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5/10 Live: QQ on K high drawy board, bet turn? 5/10 Live: QQ on K high drawy board, bet turn?

12-31-2009 , 04:56 PM
5/10 Live, Hero has 4k Villain around 2k

Villain raises UTG to 40, hero calls 40 from MP with QQ, button calls 40, bb calls 40.

Villain is very tight opening from EP and folds a lot to 3 bets, after the flop he is generally weak tight. I put his range on 99+, AK. Instead of 3betting I decide to switch it up and call.

Pot 160: Flop Ks8s2d

Villain checks, Hero bets 125, button folds, bb folds, villain calls 125

I thought that villain would bet here with AK, AA,KK, Kx, and flush draws. I am thinking his calling range is 99-JJ, flush draws, and KK.

Pot 410: Turn 7s

Villain checks, Hero bets 250, Villain calls 250

I thought that if I bet here I could get a free showdown on the river and there was a chance that if he had KQ, KJ (although very unlikely) he may actually fold. He makes a lot of ridic faceup weak/tight folds.

I may just be valuetowning myself against AK, KK, or a flush though. Am I really going to get any value from 99-JJ here? I doubt he is going to call me on the turn with those hands. I didn't have the Q of spades either.

I was thinking the better play would have been to check behind here. I could fold to a bet on the river since I really don't beat anything and if he were to check the river, I could value bet.

Pot 910: River 8c

Villain checks, Hero checks

Thought checking behind here was best, I don't think there is any hand he can call with that doesn't have me beat.
12-31-2009 , 05:46 PM
If you had a spade, I'd prefer checking.

As is, I like a bet/check river because giving JJ/TT with a spade a free card isn't optimal. You played fine.
01-01-2010 , 01:53 AM
played perfectly. no more value to be had. if he donked river you fold. if he check/raised turn you fold. you pretty much got max value out of his range that you are ahead of
