Live 1/2. Game is weak/loose, not very aggressive, especially preflop. The game got down to about 7, so I was lagging it up and taking down a lot of small/medium sized pots to c-bets on the flop.
I had a hand with this villain about an hour prior: I c/r him big on the turn and put him in instantly on the river for about $100 into a $200+ plus pot, he folds AK TPTK and get's really pissed off talks crap for about 10 minutes about how I sucked out on him, he read me for a rivered 2 pair - which was certainly possible, but not very probable. He had been playing pretty standard until that hand. Then I saw a couple of pretty low percentage bluffs, tiny river raises in large pots that got picked off pretty fast.
Hero is MP with QJo. 1 limp, hero makes it $8. Villain CC's from BTN, limper calls.
Flop (3 players, $27): Q



EP checks, Hero bets $15, BTN calls, EP calls.
Turn (3 players, $72): 9

EP checks, Hero checks, BTN near insta-shoves for about $85, EP folds, hero calls.