably need help figuring out the line without juice though. We can take the average line from a couple different sites if you want.
05-25-2010 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Adam27X
Just in case any of you needed to be retold about how sick variance can be:

Nice photoshop. Like I would believe Sainter could ever have a day like that.
05-25-2010 , 03:12 PM
congrats on the new avatar duke
05-25-2010 , 03:53 PM
ty AggDog

Aside from the antes, all of the 8 handed Iron Man tables at 100NL have wait lists right now. Never seen 'em all full. I've got the jesus seat on Newmanmi.
05-25-2010 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by UCDLaCrosse
I lol'd.

also congrats Ringer! now you can tell people how to play aggro! (pleasde don't do this, as your one of few 200nl regs I fear no ****)
thanks again guys.
