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200NL: KK vs. Nit 200NL: KK vs. Nit

01-03-2008 , 01:16 AM
Villain is ~13/7 and pretty solid over a big sample. I don't see him 3bet much, and when he does it, he usually has QQ+. He knows I raise any pair UTG and will call a normal-sized 3bet with it, and he knows I fastplay sets. I assume that 13/7's aren't raising this flop with QQ, but they almost certainly are with AA. Am I wrong? Is this too nitty of a fold?

Ultimate Bet $1.00/$2.00 No Limit Hold'em - 10 players

Hero (UTG): $223.05
UTG+1: $200.00
UTG+2: $144.20
MP1: $129.75
MP2: $178.15
MP3: $198.00
CO: $263.65
BTN: $292.55
SB: $189.45
BB: $221.45

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG with K K
Hero raises to $7, UTG+1 raises to $20, 8 folds, Hero calls $13

Flop: ($43.00) 7 6 4 (2 players)
Hero bets $32, UTG+1 raises to $75, Hero folds
01-03-2008 , 01:19 AM
looks good to me
nice sizings and all

u ever 4b this pf agaisnt him? or u generally just r/c him?
01-03-2008 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by Split Suit
u ever 4b this pf agaisnt him? or u generally just r/c him?
Yeah, I'm not against 4betting this or anything...probably 50/50. The main reason I didn't this time is that he's UTG+1 and is 3betting a tight UTG raiser (he probably has me ~13/9 overall and 9/9 UTG).
01-03-2008 , 01:28 AM
then yea...i like it. just making sure ur 4b-ing sometimes against this guy.
01-03-2008 , 01:36 AM
I don't like the flop donk just to fold.
01-03-2008 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
I don't like the flop donk just to fold.
Me neither. Felt this board. What did you expect to happen when you donked?
01-03-2008 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
I don't like the flop donk just to fold.
So are you just stacking off here 100% of the time? If so, does that mean you think he has KK/QQ/JJ at least half the time?
01-03-2008 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Me neither. Felt this board. What did you expect to happen when you donked?
If I just get called, I'm stacking off (even if he has AA). When he raises, it really narrows down his range, and I don't think I'm ahead all that often against a 13/7.
01-03-2008 , 02:26 AM
Wow. I am 4 betting this PF and probably getting stacked on the flop. I can't see folding this. I agree with CDL on the flop bet/fold. You seem as though you thought you were beat when he three bet you. Why did you even bet? Heck why even call his three bet PF given your read?? I don't agree with your read but it's what you were thinking at the time.
01-03-2008 , 02:35 AM
Kos, think about the hand through his eyes....What does he think you have? Would it be unreasonable to think he put you on 88+ leading the flop? In which case, wouldn't he be able to do that with a wider range than you're giving him cred for? PS: 13/7 isnt THAT nitty imo
01-03-2008 , 02:42 AM
i wouldn't get away from this this easily

i wouldn't lead the flop though either

you could cc flop or cr it imo
01-03-2008 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by ncboiler
You seem as though you thought you were beat when he three bet you. Why did you even bet? Heck why even call his three bet PF given your read??
I definitely don't think I'm beat when a 13/7 3bets me here. I do think, though, that a lot of 13/7's aren't raising this flop against a 13/9 without a big hand. I donk it to make him give me some information. If he just calls, I'm never folding. If he raises, I think it narrows his range to AA or QQ (or I guess KK). Yes, I beat half that range, though I think he has AA more often than he has QQ.

I don't know...this certainly isn't a proud moment of mine or anything, and I'm not saying he can only have AA here. I just think his range is made up of nothing but AA/QQ when he raises the flop because he's clearly trying to commit himself, and I don't know many "good" 13/7's who want to get all in here with JJ.

This isn't a normal play for me or anything like that...I just didn't really like the spot at all. I figured I might just be losing my mind, and based on the majority of the replies, I guess I am.
01-03-2008 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by 0524432
Kos, think about the hand through his eyes....What does he think you have? Would it be unreasonable to think he put you on 88+ leading the flop? In which case, wouldn't he be able to do that with a wider range than you're giving him cred for?
Do you know many 13/9's who donk this flop with JJ-88? I'd say I pretty much never lead this flop with JJ-88.

Originally Posted by 0524432
PS: 13/7 isnt THAT nitty imo
It's not "nitty" if you mean passive, but it's super tight, that's for sure.
01-03-2008 , 03:13 AM
So what did you put him on here to make the fold is now what I'm wondering?

By not "nitty" I meant, his 7 PFR value could be tigher, yes it's tight, but its not even close to a 2-5 PFR value.
01-03-2008 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Me neither. Felt this board. What did you expect to happen when you donked?
QFT. Pre-flop is okay, flop I check/raise and get it all in. If he has AA, what are you going to do... The whole point of not 4-betting pre-flop is keeping hands that aren't KK+ in his range.
01-03-2008 , 10:09 AM
by calling pf you hide the value of your hand. As played c/r flop and force him to make the decision. He may have AA but put you on set and fold.
