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***The Official 2010 FTP Regulars Thread (NSFW)*** ***The Official 2010 FTP Regulars Thread (NSFW)***

05-06-2010 , 12:10 PM
Yeah I used to mine back in the day. Mining for personal use is not really bad for the games though.
05-06-2010 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
So my boss made me join a corporate golf league with him. Had my first match last night and I had to give the guy 19-shots for 9 holes.

1) He had one of the counter things to keep track of how many shots he had
2) He had a ball retriever

3) On the 5th hole, he broke out a florescent yellow ball.
Holy **** this will be torture. You should have pulled a Tin Cup. Grab all of his crap and throw it in the trash, or play the entire round with only your 7 iron.
05-06-2010 , 12:26 PM
wow. that premium gives a ****load of info...
05-06-2010 , 12:41 PM
Premium, is no different from anyone's HUD? I guess they just have more hands. Thats what it seems to me.
05-06-2010 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by walkingonwater5
Premium, is no different from anyone's HUD? I guess they just have more hands. Thats what it seems to me.
lol wat?! I don't have over like 15k hands on a guy in my database. PTR gets that in a week on every reg.
05-06-2010 , 01:19 PM
19 a side.... lol. Pure h3ll I expect.
05-06-2010 , 01:27 PM
This PTR Premium seems like it gives out way too much info...
05-06-2010 , 02:03 PM
although ptr is obviously bad for us/the games, premium is going to impact us far less than the HU and higher stakes players. Hopefully they force the sites to make something happen cause I can see this having a small effect (compared to regular PTR) on the full ring games and the regs not pushing the sites to take action
05-06-2010 , 02:07 PM
i just hope ptr doesnt grow too popular because when fish start to know about ptr it will make a huge impact in todays games
05-06-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
although ptr is obviously bad for us/the games, premium is going to impact us far less than the HU and higher stakes players. Hopefully they force the sites to make something happen cause I can see this having a small effect (compared to regular PTR) on the full ring games and the regs not pushing the sites to take action
I agree with your post as a whole but disagree that it will have a small impact on the full ring games. Everybody putting the work in analysing regulars games just got a more powerful tool then leakbuster dropped into their lap...

In the two hours I've had access I've already vastly added to my notes on a lot of people and I'm sure many others will do the same. I think this is going to have a bigger impact then you expect by far.
05-06-2010 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by AgressiveDog
i just hope ptr doesnt grow too popular because when fish start to know about ptr it will make a huge impact in todays games
Agree but I think for the most part the cats out of the bag.
05-06-2010 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by skelm
I agree with your post as a whole but disagree that it will have a small impact on the full ring games. Everybody putting the work in analysing regulars games just got a more powerful tool then leakbuster dropped into their lap...

In the two hours I've had access I've already vastly added to my notes on a lot of people and I'm sure many others will do the same. I think this is going to have a bigger impact then you expect by far.
I just skimmed over the stats you posted from premium but isn't it similar to what you can get from Hem/pt3 but just a larger sample? I mean yes your going over the data and getting valuable info but would your db on most regs be good enough to effectively do this anyways? You're going over a PTR database but I'm under the impression you could get similar results going over your own db (for full ring smalll stakes). I guess the biggest advantage would be for people switching sites.

If I'm wrong I might just sign up :-)
05-06-2010 , 02:22 PM
wtf this is way too much info, if data mining is illegal then this has to be as well. I don't want somebody looking at my stats when I'm in a pot with them, I could think i'm playing a random unknown whereas they could have a tonne of stats on me. Personally I think even winrates are too much to show, but showing pfr, vpip etc is rediculous. The impact its had on heads up is rediculous, most of the tables are people sitting out waiting for a fish, if a reg sits they refuse to play sit out and fake post the bb etc to keep the table.
05-06-2010 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
I just skimmed over the stats you posted from premium but isn't it similar to what you can get from Hem/pt3 but just a larger sample? I mean yes your going over the data and getting valuable info but would your db on most regs be good enough to effectively do this anyways? You're going over a PTR database but I'm under the impression you could get similar results going over your own db (for full ring smalll stakes). I guess the biggest advantage would be for people switching sites.

If I'm wrong I might just sign up :-)
I already do this very frequently but even with as large a database as I have (note: probably larger then 99% of people that post here) the PTR database still gave me a lot more added info that I hadn't been able to find previously and in one instance even showed me something that I thought was true over a large sample, wasn't.

This combined with the leakbuster page (or whatever you'd call it) giving me more indication of things I should be looking into for a particular opponent makes it combined with HEM (after all there's no true substitute for custom filters in Hold'em Manager) a very, very concise way to analyse others games even further.
05-06-2010 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by TheRenaissance
Yeah I used to mine back in the day. Mining for personal use is not really bad for the games though.
yes it was, you end up with huge samples on regs

its the exact same thing as PTR just to a smaller scale
05-06-2010 , 02:39 PM
hi ftp regs

is there an ahk program to preselect the fold bubble? i have table ninja but that's not working for me.
05-06-2010 , 02:47 PM
Are you using TNFT? Different than TN for Stars. It's a pretty solid program, if simple functions aren't working, there's a thread for it in the software forum that gets responses from the programmers very quickly.
05-06-2010 , 02:52 PM
not sure exactly how bad ptr premium will be for the games, but it can't be good. gtfo please
05-06-2010 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
although ptr is obviously bad for us/the games, premium is going to impact us far less than the HU and higher stakes players. Hopefully they force the sites to make something happen cause I can see this having a small effect (compared to regular PTR) on the full ring games and the regs not pushing the sites to take action
yea, it isnt good for FR players but its no means the end of the world. i mean does having a 300k hands on somebody really make that much of a difference over having 5k. bigger sample size is obv nice, but people also change play styles. theres a reason alot of people only want hands on there HUDs from the last couple months. im sure theres plenty of players who if someone is basing making adjustments on there overall sample instead of just their last month then this will benefit that player. now if ptr has a filter for time frames with stats then this really sucks as it makes the period of adjustment alot quicker.

if i was a HU player id be drinking heavily right now. not only is bumhunting gona be even worse but now more people are gona be encouraged to cheat. and i dont mean cheat cuz ptr premium is against the rules and they will all use it. i mean even more people are gona be switching screen names and that kinda stuff.
05-06-2010 , 02:53 PM
So hypothetical question - What do people think would be better and why?

- Keeping things the way they are now


- No more TableRatings or tracking software at all for anybody (hypothetically assume nobody could/would work around this)
05-06-2010 , 02:53 PM
**** me the Cubs are really bad.
05-06-2010 , 02:53 PM
thanks gunslinger. posted in that thread and yeah was using the ftp version.
05-06-2010 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by skelm
So hypothetical question - What do people think would be better and why?

- Keeping things the way they are now


- No more TableRatings or tracking software at all for anybody (hypothetically assume nobody could/would work around this)
I'll take option B for 1000 Alex.

I think stats are a bit over-rated anyway, so I wouldn't mind playing without a HUD and I think most of us would still do well.

People would have to play less tables though.
05-06-2010 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by H0NEY BADGER
yea, it isnt good for FR players but its no means the end of the world. i mean does having a 300k hands on somebody really make that much of a difference over having 5k. bigger sample size is obv nice, but people also change play styles. theres a reason alot of people only want hands on there HUDs from the last couple months. im sure theres plenty of players who if someone is basing making adjustments on there overall sample instead of just their last month then this will benefit that player. now if ptr has a filter for time frames with stats then this really sucks as it makes the period of adjustment alot quicker.

if i was a HU player id be drinking heavily right now. not only is bumhunting gona be even worse but now more people are gona be encouraged to cheat. and i dont mean cheat cuz ptr premium is against the rules and they will all use it. i mean even more people are gona be switching screen names and that kinda stuff.
Not when at the tables but as far as reviewing how somebody plays in 3bet/4bet scenarios or looking for bet sizing tells / polarized ranges, etc' - Most definitely.

And yeah, unfortunately PTR Premium does let you filter for a date range
05-06-2010 , 02:56 PM
the 2nd option is better for the games in general. but for a lazy person who likes to multi-table (me) id rather keep my HEM and deal with tableratings costing me some fish and allowing other not as lazy regs exploit me more.

but if i was HU player or higher stakes 6max id take the 2nd option and its not even close.
