line is now +4.5 @ pinny i will lay you some if you cant get any action.btw i put £700 on indy to win 1/2 or -200 as you yanks say gonna be a man and put the rest on indy on the i want either a n.o win or an indy cover lol just not indy to win between 1 and 4 lol
im in a win/win situation though if indy win but fail to cover i win £350($500 approx) if indy win and cover i will win £600 and if the saints win i win £1400 so i can enjoy the sb,without sweating on the saints to win £2900 gotta be smart and lock a profit lol
oh man that would suck so much if it was super close
let me know by friday if you want the action on saints +4.5 as im off to london for the weekend for the nfl uk sb party makes sense to lay off some without the juice.also im still down for the props pool if its organized before friday for 50
still laying on my futures lol,gonna do the rest online before i head off to london babyyy,cant wait to see all those z-list celebs at the nfluk sb party,reminder to self,take my autograph book
also is anyone besides tuma interested in prop bet pool. Do one with like 15-20 props and whoever picks the most right wins all. HSNL one has a good formula to use for it all
also is anyone besides tuma interested in prop bet pool. Do one with like 15-20 props and whoever picks the most right wins all. HSNL one has a good formula to use for it all