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200NL Jerk posting multiple threads needs line check with JJ 200NL Jerk posting multiple threads needs line check with JJ

08-08-2008 , 06:14 PM
Again sorry for no convert. Not at my comp.

FR 1/2 Tilt

ep ($187 19/5) limps
mp1 ($78 12/8) limps
I($211 13/10) raise to $8 out of the SB with JJ
ep calls
mp1 calls
3 to flop

10s 9h 8c

I c-bet $25
ep raises to $100
mp1 folds

I'm thoroughly confused as usual. So I push...

Aweful or no?
08-08-2008 , 06:41 PM
Not really enough info, if it is wrong to shove it isnt THAT wrong.
With what we have, shoving should usually be slightly > than folding. The whole 19/5 thing scares me a bit tho.
08-08-2008 , 09:30 PM
Raise way, way more pre. With two limpers and I'm stuck OOP I make typically make it around $13 to go.

I could find a fold here. EP has a set way too often.
08-08-2008 , 09:42 PM
$14 preflop.

Flop bet as played seems good, if you raised more as suggested above, obviously increase proportionally.

As played, you are generally beat here by sets, T9s, etc, but you could also be in great shape against JTs and the like. You have no fold equity, so shoving is a high variance play, but seems like you have enough equity to do so. You can never be in terrible shape here (I cannot imagine him doing this with QJ, he can't really have J7, and 76 is possible but unlikely, with us having seven outs twice against it anyway.
08-08-2008 , 09:44 PM
Bottom line, you have an overpair with an OESD, for less than an effective full buy in, with a bit of dead money in the pot. Shoving can never be wrong by much.
