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Live 1/2 - Middle pair out of position Live 1/2 - Middle pair out of position

08-04-2008 , 09:37 PM
This hand happened this weekend at a live 1/2 NL table and it got me thinking about whether my approach with middle pair out of position is correct or not.

In SB with 99, have a stack around $400. BB has around $600 and is aggressive. MP has less than $100. Button has around $150 is tight.

MP raises to $15, button calls, SB calls, BB calls. (pot $60)

Flop is 378 rainbow.
SB checks, BB checks, MP is allin for $56, button folds, SB calls, BB folds.

In the hand my 99 held up. MP had T8c.

Button and BB commented they were surprised I did not raise. My response was that with a raise, a call, and a player to act behind I typically call and see what the flop brings. Button commented he would re-raise to like $25.

So what is the best way to play a mid pair in this type of game (over sized preflop raises, short stacks, and often players who will raise to $15 or $20 pre flop, get 3-5 callers and think a $20 bet on the flop is a big bet). Limp and hope to get a good flop or set, or raise?

Thanks for opinions in advance.
