Originally Posted by NFuego20
This being the most expensive online donkament I've ever played, I seriously wonder how some people can deal with going out in the most ridiculous ways. I'd be upset in a $10 donkament if I went out the way shaffer just did, and I'm still kind of steamed about how I went out an hour ago in another one.
I just treated it as a $500 expense in which I was +EV. Donkaments are soulcrusing but the occasional final table score is sweet. I don't normally play tournaments this big (I'm a huge bankroll nit) but decided to treat myself as my last 5 days or so have been good at the tables.
As for how I handle it, there may or may not have been some profanity at very loud volumes, but at least the house is still intact.
The worst is that every tournament where I make it deep, to like the final 3 tables and to where the payouts are just starting to accelerate, I'll get it all-in with AA and get sucked out on, when winning would make me chip leader or something along those lines. That to me is quite a bit worse than going out early in a ridiculous beat like I did in this one.