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NL100 220BBs Deep, Flopped Set in Mway Rzd Pot NL100 220BBs Deep, Flopped Set in Mway Rzd Pot

07-15-2009 , 11:35 AM
Sorry for the format of this hand. I was not the hero; I saw this hand go down and wanted to post this (it was 9 handed of course):

Preflop raiser: 20/10/2.1
Hero (SB): 17/5/1.7 220$ effective stack
Villain (BB): 20/11/4 220$ " "

Hero is in SB with 8d8h.

Action: Preflop: The preflop raiser open raises to 3.5BB in mp1. The button calls. Hero calls in SB, and the villain calls in BB.

Flop (4 players to the flop): Qs8s9c

Pot is 13. Hero in SB leads out for 8. Villain in BB raises to 24. Original raiser and button fold.

Hero's action?
07-15-2009 , 11:44 AM
If JT makes the nuts then someone has JT. If it doesn't make the nuts then someone still has it anyway

I call here.
