Originally Posted by tomrh3
can you do a COTW on calling 3bets OOP? no, seriously, I think it would be awesome and good for the games.
Nah sorry I am not qualify to make a COTW to be honest with you.
Only thing I can show you is a short graph over a small sample size.
I started with a new acconut on another site.
Just a new beginning from zero and I am very happy so far and its going very well but I still have a lot of nonbeliver and haters who still think I am big joke and troll.
But thats ok.
I am always going my way.....
I feel I can beat the game even with my not perfect mindset yet but I want improve, I want learn.
Thats is a really small step for me and my improvement.
I am not a bonus whore who is grinding 24 tables 8h-10 h a day. I will never be that guy. I am just playing 4-5 tables at once 2h-3h a day and thats is.
The rest of the day is study and I want really improve my game.
I want change bad things and want show improvment.
If I can show a graph like this over 100k, 200k hands than I can think about to give somethings back to the comunity but now I am still a big fish who knows its a loooong way to go...
Last edited by MartinK1; 10-02-2010 at 10:42 AM.