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2/5 live flopped OESD w/ straddle 2/5 live flopped OESD w/ straddle

06-06-2008 , 02:11 PM
I have J8 otb w/ a Mississippi Straddle on. It folds around to the CO who has 265 behind and is a fairly new player. They raise to 25, and I call.

Flop comes KT9

They lead out for 40

Even though it's a fairly new player I think at best they have second pair. Maybe JJ. More likely it's AQ, AJ, AT. I raise to 170. I'm trying to represent a set, two pair, or flopped nuts w/ no . This is all easily in my range. They call and leave 75 behind. Right now I think my read is correct. If they had AK, KQ, AA, the FD, or even QQ probably they would've shoved it in.

Turn comes A

They shove the remaining 75. Hero?

I have to call here, but that card is gross. Now all the hands I'm sure they had have now hit, more then likely it's just top pair now. That means I need a 7 to win, and a Q to split at best. I know I'm not facing the nuts here, but for sure they have top pair. Should I have raised more to get them off a gutter/A draw? I was trying to make a move so a spade/straight wouldn't kill my action, and also to get them off their hand. If they have spades I feel like they would have reshoved on the flop.
06-06-2008 , 04:05 PM
Fold preflop. Your implied are like what, 11-1? Not nearly enough to call with a suited 2 gapper.
06-06-2008 , 04:51 PM
You messed this one up pretty bad.

Originally Posted by lewdjunglist
I have J8 otb w/ a Mississippi Straddle on.
What the hell is a Mississippi Straddle?

Why do keep referring to villain in the plural?

Don't CC a raise with this hand, especially when effective aren't deep.

I know you flopped a straight-draw, but in the world of 2 card open-ended straight-draws, this is about as weak as they come (given villain's range). I don't think I'm bluffing at this very often. I think about 1/4 of the hands in his range from the flop are snap calling/shoving. What I'm saying is that you have little fold equity and if you get called, which is often, your outs are pretty dirty.

It feels sort of like burning $75, but you obviously have to call the turn.
06-06-2008 , 08:30 PM
I believe a Mississippi straddle is a straddle when you're on the button. I think if it gets to the BB and they call you then get last action, but I'm not sure about that.

Fold preflop.

I'm not sure what the pot is on the flop but anything more aggressive than a call is bad in my mind.

If you really feel like bluffing I think you can do it for less than you raised while still winning almost as often.
06-07-2008 , 05:17 PM
A true Mississippi straddle is a straddle anywhere. The button gets first priority. Where I was playing only UTG and the button can straddle. When the button straddles the SB is first to act.

I kept referring to villian in the plural because I was half asleep when I posted this thread.

So it's pretty much agreed I blew this one big time...nice. I kind of figured. Villian flipped over AQ btw =\
