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***The Official 2010 FTP Regulars Thread (NSFW)*** ***The Official 2010 FTP Regulars Thread (NSFW)***

05-20-2010 , 10:38 AM
i find days like that mildly satisfying
05-20-2010 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by AceofSpades
dunno if you guys have visited the poker goals and challenges forum but it's pretty lol reading threads with ridiculously unrealistic goals:

Ppl with $300 bankroll snap deciding they are going to play 40hrs a week of poker and make $10k in 4 months.
Link please?
05-20-2010 , 10:39 AM
i guess i have to represent in the world cup thing as well.
it is just purely random gamb00l right?
05-20-2010 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
tbh, that's actually not a bad business idea. esp w the wsop and the high buy-ins around the corner and most good online players being 1.5:1 to the field. not my thing tho.

also, wrt the well, i vote sainter ainec. i have no idea how he can take a "i have a set" line vs me on 50% of the hands he puts money into the flop. the times i call him down to keep him honest, he has... you guessed it! a set+. with most aggro monkeys, you can make a killing calling them down, but sainter takes the line frequently and always has it. where can i get this magical "set me" button?!? i have other questions too, like where he met the devil to sell his soul for poker glory, etc. :-)
Wouldn't happen since he's not outed and doesn't want to be but I completely agree that it would be interesting and one of the best candidates for one.
05-20-2010 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
where can i get this magical "set me" button?!?
Walmart. Aisle 40, next to the Kleenex

Originally Posted by DoubleFly
i have other questions too, like where he met the devil to sell his soul for poker glory, etc. :-)
Same place. Beelzebub the Greeter. "Your needs? Oh, Aisle 666 for you"
05-20-2010 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by TheRenaissance
i guess i have to represent in the world cup thing as well.
it is just purely random gamb00l right?
yup the best kind
05-20-2010 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by iampi
Link please?

Just under beginners questions (it's a new forum)
05-20-2010 , 10:44 AM
imo world cup shouldn't be random. random means some guy can get brazil, spain, england & netherlands. you should set up groups of 4 teams {brazil + 3 worst}, {spain + next 3 worst} etc and then assign those randomly. just my 2 cents.

or have a draft where you pay more or less based on the odds, depending on who you take. so if you take brazil plus 3 scrub teams that add up to 25%, and the prize pool is $4000 with 8 people, you would have to pay $1000.
05-20-2010 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by TheRenaissance
i find days like that mildly satisfying

Yeah, I'm in a pretty decent mood now. Feel like a weight has been lifted by turning some pretty heavy losses around.
05-20-2010 , 10:52 AM
brazil wont win it
05-20-2010 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by DoubleFly
tbh, that's actually not a bad business idea. esp w the wsop and the high buy-ins around the corner and most good online players being 1.5:1 to the field. not my thing tho.
Sheets and Bax already beat you to the punch
05-20-2010 , 11:01 AM
lol soccer
05-20-2010 , 11:19 AM
lol hand egg
05-20-2010 , 11:20 AM
lol dfly
05-20-2010 , 11:26 AM
if you have a step 6 (600+40) ticket, would you try to qualify for the ME thru the steps or the 150 guarantee satellite? which is more +eV?

i think the steps might be harder as those who managed to play their way up to that level has to be pretty strong in SnG and ICM smart...but i'm not sure.
05-20-2010 , 11:27 AM
interested in the WC bettting yoo
05-20-2010 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by fieldyb
if you have a step 6 (600+40) ticket, would you try to qualify for the ME thru the steps or the 150 guarantee satellite? which is more +eV?

i think the steps might be harder as those who managed to play their way up to that level has to be pretty strong in SnG and ICM smart...but i'm not sure.
On Stars basically the 2k step tourneys are all high stakes sng regs who win like 20 ME seats and take the cash with the occasional random thrown in. Have to believe the 150 guarantee will be far softer.
05-20-2010 , 11:53 AM
yea just heard the george lind interview on the 2p2 podcast..he won 20+ seats 2 years back i sick..
05-20-2010 , 11:55 AM
hyper-turbo SnGs LOL...
05-20-2010 , 12:05 PM
well I earned myself a stay in the hospital. Some IV, Some medicine, and I am back at work feeling like a new man!
05-20-2010 , 12:06 PM
hi guys. playing some 100nl rush. not really a big grinder. just checking in. stay off my blinds. kthxbai.
05-20-2010 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Ricky1231
I x posted this in msfr


Anyone interested in doing a random pool for the world cup? We could take the first 8 people with every entry getting 4 random teams. $500 or 1k buy-in depending on interest.

Payouts could be 70/30 for 1st and 2nd.

Any interest?

I'll spin the wheel for 500
05-20-2010 , 01:33 PM
I might lose my whole afternoon reading the GOAPMOAK well.
05-20-2010 , 01:38 PM
Any kind soul that could send me 30$ on Stars... busto.

nah not really, but a very good friend of mine is coming into poker, and I thought it would be best for him to start on like Stars because then we wouldn't have to set up like a RB account and stuff. I'd pay back in a few days obv (or within 5 min if you can take Ipoker)

Also, he wants help coming out with a very catchy Screen-name
05-20-2010 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by imfromsweden
Any kind soul that could send me 30$ on Stars... busto.

nah not really, but a very good friend of mine is coming into poker, and I thought it would be best for him to start on like Stars because then we wouldn't have to set up like a RB account and stuff. I'd pay back in a few days obv (or within 5 min if you can take Ipoker)

Also, he wants help coming out with a very catchy Screen-name
You don't have money on Stars?
